Barren County KY Deeds

Arnett to McCoy McCoy to McCoy
Barren Co to Moore McCoy to Shirley
Barren Co. to Moore Misc. Carter Deeds
Barren Co to Wyatt Morriss to Button
Barren Co to Wyatt Moore to Bailey
Barren Co to Wyatt Moore to Bailey
Bridges to Moore Moore to Dishman
Burris to Deweese Moore to Franklin
Bushong survey Moore & McGown to White
Bushong to Chapman Perkins to Moore
Carter to Carter Perkins to Moore
Carter to Smith Pickett to Borders
Cox to McCoy Pickett to Pickett
Craddock to Wyatt Pickett to Spotswood
Crawford ot Moorehead Reed to Ford
Deweese to Mt. Olivet Church Reed to Glintworth
Franklin to Moore Robertson to Harlow
Greer to Moore Rogers to Whitney
Hogg to Berry Scott to Moore & McGowen
Hogg & Trigg to Littrell Thomas to Wyatt
Lawler to Munday Warder to Lawler
Marshall to Pickett Wells to Smith
Mawk to Deweese Wells & Tolle to McCoy
McCoy to McCoy Wilkinson to Berry


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