KENTUCKY COURT of APPEALS Vol I (Cook & Cook) pg276
Indenture, June 19, 1801, JOHN REED of Philadelphia, merchant, and Rachel his wife, STANDISH FORD of the same city, merchant, and Sarah his wife to WILLIAM CROGHAN of Jefferson County, Kentucky, for 5 shillings, four tracts of land in Kentucky, in the district set apart for the officers and soldiers of the Virginia State Line, to-wit, one tract on Clay Lick Fork of Little Barren River, beginning in the upper line of an entry of MARY KELLAM, thence west, containing 830 acres surveyed April 20, 1792.
Also a tract on the same creek, beginning the east corner of Roger's & Wilson's 1200 acre survey, thence north, bounded by DUNCAN INGRAHAM, containing 200 acres surveyed November 26, 1793.
Also a tract about 2 or 3 miles westwardly from the forks of Little Barren River and bout 4 miles from McKinney's Station, beginning at the head of a large sinking spring and then north, containing 224 acres surveyed November 25, 1793.
Also a tract on the north side of Big Barren River about 6 miles below McFadden's Ferry, beginning at the upper corner of WILLIAM CROGHAN's 1000 acre survey, thence up the river East and South, containing 231 acres survey April 26, 1793.
The said first tract was granted by Kentucky patent May 16, 1793 to REED and FORD as assignees of BENJAMIN EDMUNDSON; the second tract granted by Kentucky Patent November 19, 1794 to REED and FORD as assignees of JOHN WALLACE and THOMAS WARREN; the third tract as assignees of WILLIAM OLIVER, patent dated November 29, 1794; the fourth tract to REED and FORD as assignees of BENJAMIN EDMUNDSON on the same dated.
Witnessed by W. Clarks, Rees E. Fleener and W. Daveiss. Rachel Reed and Sarah Ford relinquished rights of dower. Acknowledged June 20, 1801 City of Philadelphia and recorded October 21, 1801 by the Kentucky Court of Appeals.
Sharon's Note: *although the people mentioned in this deed were not in Barren Co, the lands conveyed were located in Barren Co.* |