Barren County KY Deeds


Transcribed and contributed by Sharon Tabor

"This Indenture made and entered into this 31st day of August 1848 betwen Ozias Hogg and Nancy his wife & Thomas Tinsley & Elizabeth his wife of the first part and Benjamin Littrell of the second part all of Barren County Kentucky Witnesseth that the said Hogg & Tinsley for & in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars have this day bargained & sold & do hereby convey to the said Littrell a certain tract of land in Barren County lying between Philip's branch & Canoe Creek and bounded as follows viz: Begining at a wild cherry near an old field, thence S40 W88 poles to a sugartree on a path thence S20 E120 poles to a poplar thence E140 poles to two beeches & ash George Buley's corner, thence with Buley's line N280 poles to a sugartree on a hill, thence N80 W50 poles to a beach and sasafrass thence S35 W130 poles to the Beginning. Containing 230 acres more or less. To have & to hold said land to said Littrell for ever and the said Hogg & Tinsley agree to forever warrant & defend the same to said Littrell free from the claims of themselves & their heirs only. In Witness the said Hogg & wife & Tinsley & wife have hereunto set their hands & Seals this day & date above written.
/s/ Ozias Hogg
Thomas (X) Tinsley


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