Fayette County Kentucky - History

antique steam-powered train

Lexington History Museum
Historic Preservation in Fayette County (KY)
The Blue Grass Trust
Fayette Co. Historic Cemetery Preservation Group

Lexington Artists 1788-1871
Charles S. Bell - Father of Lexington's Beautiful Cemetery
Belle Brezing - A Biography from Univ. of KY Archives
Excerpts:  A Narrative of the Life & Travels of John Robert Shaw
Cholera in Fayette County: 1832
Cholera in Fayette County: 1833
Life and adventures of Col. Daniel Boone
Ancient Fayette County KY - 1882 Account
Account of Lexington's 1781 Fort
Original Lexington Survey, Copy of Act Found in 1891
E.J. Cook Reminiscences
The Confectionery of Monsieur Giron
Lexington's First Fire Companies
Early Lexington Inventions
First American Locomotive
Lexington Motor Company
First KY Newspaper in Lexington, 1787
The Lexington Kentucky Post Office
Lexington Ky 1865 city sketch with an emphasis on Henry Clay
Trollope's 1862 View of Lexington
History Shrines in and About Lexington

The History of Four Lexingtons - 1902 Article
Abraham Lincoln's Eulogy on Henry Clay
A Note on the Lexington Cemetery
Valley View Ferry  from the Lane Report
The Graves Tavern Stand

In the Kentuckiana Digital Library
Directory of St. Paul's Catholic Church circa 1900

Extracts from the minutes of West Lexington Presbytery 1817
Records of the First Presbyterian Church of Lexington 1898
Centennial, St. Catherine's Academy, 1823-1923
History of Medicine in Fayette County Oral History Project

The First American West: The Ohio River Valley, 1750-1820
Draper: depositions Land Suits in KY Courts between 1794 & 1824
Kentucky Budget 1792
The Filson Historical Society
The Kentucky Historical Society
The Kentucky Long Rifle
The Kentucky Pioneers by John Mason Brown 1887
Ruddell's and Martin's Forts
Sandy Gorin's Kentucky Biographies
Kentucky Biographies Project
Kentucky Footsteps Digest Archives
The Kentucky Genealogical Society
Kentucky Resources by RootsWeb
KY County Clerks
Professional Licensure Applications in the State Archives
Search the USGenWeb Kentucky Archives (including Ky Footsteps)
The USGenWeb Tombstone Transcription Project (KY)
KY Genealogy Resources on the Internet
Westward Movement: The Kentucky Microcosm
Kentucky at the 1904 World's Fair
The Adena People: Moundbuilders of Kentucky (video)

Letters from Levi Todd to the Governor of Virginia
Azel Fitch to Alexander Fitch, 13 January 1828
Nov 23, 1834 from Nat'l. Hart to Jas. McDowell in Lexington, KY
Letter from Tho. Smith, KY Reporter Editor, 1830


Flute and Violin and Other Kentucky Tales by James Lane Allen (file donated by Chris Lange) This .pdf file requires Adobe Reader which may be downloaded for free

Battle of the Blue Licks," from The Choir Invisible. James Lane Allen, 1897
The Blue-Grass region of Kentucky
, James Lane Allen, 1892

The cross road store, or the evils of a dram-shop: the history of a Kentucky village: a novel founded on facts, T.F. Barker, 1892

The Frontiersmen, Allan W. Eckert, Little, Brown, 1967
Home to Kentucky: a novel of Henry Clay, Alfred Leland Crabb, 1953
Kentucky, I.J. Schwartz (translated from Yiddish) The University of Alabama Press, 1990 [orig. 1925].
King Solomon of Kentucky," from Flute and Violin and Other Kentucky Tales, James Lane Allen, 1891
In Kentucky" (1902 Poem)

US Congressional Documents and Debates: 1884-1875
The Conquest of the Old Southwest: The Romantic Story of the Early Pioneers into Virginia, The Carolinas, Tennessee, and Kentucky 1740-1790, by Archibald Henderson
Documenting the American South: Southern Literature, First-Person & African American Slave Narratives
American Memory
Making of America Digital Library
The American South
American Association for State and Local History
Historical Geography Specialty Group

Historical US Census Data Browser (1790-1970)
Immigration History Research Center Good KY Holdings
Internet Library of Early Journals
The National Archives
Native Plants Searchable Database
Part of the Colonial Backwater
Scholary Societies - History
Geographic Names Information System

Index to CRM Online (Cultural Resource Management)

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