Barren Co, KY
Military Hall of Fame
Roster of Soldiers from the
Revolutionary War through the present
who were born in, served from, died in or were buried in
Barren Co.
From "Barren County, Kentucky's
Military Hall of Fame", Vol 1,©Gorin
Genealogical Publishing - (c) July 1995
County, Kentucky's Military Hall of Fame", Vol 2,©Gorin
Genealogical Publishing -(c)August 2005
Notes about the Soldiers'
Rosters by Sandi
Gorin |
Names were often spelled as they sounded by
clerks, and handwriting often misread by
transcribers, thus, there are various spellings
for the same surnames. |
- The Militia. Not everyone who served in the
militia served in the Civil War, although many
did. Drills were held every month at the various
camps in the area - they were to be ready at a
moments notice. On occassion names will be found
that appear to be the same- one showing militia
-one in the war. It could be the same individual,
or not. The militia names were taken from the
handwritten copies by the commanders of the
militia units. |
- Sources include the following: Revolutionary
War Pension Applications , War of 1812 Pension
Applications, cemetery records, the Orphan
Brigade by Thompson, the DAV, the VFW, Senator
Mitch McConnell who provided access to military
records from the Korean and Vietnam War, Militia
reports, rosters of the War of 1812 from Gorin,
Yeaky, Malone, Hall and Brown, and the DD214's at
the courthouse. |
-This list is a work in progress, but will
increase as more information is obtained.
Corrections or additions are invited. |
-Please submit information to Sandi
Gorin |
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