Anderson County, KYGenWeb Project
Military Records
Revolutionary War Era
Revolutionary War Soldiers that once lived in Anderson County, Kentucky
Defenders of McAfee Station & Other Battles
Rueben Boston Grave Marking
This is new material.
War of 1812
War of 1812 Soldiers with ties to Anderson County
Contributed by Luther Allen Davenport
Mexican War
Contributed by Luther Allen Davenport
Tindall Brothers (Salt River Tigers)
Contributed by Shelly Tindal Alexander
Civil War - Union Army
Civil War - Confederate Army
Confederate Soldiers from Anderson County, KY
Confederate Soldiers from Nelson County, KY
Anderson County Militia 1865-1869
Anderson County Militia 1865 - 1869
Gleaned from Wyatt Shely Papers
Anderson County Veterans Wall of Honor
Sons of American Legion Flag Project
Links to Military Records on Other Websites
Mexican War Soldiers (Link to Mercer County)
Civil War Unit Rosters (Link to Mercer County)
5th U.S. Colored Cavalry at Simpsonville, Ky
(Link to this site - Courtesy of Uley T. Washburn, Jr.)
Fallen Kentucky Soldiers in WWI Anderson County (Link to another site )