Pulaski County, Kentucky
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Biography Sites:
- Cyndi Howell's Biography Page
- Obituaries=Mini Bios:
- Cyndi Howell's Obituary Page
- Pulaski County KYGenWeb Archives
- ARMSTRONG, Abner (b.
- SURNAMES: Armstrong, Boone, Rhodes
- ARMSTRONG, Ari (b. 1814)
- SURNAMES: Armstrong, Dye, Pitman, Short
Rev. Jerome B. (b. 1846) off
- SURNAMES: Bradley, Galbraith, Insko,
McDowell, Maston, Owens
- COOMER, John C. (b. 1861),
by James Edward Fitzgerald
- SURNAMES: Brown, Coomer, Evans,
Fitzgerald, Hamm, Mitchell, Purdue, Ramsey, Satterfield,
Smith, Stigall, Tarter
(1757-1849), by LaVelda Faull
- SURNAMES: Adams, Beaty, Boone, Crabtree,
Doolin, Duland, Forbise, Huffaker, Hurt, Jones, Lacy,
Lawson, Lewis, McKee, McKelson, McKilwin, Moor, Moore,
More, Pike, Rodgers, Smith, Thompson, Waddle, Whitaker,
Williams, Woddle
- DOLLARHIDE, Cornelius
and Thomas Pulaski County Dollarhides,
by LaVelda Faull
- SURNAMES: Bryan, Buster, Caldwell,
Campbell, Chittington, Clark, Coggin, Colston, Cooper,
Cowan, Cox, Curd, Dewes, Dogan, Dollarhide, Dollerhide,
Dugan, Dunn, Elliot, Fitzpatrick, Hancock, Hansford,
Hargrove, Hays, Herrin, Jasper, Kinney, Kuney, Lea, Lee,
Levine, Malone, Mills, Mims, Nevil, Owens, Prather, Roy
Saunders, Smith, Tomlinson, Williams
- DOLLARHIDE, C. Francis
(1750-1837) C. Frances Dollarhide, by
LaVelda Faull
- Adamson, Barnett, Berry, Burgess, Burrell,
Chadic, Chaddis, Clark, Collins, Dellertine, Dillertine,
Ditterline, Ditto, Dobbins, Dodson, Dollahite,
Dollarhide, Dozier, Dugan, Elliott, Gouterman, Graham,
Hadden, Hay, Hether, Hornback, Hubble, Hubele, Kindall,
Loveall, Lytle, Matthews, May, Moore, Morrow, Nalls,
Norcutt, Null, Parks, Pennington, Rigney, Roberson,
Samples, Shadduck, Small, Sexton, Stone, Taylor, Warren,
Wilson, Yates, Young
- GIRDLER, James
GRUBB, Joseph Porter (b.
- SURNAMES: Cowan, Grubb, Hughes, Keedy,
McDonnell, Porter, Sherman, Taney
- HARDWICK, Thomas S. (b.
abt 1849)
- SURNAMES: Ellison, Hardwick, Harnocker,
Short, Turpin, Whitted
- HODGE, John (m. 1822), by
Jeannine Hodge
- SURNAMES: Ables, Barbarz, Bastin, Cundiff,
Haggard, Hall, Hodge
- LUKENBILL, Absalom (b.
- SURNAMES: Lukenbill, Thomas, Vail
- McDANIEL, Franklin (b.
1846), The Life of Franklin McDaniel, by
Robert McDaniel
- SURNAMES: Burleigh, Deroset, Dorrel,
Emerson, Jefferson, Johnson, Kennedy, Littlejohn, Luford,
Martin, Maxwell, McDaniel, Neal, Randall, Sawyer, Scales,
Stephens, Tomey, Weaver, Weddle
- McDANIEL, Harvey (b.
- SURNAMES: Beattie, Darrell, Derosset,
McDaniel, Owens
- McDANIEL, John (b. 1834)
- SURNAMES: Littlejohn, McDaniel, Martin
- SURNAMES: Adams, Merchant, Patton,
Richardson, Stephanson
- SINCLAIR, Nelson (marr
- SURNAMES: Lawrence, Shelton, Sinclair,
- YOUNG, Michael
(b.about 1755)
- SURNAMES: Aldridge, Bastin, Baugh,
Phillippi, Prince, Young,
Last Update
Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:37 CDT
County Coordinator

County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller
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