Pulaski County Dollarhides
by LaVelda Faull,
Cornelius Dollarhide is not in my line, but while trying to find
out about my ancestor Francis
Dollarhide IV, I researched Cornelius and Thomas Dollarhide who lived
in Pulaski Co., KY. Pulaski County is not far from where I live, so I went
there to see what I could find. I thought I would post some of my findings
to this forum to help others. --LaVelda
Cornelius Dollarhide Sr. settled in Pulaski Co., KY in 1804
(obtained from tax lists) and would have been born ca 1762. He appears on the
1804 Tax List as "Cornelius Dolehead". Cornelius is recorded in tax lists until
1809 when he died. His will is recorded in Book 1 p 60-61. His wife, Jane, died
in 1810(?) as her inventory and assessment is recorded (Bk 1 p 61). Cornelius
mentions wife Jane, son Larkin and three "youngest daughters",
Nancy, Jane and Feby. So he obviously had more children than those
mentioned. Executor was Thomas Dollarhide and William Owens(?). It
mentions the "hole of my estate during her (Jane's) life or widowhood and at her
death or marriage the land I now live on I gove to my son Larkin
Dollarhide and all other property to be equally divided between my three
youngest daughters.." Witnesses were John B. Lea and Thomas (his mark)
Roy. The will was dated 19 Feb 1809. It was probated 22 Jan 1810 and proved
by the oath of Thomas Roy a subscribing witness thereto.
I have assumed that Jane, his wife, died in 1810, but the more I look
at the record, I almost believe that the record that I found pertains to the
estate of her husband and not to her. It was found on the following page (from
her husband's will) and was dated 10 March 1810;
"Mr. Edward Prather, Andrew ___(cut off), William Bustor
(Burton?), and Thomas Paschal hath met at the house of Jane
Dollarhide to order to appraise her estate & C (to wit) (cut off)....1
mare and colt...6 head of cattle..17 head of hogs...8 head of sheep;...4
geese...(the rest of the inventory was cut off at the bottom of the age. There
may have been further inventory on the next page which I did not get copied).
From what I could ascertain from the records, Cornelius Sr. had at
- Cornelius Dollarhide Jr.
- Thomas Dollarhide
- James Dollarhide
- John(?) Dollarhide
- Larkin Dollarhide
- Nancy Dollarhide
- Jane Dollarhide
- Feby Dollarhide
- Briefly, here is how the Pulaski Co., Ky tax lists were recorded:
- 1804 Cornelius Dolehead
- 1805-1806 John Dolarhide; Cornelius Dollarhide
- 1807 Thomas Dollarhide; Cornelius Dollarhide; John Dollarhide
- 1808 Cornelius Dollarhide; Thomas Dollarhide; John Dollarhide; Cornelius
Dollarhide; John Dollarhide
- 1809 Thomas Dollarhide; Cornelius Dollarhide; John Dollarhide
- 1810 James Dollarhide; Jane Dollarhide; John Dollarhide; Thomas Dollarhide
- 1812 Jane Dollarhide; Thomas Dollarhide
- 1813 Thomas Dollarhide; James Dollarhide
- 1814-1817 Thomas Dollarhide
- 1818 James Dollarhide; Thomas Dollarhide
- 1819-1823 Larkin Dollarhide; Thomas Dollarhide
- 1824 Thomas Dollarhide heirs
- 1827 Rebecca Dollarhide
- 1828-29 No Dollarhides
Cornelius Dollarhide Jr.
appears to have been in Pulaski Co., KY by 1806 when a survey of land was
recorded on Pitmans Creek. His name was recorded as Cornelius Jr. He appears to
have left the area by 1809. I have wondered if the Cornelius who died in 1809
was actually Jr. and not Sr. However, in 1808, there were two Cornelius on the
tax list which leads me to believe otherwise.
Thomas Dollarhide was born ca 1775-80. He settled in Pulaski Co., Ky
by 1807. He married Rebecca ___. He was a Senator from Pulaski Co., to
the Kentucky legislature and died in 1821 in Frankfurt, KY while at the
assembly. His inventory and account was recorded in 1822 and in 1829 (Bk 2 p 117
and 393) in Pulaski County. A settlement 2was made in 1829 (Bk 3 p 182-85). His
wife, Rebecca, died in 1828. An inventory was made in Pulaski Co (Bk 2 p 364).
Frances "Frankey" Dollarhide was born in 1782 in NC and married
John Bratcher Lea in Caswell County, NC on 24 Nov 1802; She died 17 Feb
1852 in Pulaski Co., KY, age 70. Ezekiel Dollarhide was listed as her
father according to her
death record.
As I mentioned in my posting above, I am not certain that the Cornelius
Dollarhide who died in 1809 was Sr. or Jr. However a deed mentions Cornelius
Dollarhide and wife NANCY, indicating that there were two Cornelius' there.
I also do not know if John was a son as he was listed as "John Jr" in one of the
land surveys below.
- Surveys, Pulaski Co., KY
- Bk 1 p 76, 15 March 1806 Survey for CORNELIUS DOLLARHIDE, JUNIOR.
162 acres of land by virtue of Cert. No. 962...Pulaski Co., KY, Pitmans Creek
at the mouth of Rush Branch...B. Michael Kinney's corner... Surveyed by
PA sublet. Chaincarriers: George Daugherty and Richard Beeson.
- Bk 1 p 103 22 July 1807 Survey for William Dewes (Owens?), 70
acres, Pitman's Creek, Chaincarriers: William Dewes and JOHN DOLERHIDE
- Bk 1 p 103 22 July 1807 Survey for JOHN DOLLERHIDE, JUNIOR assignee
of Benjamin Hansford, 81 acres, Cert #734, PItman's Creek...William
Dewe's lower corner...a conditional line between George Williams'
and said Dollerhide. cc: William Dewes, Benj Hansford. Surveyor:
James Hardgrove
- Bk I p 214 21 May 1816 Survey for JANE DOLLARHIDE, assignee of THOMAS
DOLLARHIDE, 50 acres by virtue of a Kentucky Land Office Warrant on actual
settlement, No. 524, PItman's Creek...Mimses' line. Surveyor: James
Hargrove. Chaincarriers: William Dewes (Devins?), Lovel H. Cloghan(?),
Jesse Kuney, Alexander Herrin.
It would appear that
these Dollarhides came from Caswell Co., NC. The following marriages may apply:
- Cornelius Dollerhide married Nancy Malone on 30 July 1796 in
Person Co., NC.
- Frankey Dollarhide married John Bratcher Lea on 24 Nov 1802
in Caswell co., NC
- John Dollerhide married Nancy Chittington 3 Nov 1784 in
Caswell co., NC.
Here are some Pulaski Co., KY Dollarhide
marriages that I was not able to fit into the family. They may have been
children of Cornelius or John Jr.??
- Betsy Dollerhide married ___Cox in 1811.
- Rachel Dollarhide married Jonathan Smith 4 Jan 1809
- Sally Dollarhide married David Smith on 22 July 1810 or
- Nancy Dollarhide married Archer Nevil on 22 Aug 1821.
- Rebecca Dollarhide married Christopher C. Hancock on 17 Dec
- The following are some deeds that I found in Pulaski Co., Kentucky (silly
me did not write down the references (deed books and pages - I don't know
- 30 Jan 1812 Robert Mims of Goochland Co., VA to Thomas
Dollerhide of Pulaski Co., KY, $300, 90 acres on Pitman's Creek (waters of
Cumberland River), part of a military survey of 1000 acres granted to
Rawleigh Colston by patent in 1786, on Rocky Branch...line between
Mim's and Dollarhide.. The next month on 7 Feb 1812, Thomas Dollarhide
sold 162 acres to Andrew Campbell on Pitman's Creek for $450, this was
the same land he had received above. This deed was witnessed by Henry L.
Mills and Will. Levine Junior.
- On 13 Jan 1812 Cornelius Dollerhide of Pulaski and NANCY his
wife sold 190 acres to Jonathan Bishop for $800. This land was on
Sinking Creek. The deed mentions John Caldwell's east line and Aaron
Dosses(?) corner.
The same John Caldwell mentioned above,
later of Wayne Co., KY, appointed Thomas Dollerhide power of attorney to
assign Banks and Snyder a certificate of Survey No. 323 for 200 acres.
This document was witnessed by John David(?) and Mary Caldwell and
was made in 1815.
Polly Dunn of Pulaski Co., KY, widow of Ezekiel L. Dunn, also
appointed Thomas Dollerhide as her attorney to collect and receive all
monies due her and her children from the U.S. for services rendered in the War
of 1812 by said Ezekiel L. Dunnm who died in said service in 1814. This
was dated 1816.
On 2 Dec 1818, Thomas Dollerhide of Pulaski Co., KY bound himself unto
John B. Lea in the amount of $2000 which payment was to be made himself
or his heirs. The condition of this obligation was such that if the above
Thomas Dollarhide made a good and lawful title to a certain tract or
parcel of land on Pitman's Creek containing 150 acres on which both Dollarhide
and Lea "now live" entered and surveyed in the name of Michael Kuney, the
obligation was to be made void. This was made in the presence of Thomas
After Thomas Dollarhide's death, his heirs deeded the above land to
John B. Lea for $1.00 on 17 Nov 1832. This deed supposedly lists all of
Thomas' heirs.
In 1814, James Dollerhide was mentioned in the Pulaski Co. Election
Returns as was Thomas Dollerhide in 1816 and 1819. Thomas
Dollarhide was elected Senator to the Kentucky Legislature.
Thomas Dollerhide enlisted in the 95th Regiment formed Feb 1815. He
was Major of the Second Battalion. Captain Thomas Dollerhide of
Dollerhide's Kentucky Battalion of Mounted Volunteers enlisted Sept. 1812. His
Sergent was Samuel Hays.
According to the 1820 Pulaski Co., KY Census, Thomas Dollerhide had
three male slaves (1 under 14, 1 age 14-26, and one age 26-45). From his estate
inventory in 1822, he had a female slave named Vilet and three male
slaves named David, Hector, Caroline and Floyd.
Col. Thomas Dollerhide, senator from Pulaski Co., KY died at
Frankfort, Kentucky in November 1821 according to a newspaper article in the
Kentucky Gazette.
- A settlement for Thomas Dollarhide was made in 1829 (Bk 3 p
182-85), and inventory and account was recorded in 1822 and in 1829 (Bk 2 p
117 and p 393) and an Inventory and Assessment for Rebecca Dollerhide
was recorded in 1828 (Bk 2 p 364).
- I have a copy of these. The Appraisal of the Estate dated 15 Feb 1822 is
quite long. Some of the things mentioned are: woman's sadle and bridle; one
rifle gun and shot bag; Five Journals and Four Acts of the Legislature of
Kentucky; three beds; one side arms and sheath; pair saddle bags; one chest;
one table; One family Bible; one Dictionary; three Hymn Books; Browns
Concordance "The McHoobie Association"; one slate; one pair sheep shears;
candle molds; pair of fire irons; one loom; three "slays"; two "pare
harnesses"; one washing tub; churn; two puter dishes; seven plates; lantern;
coffee mill; one man's saddle and bridle; three shovel plows; four hors one
pare doubltrees; four flour(?) waggons; one truck wagon; one kettle; two
ovens; one large pot; six hundred weight of tobacco; one bay mare; one sorrel
mare blazeface; one dark sorrel mare; one old sorrel mare; three horse colts;
14 head of sheep; many cows listed; one steer; one bull; two work steers; two
small work steers; one heiffer; at least 11 cows and calves mentioned; two
yearling steers; three yearling heiffers and bull; five spaid sows and
barrows; thirteen sows and barrows; seventeen geese; eleven small shoats; one
negro woman named Vilet; one negro boy named Floyd; one boy
called David; one boy called Hector one boy(?) called
Carroline; a note due from Peter Clark; a note on Samuel
Cowan; a note on Gideon Prather; a note on Bratcher Lee; a
note on Daniel C. Black; seven small barrels, etc. etc. All of this was
appraised by: John Jasper, Isaac Hays and Samuel Hays.
- It would appear from this inventory that Thomas was well to do and lived
well. This inventory was returned 4th March 1822 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., Ky
County Court.
- In 1828, John Cowan, Samuel Hays and Charles Hays again
appraised Thomas Dollerhide's inventory and estate (WB 2 p 393-5). The
inventory this time was not as long.
- A settlement was made (WB 3 p 183-5) agreeable to an order at the November
Term 1833 County Court. It showed amount from sales to be: $1005.81. The
amount collected by them of "Decedent's debts was "$801.66". The rent of land
and hire of negroes from the year 1829 to 1832 was $1314.31. The sum received
from the SALE OF LAND IN NORTH CAROLIAN with interest after expenses was
$129.30. Sum received from E. B. Paris for land sold was $12.00. Sum
for Prather's part of rent corn was $18.53. All of this totalled
$3281.61. There follows a list of credits: names mentioned are: Frederic
Williams; Samuel Hays; Chas Hays; Simmerman; A list of debits and credits
included the following names: Paschall's Acct; Wm Mill's Acct;
Archibald Lockets acct; cost of Bryant's suit;
Cunningham's acct; Clare's acct; Tarter's Rec'd pd;
John Zachary's recd; Waits acct; Gragg's recd;
Hardgroves acct pd; Michl Buster's acct pd; Simmerman's
acct pd; Bonner's Medical Acct pd; S. Clark's acct pd;
Patterson's recd; Wilson acct pd; Hays' acct pd;
Cox's acct pd; Mills' acct pd; Stepps acct pd; Attorney's
fee pd; Elliotts Medical Acct pd; Sneeds acct pd; Brigg's
Note pd; Baylis Williams Acct pd; Patterson's note pd;
Hays' Blacksmith Acct pd; Attorneys fees pd; Cowan's Acct for
whiskey pd; part of Fee bill pd; Bealy's acct pd; Burch's acct
pd; Tomlinson's acct pd; Fitzpatrick's act pd; Doss's
receipts; Cheyn's acct pd; Prather's acct pd; Daughtery's
acct pd; Peter W. Clark's debt in ventory cancelled and settled in a
saddle; Sundry fee bills pd; S. Clark's acct; Prather's acct pd;
Paid John Cowan for Crying sale.
- Total amount for which admr's are chargeable: $3281.61; Sum allowed
administrator for their services of $85 each...$170.00. Sum paid for selling
land and negroes under Decree of Court...$10.00. ....Leaving as above for
distribution by the Administrators the sum of $1603.10 - all of which
submitted to the said court. This settlement was signed 27th Juen 1834 by
Bourne Goggin, Charles Hays, and George W. Saunders, Commisioners.
- Thomas Dollarhide's wife, Rebecca Dollarhide's will is recorded in
WB 2 p 364-5, Pulaski Co., KY, dated 28 July 1828:
- "We the undersigned do testify that we were at Rebecca Dollarhides
on the 10th of this month and she being on her death bed and at that time in a
sound mind she being asked by John B. Lee (Lea) is she thought she
would recover or not she said she thought she would not then she was sked that
in case she did not recover what appropriation she wnated made of 192 dollars
which she had in the hands of John B. Lee for collection to which she
replied that she wanted her son William to have this benefit of that
money because he was a criple. This she repeated to us that she wanted to be
understood that in case she did not recover that she wanted her son to have
that money. Wit: Samuel Dogan, Nancy Dogan, Katherine Prather.
- This was recorded 18th August 1828 by the oaths of the wintesses.
Thomas Dollarhide and Rebecca(___) Dollarhide's heirs were
(according to deeds):
- Parthenia Dollerhide - Born __; married Peter W. Clark on 26
March 1818 in PUlaski Co., KY.
- Elizabeth Dollerhide - Born ___; married Philip Prather on
30 Sept 1824 in Pulaski Co., KY. Her mother was listed as Rebecca
[from Mary Kerchal,
hstbuff@aol.com 02 Apr 2001: "Elizabeth Dollarhide DOB 23 Dec 1803 married 30
Sept 1824 Philip Prather DOB 27 Feb 1799. They both are buried in TX. These
are my fourth great grandparents."]
- Nancy (Nisey) Dollerhide - Born ___; married Anderson
Fitzpatrick on 21 March 1931 in Pulaski Co., KY.
- Pamelia Dollerhide - Born ___; married Creed Saunders on 20
Oct 1830 in Pulaski Co., KY.
- Polly Dollarhide - Born ___; Not married in April of 1822.
- William Dollarhide - Born ___; Did he marry Eliza Ann Cooper
on 15 Oct 1840 in Pulaski Co., KY (listed as William H. Dollarhide);
Died by 1850. He was crippled. Children were: Parthenia; Lucy and James
- Galen Dollarhide
- Jesse Dollarhide - Born ___; married Rebecca Jasper (dua of
Elizabeth) on 16 Nov 1840 in Pulaski co., KY; Bond between Jesse and
Philip Prather for 50 lbs. Elizabeth Jasper gave consent and
Perry Jasper was a witness as was John Campbell.
- Thomas Dollarhide - Born __; married Elizabeth Cowan on 29
Aug 1838 (dau of Samuel Cowen); Bond between Thomas Dollarhide
and John Buster(?) for 50 lbs.
- I do not know whether the grantors in the following deed were heirs or
not: They included Frederick and Cassandra Williams, Samuel and Jerusha
- Deeds that prove the above:
- 30 April 1822 Frederick Williams and Cassandra his wife of
Pulaski Co., KY to Peter W. Clark and Parthenia his wife (formerly
Dollerhide), Elizabeth, Polly, Pamelia, William, Galen, Jesse, Thomas,
Nisy, heirs and representatives of law of Thomas Dollarhide, dec'd,
$1290.00, waters of cumberland, 200 acres, Isaac Hay's line. William
Hartgrove's corner... John Prather's line...said tract of land
patented by the Commonwealth of KY to John Hartgrove, Sr. by patent
bearing date 27 Nov 1807, the other cont by survey 30 acres of land being same
tract of land patented to John Hargrove Sr by Comm. of KY 2 Aug 1819.
- 8 Aug 1823 Samuel Hays and Jerusha his wife of Pulaski Co.,
KY to Peter W. Clark and Parthenia; Elizabeth; Polly; Pamelia;
William; Galen; Jesse; Thomas and Nancy; heirs of the
deceased....$969...Pitman's Creek, 155 acres... John Wilson's
corner...part of 200 acres survey to a certain William Hartgrove and
the same tract of land whereon the widow and heirs aforesaid of Thomas
Dollarhide now reside.
- 17 Nov 1832. Peter W. Clark and Partha his wife; Philip
Prather and Elizabeth his wife; Anderson Fitzpatrick and
Nicy his wife; Creed Saunders and Pemlia his wife; heirs
of Thomas Dollarhide deceased, and Bowing Coggin, John
Tomlinson and John B. Curd, Commisisoners of Pulaski Co., KY to
John B. Lea....Thomas Dollarhide consented to bond to the said
John B. Lea in sum of $2000....coney to said John B. Lea, 150
acres on Pitman Creek for $1.00, tract of land granted to said Thomas
Dollarhide by patent dated 15 Dec 1819.
Well....as I have said I am not descended from these Dollarhides,
but I am sure they are related back in North Carolina to my Francis
Dollarhide IV. I have not yet tried to figure out their relationship.
Possibly Cornelius and Francis IV were brothers???? --LaVelda
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