

Located on Brush Creek of Johns Creek at Big Branch Baptist Church, Pike CO. KY. There are 4 graves with no names.

Name BIRTH DEATH Additional Info
CORNETTE, Jeanette 1918 1976
CORNETTE, Winston B. 09-02-1918 12-05- 1974
CORNETTE, __r____ sandstone
CORNETTE, ________ sandstone
CORNETTE, ___ sandstone
TAYLOR, Rush Bege 04-10-1898 02-11- 1972
COLLINS, Satch V. Cornette 1921 1955
MAYNARD , Bud J . 1858 1928
MAYNARD, Satch 07-10-1860 02-10- 1914
CORNETTE, Jerry 1868 1955
B. B. no dates
LOWE, Trimble 04-03-1892 06-02- 1919
TAYLOR, Wallace B. 11-28-1901 04-24- 1958
SCOTT, Myrtle 07-29-1893 01-02- 1976
SCOTT, Ben 11-23-1889 09-12-1950
TAYLOR, James Landon 03-27-1895 02-13- 1920
TAYLOR, Thomas J. 1922 1924
TAYLOR, Russell 1932 1992
TAYLOR, Belle Scott 12-08-1863 12-05- 1934
TAYLOR, J. M. 04-26-1863 09-10- 1936