Allen County KY

By Denning,
Allen County KY
Death Certificates. Transcribed by Michael
- Allen County KY
Death Certificates 1911-1915 57pg
- Allen County KY
Death Certificates 1916-1920 64pg
- Allen County KY
Death Certificates 1921-1925 56pg
- Allen County KY
Death Certificates 1926-1930 57pg
- Allen County KY
Death Certificates 1931-1935 48pg
- Allen County KY
Death Certificates 1936-1940 50pg
- Allen County KY
Death Certificates 1941-1945 +40pg
Send check
, and make payable to: Michael Denning,
502 N. Ann Ave., Gallatin, TN 37066
By Gardner, Jeanetta
- Allen County, Kentucky Tax Records. Privately
Published, 1999. First Edition. As New Library
quality volume contains tax records for Allen
county, KY covering the years 1825-27,
1829, 1831, 1833 and 1836-38.
Includes name of tax payer, acres owned,
watercourse, number of slaves, horses, children
and other assets, plus total value. Index. 290
pp. $45. (click
here for ordering information)
- Allen County, Kentucky, Funeral Records
1960-1980. T.W. Crow & Son Funeral
Home, Scottsville, Kentucky.
By Martha Jackson
Available for order
from the Allen Co KY Historical Society:, 301 N. Fourth
St., Scottsville, KY 42164
All books are postpaid. Kentucky
residents add 6% sales tax.
- Allen County Cemeteries Revisited
- Volume I - $19.00
(Sold out)
- Allen County Cemeteries Revisited- Volume
II - $18 - 80
cemeteries not included in Vol I, plus and
Addenda to Vol I. 174 pages, every name index,
includes cemeteries all over county, unmarked
graves, footstones, funeral markers noted, etc.
and map. Softcover.
- Allen County Cemeteries Revisited -
Volume III - $25
75 new cemeteries not included previously,
addenda to Vols I and II, 196 pages with every
name index, and map. Softcover.
Allen County Cemeteries Revisited - Volume IV
-$30 66 cemeteries and addenda to
previous volumns.
- The 1820 Census of Allen County, Kentucky
- $7. Twenty nine pages
with index, side by side neighbors as presented
in 1820 censuses of Warren and Barren Counties.
- The 1820 Census of Simpson County,
Kentucky - $12
(with biographical sketches) - Cut from Allen and
Warren Counties, with parentage of Logan and
Lincoln Counties, it presents a very confusing
bunch of research for most people. This
courthouse burned in 1882. 38 pages - indexed.
- The 1830 Census of Allen County, Kentucky
- $14. Side by side
residents, 29 pages with index. Compare to other
book information and have a ball researching.
- The 1850 Census of Allen County, Kentucky
- $25. This census lists
households as they were visited. You can
see relatives galore! Every name indexed.
57 pages. Softcover.
- The 1870 Census
of Allen County, Kentucky - $26
85 pages. Softcover.
- The 1880 Census of Allen County, Kentucky
- $25. The most
important census to date. It not only gives
places of birth, but relationships. Listings of
all those in the house (which the Soundex does
not). Can take your research back to the
Revolutionary War. 113 pages with every name
index. Surnames in Bold type. Softcover.
- Allen County Vital Statistics Revisited - $18
Continuation of vital records no picked up and in
the book done earlier, and now out of print.
People located, when no other records exist. 78
pages with index. Softcover.
- Earliest Tax Lists of Allen County, Kentucky
1815-1824 - $23.50
Formed in 1815, many on this list evaporated into
Simpson, Barren and Monroe counties at a later
date. (Simpson 1819, back to Allen 1822) (Barren
ceded back to Allen 1825) (Monroe Co back to
Allen 1825). The Walker's Line quandary (which is
still in dispute) which covers the southern
boundary of the state and include approximately
10 miles in Tennessee. Maps, biographical
sketches and history into 205 pages listed by
year and alphabetical order. Softcover.
- The Allen County, Kentucky Day Book 1826-1837
- $23.50
County Court business at the earliest times now
available. Road work, appointments to office,
wills and settlements, guardianships, tax
deliquents, slaves, tavern keepers, sheriff
appointments, minister appointments, and Rev War
pension applications all had to be presented to
the court, in a day-to-day fashion. 214 pages
with every name index. Softcover.
- Allen County's Survey
Book A from 1815 - 1835 - $28.00
Has 1153
people's names in 174 pages. The book is 8 1/2 by
11 and is soft bound.
Allen County, Kentucky, History &
Biographies. (click
here for more information)
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