Osborne/Mauney Cemetery
Old Spruce Road. Sorces; Edgar M.
Egner 1976 and Johnny Cox Sr. & wife - May 1980
From Corbin on 25w to Greenland Baptist Church, left on Old Spruce Road to within sight of Bethleham Baptist Church, left on dirt road into field 300 feet.
Osborne, E. S. 27 Jan 1849 14 Apr 1931
" Elizabeth 18 Apr 1847 16 Nov 1928 w/o E.S.
Then go up into woods to right of road, the following grave.
Mauney, Adolphus R. 30 Apr 1831 07 Jul 1865 In memory of Adolphus Mauney.
His widow and children went to Kansas after his death. This land formerly owed by Adolphus Mauney.
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Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:08:03 CDT