It really was a great day October 26, 2002 when a
group of us met and went to the Bradley Cemetery in White Co., TN. There was
good fellowship, and a common interest in seeing that this picturesque and
historic cemetery is saved from destruction. It is the burial site of two
Revolutionary War soldiers, William BUTRAM, II (1759 - 1853), and Henry MARSH
who moved to White Co., TN from Wayne Co., KY. This William BUTRAM was the
father of William BERTRAM, an early settler of Wayne Co., KY. The cemetery is
on private land, on a hill, in the middle of a pasture. There is no fence. The
brambles and other weeds were more than head high.. Two men with weed eaters
got out of their vehicles when we arrived to clear away enough that we could
see the grave marker for William BUTRAM, II. Cows share this pasture with the
cemetery and have been in it. Several graves have been disturbed or
damaged. Since then interested persons have cleared and cleaned the cemetery.
We are having a fence erected around it by the end of July 2003. If you wish
to help in any way let us know.
Here is the picture of part of the group that went
to the cemetery on October 26th. I guess others were just camera shy!

Back row, left to right: Don Fisher (W. Lafayette,
IN), Lana Baker Rossi (Pickett Co., TN), Calvin Arnold (VanBuren Co.,
TN), Doyle Marsh (Sumner Co., TN), Fount W. Bertram
(Cannon Co., TN), Walter Buttrum (White Co., TN), Guy Zimmerman (Putnam
Front Row: Marilyn Gregory Fisher (W. Lafayette, IN), Denzel Gregory
(Wayne Co., KY), Wanda Foster Gregory (Wayne Co., KY), Virginia Arnold,
squeezed in, (Putnam Co., TN), Ernestine Marsh (Sumner Co.,
TN), Robert Earl Sims (White Co., TN),
Don "Chod" Miller (Illinois), William Gilmore Sims
(Sumner Co., TN), Wesley Geer (White Co., TN)