Application for Bounty Lands
State of Missouri
County of Bates
On the Fifteenth day of February AD one thousand Eight hundred and Fifty
one, personally appeared before me a Justice of Bates County Court, within
and for the County and State aforesaid, Celia Summers aged sixty years a
resident of the County of Bates and State of Missouri, who being duly sworn
according to law, declares that she is the widow of Moses Summers deceased
who was a Private Soldier in a Company of Ranters Commanded by Captain
Nathan Boone in the war with Great Britain declared by the United States on
the 18th day of June 1812. That her said husband volunteered at St. Charles
Missouri Territory on about the 15th day of March AD 1812 for the term of
three months and continued in actual service in said war for the term of
Three months and was hon honorably discharged at St. Charles Missouri
Territory about the 15th day of June AD 1812 she further states that if
her said husband ever received a discharge she does not recollect ever
having seen it... She states that she was married to the said Moses Summers
in Wayne County State of Kentucky, on the 16th day of January AD 1808 by one
Alexander Jones a minister of the Gospel, and that her name before her said
marriage was celia McDermed that her said husband died in Bates County State
of Missouri on the 7th day of February AD 1845, and that she is still a
widow... She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty
land to which she may be entitled under the act passed September 28 1850
Celia Summers
Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year aboe written A. F.
Nelson, Justice of Bates County Court
affidavits enclosed were from Fanny Caton and Leonard Dodge
The application was rejected with a note saying the name Moses Summers was
not on the rolls of Nathan Boone¹s Rangers.
The file from the National Archives includes a copy of the pay roll and
muster dated March 3 to June 7 1812. Moses Summers was paid one dollar a
day for 92 days of service.