Another Gregory Family

Contributed by Andrea Anderson West

Gregory Family about 1910
This is a family picture of Gregory Family taken about 1910, seated in chair is supposedly Emerine Burk Gregory, to the left setting on ground is John Franklin Gregory and to the right on ground is Nettie, in back left corner I believe is Sherman Anderson standing next to Lula Gregory.The other people I do not know.
Old Wayne County School Picture

This is an old picture from Wayne County. I do not know if it is a school 
picture.I dont have any names of who are in it , only that the picture was in
 my great grandma Gregory's pictures. 
One of these is Lula Gregory.
This is picture of 5 kids. My great aunt thinks that one of the little girls is Lula Gregory. Do any of the children look familiar to anyone?
School picture taken in Wayne County 1904
School picture taken in Wayne County in 1904. I was told that girls10 and 9 from right are my 
great grandma Lula Gregory and her sister Nettie .

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