Bardwell High School - 1934 - Carlisle County
Submitted by: Dena Kirby
Bardwell High School Freshmen, 1934
Front, from left: Mary Alva Elliston, Junior Wallace, Lucy Goodman, Thomas Ward, teacher, Frances Young Coil, Dick Bugg Allison, Ernestine Fisher, Novelle Richman, and Sue Alice Bodkin.
Second, from left: Marianna Wilson, Jimmie Spaulding, Mary Turk Carter, Ruth Williams, Chester Jackson, and Delana Fisher.
Top, from left: Euvah Mae Huey, Reed Fisher, Elizabeth Galloway, Farris Doctorman, Naomi Turk, Hazel Sams, Karl Bone, N.E. Kirby, and Evelyn Hite.
Absent were Elsey Fisher, Jack Hilton, and Mary Elizabeth Munsell
(C) 2005