Odds and Ends of misc information that will make their way to other pages in time.
"Pulaski Tidbits"
The 'Russell County News'
Parents of two Pulaski boys were officially notified this week that their sons have been killed in the performance of their duties and in the service of of their country. 1. |
The 'Russell County [KY] News'
Somerset Aviator Bags Two Jap Planes In the same engagement the report says seven Jap planes were brought down in one of the hottest air battles of the war. Kiser had already downed two enemy planes in former engagements. Anyone know about this man?? Contact me ********************************************* Part Two
Capt. George Kiser, Somerset's war hero, who is credited with downing eleven Jap planes in the Southwest Pacific in the past few weeks, is to be honored at a homecoming celebration to be held in the public square in Somerset on Friday of this week. Kiser, who is out on furlough for a few days, was married in San Antonio, Texas, last week and he and his bride will arrive in Somerset Thursday night, Sept. 24. Gov. Keen Johnson and high army officials from Fort Knox will be speakers on the program... |
The 'Russell County News' The wife of First Lieut. George A. Van Arsdale of the Harrodsburg tank company, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McNamer of Somerset and has been making her home here for several months. The members of the tank company were left behind on Bataan peninsula in the Philippines when the Japs finally crushed the heroic resistance of the defenders. He is believed to be a prisoner of the Japs. Mrs. Van Arsdale's last letter from her husband was written in November. 3. |
The 'Russell County News'
A couple of notes for readers who are not 'chronologically enhanced.' 4. |
The 'Russell County News', September 10, 1942, page six 5. |
The Somerset Journal "As for myself being an acorn eater, I own up to the goods. I do eat a few acorns unless mast fails but I mix a little polk salt and hog jaw with them and somehow I believe that is the reason that I am in such good standing, however".................Further and in conclusion, I wish to invite the ones that are calling us people down around Cedar Grove acorn eaters to come down and eat a few acorns, hog jaw and polk salt and get a few seed ticks on you and perhaps you will be more acquainted as the dire needs of the mast feds. |
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:39 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller