Rulo School
This is a large photo and will be slow loading. You will have to scroll from side to side to see it all.
Photo provided by Denton Hargis
"My mother
passed away in 1978 leaving many old family photos and here's one
I'd like some help with.
Written on the back was Rulo School, with no date. I suspect it
was taken in the early 1900's, since mom was born in 1895. I know
Rulo was located in eastern Pulaski County, but have no idea who
any of the children are."
Can any one help Denton with this
photo, please contact him directly, or contact me with the names
Note the "No 7 " above the door
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:46 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller