June 2000
Milton Guy Cash
Posted By: Bev Shipley <gbship@tstar.net>
Date:2 June 2000
I am looking for information on Milton Guy Cash who was born in Kentucky and
moved to
Texas where he married Ella Singleton in 1875 in Bosque County.
I have found 2 Milton Cash's born in Pulaski County, KY. One in 1847 to John and
Elizabeth Cash and one in 1850 to Stephen and Rebecca Cash, but don't know if
either one
is my gg grandfather.
Does anyone have any information or advice on how to determine if one of the
Milton's is Milton GUY Cash?
Posted By: Charlie Daniels <danielsc@saipan.navy.mil>
Date:5 June 2000
Lookingfor any info on John Henry Hamilton b 3 Oct 1867, married to Mary Ellen
b. 24 Aug 1869, d. 29 Sep 1905. They had a dughter named Winifred Ann Hamilton
b. 22 May
1902 in Somerset, Pulaski Co. Any info would be greatly appreciated. My
alternate e-mail
address is
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Re: Hamilton
Posted By: Brenda Hamilton Hoots <hooter@gate.net>
Date:9 July 2000
In Response To: Hamilton (Charlie Daniels)
I have that John Henry Hamilton is the son of Ephraim Hamilton b abt 1847 and
Eliza Hyden
b abt 1846, they mar'd at the home of Henry Hyden,
1867 in Pulaski Co.
Susannah Richardson
Posted By: Dennie Rennow <rennows@corgi.net>
Date:5 June 2000
Looking for parents of Susannah RICHARDSON.
She was born abt. 1801 in KY.
She married John Clonch in 1821(?)in Pulaski Co KY.
They had 4 children: Polly 1831, Melinda 1834, Henry 1836, and Martha 1839.
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Re: Susannah Richardson
Posted By: Doris Belt <DDBelt@worldnet.att.net>
Date:6 June 2000
In Response To: Susannah Richardson (Dennie Rennow)
I believe the parents of Susannah Richardson were Pierson K Richardson/Elizabeth
out of Estill Co KY, residing in Pulaski Co Ky. I have the same information,b
1801 m
1821. However, the Marriage Book I Pulaski Co gives the year as 1811 with ?? I
the 1821 date. (spelling Claunch) 1850 Census gives the names of the children
you have
listed. I have searched for the parents of Pierson K Richardson for over two
years. Are
you researching the Richardson or Clonch line?? Doris Belt
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Re: Susannah Richardson
Posted By: sandy colberts <scol986906@aol.com>
Date:24 September 2000
In Response To: Re: Susannah Richardson (Doris Belt)
i have Susannah Richardson and John Claunch as my gggg grandparents, don't have
a lot of
info on them but happy to share what I have. Please feel free to email me
directly thanks
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Re: Susannah Richardson
Posted By: Doris Belt <DDBelt@worldnet.att.net>
Date:25 September 2000
In Response To: Re: Susannah Richardson (sandy colberts)
I have been trying to find the children of Pierson K Richardson and prove the
ones I have
listed. James/Malinda Roy m 1823, Sarah/Henry Walden m 1824, William B/Sarah
Godby 2nd
wife, m 1857, first wife unknown, and Susannah/John Clonch (any spelling) m not
about 1821?
Any help would be appreciated. And thanks for the information on the children of
and the offer of additional information.
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Re: Susannah Richardson
Posted By: Skip <Skipparoo314@aol.com>
Date:29 October 2000
In Response To: Re: Susannah Richardson (sandy colberts)
Marriage Bond for John Clonch/Claunch and Susannah Richardson is dated Jan. 18,
1815 with
John Edwards as Surety; Consent of her father, Pierson Richardson and his
mother, Jane
Clonch. John married 2nd Agnes "Aggie" Adkins, Sep. 8, 1851, Pulaski Co. KY, and
he died
in 1892 at Kennekuk, Atchison Co, KS. There were 7 known children by his first
wife and 4
by his second marriage.
Henry Johnson
Posted By: Dennie Rennow <rennows@corgi.net>
Date:5 June 2000
Looking for parents of HENRY JOHNSON.
Born about 1829 in KY or VA.
Married Melinda Clonch (b.abt 1834 Wayne Co. KY) on February 20, 1851 AHO G.W.
Johnson in
Pulaski County, Kentucky.
They had 7 children: William J. 1853, Nancy Malinda 1857, John T. 1858, Syrena
Elizabeth J. 1863-4, Sarah T. 1867, and Melinda 1869.
Zachary Ancestors
Posted By: Joan Zachary Race <sunshine2day@peoplepc.com>
Date:5 June 2000
Researching John Zachary family of KY. Born:1704
Married Ann A. and Elizabeth Hannah Blackstone.
Any data provided will be greatly appreciated.
Price, Inabnitt
Posted By: Shannon <freeway@netusa1.net>
Date:8 June 2000
I am looking for information on Mary E. Inabnitt
b: unknown d; unknown. Know she was in, or from Pulaski Co., KY. She married
James R.
Price on 11/17/1856 in Pulaski Co., KY. Child was William Riley Price. Willing
to share
Please e-mail me, Thanks
HEATH land in Pulaski Co.
Posted By: Brad Buck <bradford.buck@rossnutrition.com>
Date:9 June 2000
Does anyone know where "Cumberland Clift" is located? It was a land boundry for
HEATH'S (1764-1829)property on the Cumberland River.
"original Wm.Heath settled in Pulaski Co.KY. I have a survey for the property
that he
owned and his son Philip bought from the estate, but it doesn't really tell
much. It does
mension that it was on the Cumberland R., had 131 acres and began on the
Conant family
Posted By: Perry Matthews <pwm12@juno.com>
Date:11 June 2000
Would like to here from anyone with any knowledge of the Conant family in
Somerset. M.A.
Conant was my great-grandfather. They had a family bussiness (saddle/leather
shop) up to
the '30's.
Thomas Burnham
Posted By: C.E. <ce3227ph@aol.com>
Date:14 June 2000
I saw, on the Pulaski Co.,KY tax list, the name Thomas Burnham. If you have that
person in your genealogy please contact me. Thanks. C.E.
Posted By: Sue Meier <shopcmer@hsonline.net>
Date:16 June 2000
I`m searching for the ancestors of Mary B Smith whom married Hamilton Gaither
Baker in
Pulaski Co. KY on Aug. 19, 1844. Mary was born on June 5, 1830.
samuel peters
Posted By: Yvonne Swinney <jdvps@ticnet.com>
Date:17 June 2000
hello! please if any one out there has any info. on Samuel PETERS who married
WHITE IN PULASKI CO.KY.in 1857 i would love to know who their children are. any
info.helpful!!! e-mail me at jdvps@ticnet.com my name is, yvonne. THANKS!!!!
John F & Nancy J. James
Posted By: Yvonne Swinney <jdvps@ticnet.com>
Date:17 June 2000
ABOUT THE DAUGHTER ,ESSIE B. JAMES. E-MAIL ME AT jdvps@ticnet.com, my name is
Thomas T. Hansford
Posted By: Rose Taylor <melvin.taylor@worlnet.att.net>
Date:18 June 2000
searching for parents of: Thomas T. Hansford b. July 4, 1854 in Pulaski Co, Ky.
T.Hansford married: Lucinda Ellen Pittman, March 13, 1873 in Pulaski Co, Ky.
Thomas T.
Hansford d.April 25,1924 in Pulaski Co. Thomas and Lucinda had a son: Elmore
Hansford b.
March 18, 1887. Any info at all on Thomas T. Hansford appreciated, thanks, Rose.
Taylor and Doss
Posted By: Delores Clifford <delores@bestonline.net>
Date:18 June 2000
I am seeking info on my gggrandparents. Joseph Taylor b. July 08, 1802 and Jane
b.April 09, 1809. Married Aug. 17, 1826 probably either in Pulaski or Lincoln
Co.'s. They
moved to to MO shortly after their marriage. May have had one child in KY. (Mary
Taylor) Some think Joseph's father may have been John, but no proof. Would like
to know
who Jane's parents were and also Joseph's. Any help greatly apprecialted. Please
me direct.
Thank you so much.
Cash-Pulaski KY 1850 census
Posted By: Bev Shipley <gbship@tstar.net>
Date:19 June 2000
In the 1850 census for Pulaski County, KY:
John Cash 41 M Farmer NC
Elizabeth " 36 F KY
William " 21 M KY
Mary A. " 16 F
Sarah " 14 F
Elizabeth " 10 F
James " 10 M
Cinthia A. " 9 F
John F. 7 M
George 5 M
Bashaba 4 F
Milton 3 M
Sarah 1 F
Does anyone have any info on this family? I think Milton may be my gg
BevIn the 1850 census for Pulaski County, KY:
John Cash 41 M Farmer NC
Elizabeth " 36 F KY
William " 21 M KY
Mary A. " 16 F
Sarah " 14 F
Elizabeth " 10 F
James " 10 M
Cinthia A. " 9 F
John F. 7 M
George 5 M
Bashaba 4 F
Milton 3 M
Sarah 1 F
Does anyone have any info on this family? I think Milton may be my gg
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Re: Cash-Pulaski KY 1850 census
Posted By: Bonnie Garber <garberbbf@aol.com>
Date:13 July 2000
In Response To: Cash-Pulaski KY 1850 census (Bev Shipley)
I have a William Cash, Jr. in my records who married a McQueary in Pulaski Co.
Ky. They
had at least 2 sons Stephen born ca 1812 and a John. I don't know if this is
your family.
I am doing research on the McQuearys. I will be happy to provide you with the
I have. I know that the Cashs and the McQuearys came from North Carolina
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Re: Cash-Pulaski KY 1850 census
Posted By: Bev Shipley <gbship@tstar.net>
Date:17 July 2000
In Response To: Re: Cash-Pulaski KY 1850 census (Bonnie Garber)
The John Cash you refer to could be my ancestor. He showed to be 37 yrs in the
census in Pulaski County. Any info you can pass on would be appreciated. I am
away from
my files at the moment, but will e mail you next week.
Thanks again.
Posted By: Gloria Padach <seamore@earthlink.net>
Date:19 June 2000
The preponderance of evidence is leading me to believe that John Thompson was
Mecklengurg Co, VA. He married there on 8 May 1775 Sarah Thompson. This leads to
two Thompson line or possibly they were also related Thompsons.
We know that John had two son born in VA, Joseph in 1777 and Thomas in 1780.
Also that he
was in then Lincoln Co, KY by 3 Dec 1798 and the 1799 Pulaski Co. Tax Lists, on
The membership list from the Meherrin Baptist Church in Lunenburg Co, VA has
been used as
a base to compare names found on it to early settles found in Pulaski Co.
For example "KY Land Warrents Books 23 Grants south of Green River. This grant
Certificate 454 refers to a Thomas Price assigne (29 Aug 1817) of John Ingram
who was
assee of Amos Evans for land on Buck Creek. This land was on the corner of
William Fears.
Part one of the KY Land Grants shows that John Thompson received his grant on
Buck Creek
in 1798, when that part of Pulaski was still Lincoln Co. KY.
There are Evans' listed on the church list, but which gives this credence is
that John
Ingram and William Fears are found. There is still much research to be done, but
it most
certinaly looks like that John Thompson, John Ingram and William Fears found on
Church List in VA, most likely may have come together to KY.
Though Meherrin Baptist Church was in Luenburg Co. it was located not far from
Mecklenburg county line and a short distance from the Charlotte county line. The
lines of the church extended into all three counties.
Gloria Padach
Robert Barclay
Posted By: Sam Calveard <srcalveard@aol.com>
Date:20 June 2000
looking for any info on the Robert Barclay family.
Robert was born in Pulaski County in 1777 and married Sarah Burkhart in 1841. I
have some
info (about 400 related names), but would like more. I will gladly share info.
James +Mary Edwards
Posted By: Tami Edwards Erskine <thershey@concentric.net>
Date:21 June 2000
I am looking for any information on James Edwards son of John S Edwards and
James`s wife
Mary Martha Davis .They are buried at Wesley Chapel in Pulaski CO.any
information on them
or any of their children would be greatly appreciated.Thanks
Eli A. Dykes and Nannie Neely Hyden
Posted By: Donnie Stanley <tdstanley@earthlink.net>
Date:21 June 2000
Looking for more information on Nannie Neely Hyden. I know her marriage date to
Eli A.
Dykes and I know her parents names James Neely and Sara Farmer, but can't go
farther back
then this. Was told family was Indian somewhere and from South Carolina. I can't
to confirm these facts. If you have any information, it would be appreciated!!
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Re: Eli A. Dykes and Nannie Neely Hyden
Posted By: Linda McDowell Mounce <tckk2@earthlink.net>
Date:3 August 2000
In Response To: Eli A. Dykes and Nannie Neely Hyden (Donnie Stanley)
Here is what I have...
Name James David Neely
Sex: M
Wife: #1
Name Martha Jane Dykes
Sex: F
Born ABT 00 1860 Bent, Pulaski Co., KY
Died Young leaving 4 children
Posted by H. Bray <rac8113@digital.net> on Thu, 11 May 2000, in response to
Looking for
family, posted by Donnie Stanley on Mon, 21 Jun 1999
Surname: Dykes, Neely, Bray
Have a lot of information on the above. Nanny who married Eli Arch Dykes in
1906, was
married to Milliard Hyden, and then married Arch Dykes in 1906. Her maiden name
Neely, Her father was James David Neely, mother was Martha Jane Dykes.
Martha Died of pneumonia and James David then married Sara Jane Farmer. My
husband is
also related to the Dykes through a married of Sophia's daughter Lula to Thomas
Have info. Dona
Wife: #2
Name: Sara Jane Farmer
Dr Marcus Layfayette Young
Posted By: Sandy Moore Colbert <scol986906@aol.com>
Date:21 June 2000
Looking for information on Dr Marcus Layfayette Young 23 oct 1853 to 8 jan 1933,
died in
Pulaski Co Ky. Anyone with a connection to this family pleas let me know. Thanks
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Re: Dr Marcus Layfayette Young
Posted By: Bonnie Garber <garberbbf@aol.com>
Date:13 July 2000
In Response To: Dr Marcus Layfayette Young (Sandy Moore Colbert)
I am not related to this family but I do know that there is a family in
County, Virginia that uses this name in their family. They spell the first name
but pronounce it Marcus. This might give you a lead. There have been several
of Marquis Lafayette Youngs in that family, I believe.
Ingram Fears Evans
Posted By: Gloria Padach <seamore@earthlink.net>
Date:22 June 2000
If any one is researching the families of William Fears, or John Ingram, I wish
would contact me. Also any other of you that had ancestors that arrived in KY
Mecklenburg Co. say by 1798 and settled in the Buck Creek arear. I would like to
your names against the records of the Meherrin Baptist Chruch.
These men were in Lincoln/Pulaski Co. c1798.
John Ingram was the assee of Amos Evans, which he (John) then sold to Thomas
Price, 24
Nov 1818. The land that was surveyed containing 100 acres on the waters of Buck
Boundries mentioned are that of Alexander Evans and the corner of William Fears.
Evans, Ingram and Fears with others may have come from Mecklenbery Co. VA. Two
men with
these names of William Fears and John Ingram, appears on the Meherrin Baptist
List of 1771-1844. This church though located in Lunenburg Co. VA. The church
was not
far from the Mecklenburg county line and a short distance from the Charlotte
county line.
The boundary lines of the chruch extended into all three counties.
I am trying to establish that there may have several families from this church
list that
may have came together to KY in the late 1790's.
Laguna Beach
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Re: Ingram Fears Evans
Posted By: Anne Price Pritchett <apritch620@aol.com>
Date:25 June 2000
In Response To: Ingram Fears Evans (Gloria Padach)
Dear Gloria
I'm researching on the Price Family from pulaski county. My oldest proven
ancestor is
James Price b.178? in Linclon Co. Could he possibly be a brother to Thomas
Price. Do you
find him listed in the church documents? Any information is greatly appeciated.
email me Anne apritch620@aol.com
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Re: Ingram Fears Evans
Posted By: Gloria Padach <seamore@earthlink.net>
Date:26 June 2000
In Response To: Re: Ingram Fears Evans (Anne Price Pritchett)
Hi Anne:
I check the listing for the Meherrin Baptist Church, he is not listed.
I have ordered out deed books for Mecklenburg and will check in those when the
probably in the next one to two week.
FOWLER & COOK family in Somerset, Pulaski Co, KY
Posted By: MaryAnn Nicholson <MANicholson@home.com>
Date:23 June 2000
Looking for information on FOWLER relatives born in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY.
(1830-1901) and Ellen (Rogers) (1820-1900) FOWLER moved to Somerset from
Nashville, TN.
Their son, John Henry(1859-1946) married Florence COOK (1868-1951) in 1883. John
Henry &
Florence lived on Mount Vernon Avenue in Somerset, and had the following
children: John
HenryJr., William Edgar, son - died in infancy, Oscar Leroy, Mary Pearl, Maude
E., Allie
J. and Robert Thomas. Looking for descendants of John Jr., Oscar Leroy and James
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:38 CDT
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