September 1998
Parton lineage
Posted by Kitty Parton on Wed, 30 Sep 1998,
in response to Parton connection, posted by Tammy Walker on Sat, 26 Sep 1998
I will line out what the connection is. I believe that the answer
is yes, this particular Parton Line (got to Angelfire.com and
look for my web page under Kitty Parton or Mathieson Web Page for
mosre description of family. More later I gotta go....Kitty
Parton...we're cousins right??!!!
Birth mother
Posted by Family of Carl L Ford <K.Hou506631@aol.com> on Wed, 30 Sep 1998
seeking information on Ruth Ford birth mother of
Carl Layton Ford born Jan 27, 1936 in Somerset, Pulaski Co Ky put
up for adoption through the Kentucky Children's Home Society,
Lyndon Ky.
Addison BUTT
Posted by tom butt <tom.butt@intres.com> on Wed, 30 Sep 1998
Looking to exchange information with descendants of Addison BUTT
who died 1844 in Pulaski County, KY
Posted by Gene Pitman <mrwyoming@msn.com> on Wed, 30 Sep 1998,
in response to Dick/Lovelace, posted by Glenda (Benge) McComas on Mon, 28 Sep
Glenda, the 1920 Pulaski Census list Logan and Goitha having two
daughters, Mary 11 and Fanny 9.
Posted by P Pettijohn <Cybernoire@aol.com> on Wed, 30 Sep 1998
Looking for any information about Pettijohns, Pettyjohns or
Pettigons of PulaskiCO, specifically Glenn Louis Pettijohn
married to Florence, sons Glenn Beauchamp Pettijohn and Thomas
Patrick Pettijohn. African American and/or Caucasian, may be
related to Jame Pettijohn/Pettyjohn?Pettigon, relocated to
Posted by Nancy Jane Ramsey Norris <NNorris803@aol.com> on Wed, 30 Sep 1998
Researching the RAMSEY/PENCE families of ROCKCASTLE and PULASKI
counties. Hoping to find list of children of the John and Nancy
PENCE family. Also trying to locate parents of John William and
Daniel James McCabe RAMSEY b. 1848 & 1850 ROCKCASTLE and PULASKI
counties. Also hoping to find complete list of children of Daniel
F. and Mary Donaho RAMSEY.
Posted by Gene Pitman <mrwyoming@msn.com> on Tue, 29 Sep 1998,
in response to Dick/Lovelace, posted by Glenda (Benge) McComas on Mon, 28 Sep
Logan T. Dick and Goethy W. Loveless were married in Pulaski
County December 22, 1887. He was 19 and she was 16 years of age.
They as well as their parents were borned in Pulaski County. They
were married at the home of Thomas J. Loveless, Surety - Adam A.
Dick, witness - John West, Samuel Roy, and Franklin Robinson,
person presiding - P.C. Newell. Hope this helps.
Posted by Sherry Herron Davisson <DDavi53090@aol.com> on Tue, 29 Sep 1998,
in response to Cemetery's, posted by Phyllis J. Mounce on Wed, 09 Sep 1998
I am looking for the above persons, namely that of SHADERACK, AND
WILLIAM. I think that William is the father but I am not for
sure. Shaderack Herrin came to KY. (PULASKI CO.) in the very
early 1800's. any info on this line of Herrin/Herron's will be
greatly appreciated. Shaderack was supposed to have left Pulaski
Co in the 1830's. Can anyone help me find who his father & mother
was, and possibly his grandparents? Thanks so much.
Sherry Herron Davisson
Dick - Loveless
Posted by Merrilee Griffith <merrilee@rio.atlantic.net> on Tue, 29 Sep 1998,
in response to Dick/Lovelace, posted by Glenda (Benge) McComas on Mon, 28 Sep
I have some info you might could use. More on the Loveless side.
My great Grandfather Willis Green and Goetha father Thomas James
Loveless were brothers. I know their first daughter Mary Lee Dick
was born in Hogue. Let me know if I can help
Posted by Delpha DAVIS ROMERO <DRomero617@aol.com> on Tue, 29 Sep 1998,
in response to CUMMINS, posted by MARSHA HAMILTON on Sun, 27 Sep 1998
I have the parents of Sarah CUMMINS as James and Martha (CORRELL)
CUMMINS. I don't have names of any siblings for her. Do you have
a birth date for Sarah CUMMINS? I have her birth date as March
28, 1856 and her death date as November 14, 1929. It would be
great if Sarah and Enos were brother and sister. At least we'd
have a start on this family.
Posted by Glenda (Benge) McComas <glenda@choice.net> on Mon, 28 Sep 1998
Does anyone have any info on my ggreat-grandparents: Joe and
Madnie (sp?) Dalton from Pulaski Co.? I don't know her maiden
name. They had a son Green David who married Nancy Hellen. I
don't know her maiden name either. Green and Nancy's daughter
Cora Ethel was my grandmother and she was married to Charlie
Ethel Benge. They lived around Oil Center and Piney Grove.
Posted by Glenda (Benge) McComas <glenda@choice.net> on Mon, 28 Sep 1998
Does anyone have any info on my great-grandparents: Logan Thomas
and Goetha Wilmurth (Lovelace) Dick from Pulaski Co.? (Hogue,
Bethel Ridge)
Posted by Pat D. Fite <patdfite@bigfoot.com> on Sun, 27 Sep 1998
I am researching Jonah/Jonas Wilson b 1769 VA d 1843 Pulaski Co
KY m 1791 Montgomery Co VA Elizabeth Dierman b 1722 VA d 1844
Pulaski Co KY. Their children were Jerusha, Bird, Micajah, Olive,
Joshua, William, Elizabeth, Wesley, Jonathan, Jonas Durman, Polly
Mary, and Eleanor.
His father was Joshua Wilson and Catherine Hough. I am
particularly interested in his wife Elizabeth Dierman.
Posted by Donna Williams Rupp <Dmom03@aol.com> on Sun, 27 Sep 1998
Looking for anyone who may be researching these three families
and their connections. Hartwell Jefferson Perry Ashley married
Angie Rose Trusty. Their daughter, Loleta, was my paternal
grandmother. I'm particularly looking for anyone who may have
known Loleta and her husband Albert Williams.
Francis & Nancy McCown
Posted by Leonard J. McCown <mccown@gte.net> on Sun, 27 Sep 1998
Francis McCown listed in 1796 Lincoln Co., tax list, and received
bond to marry Nancy Swinney, daughter of Edward on 15 Feb. 1798,
LCT. They were in the part of Co. cut off in Pulaski Co. when it
was formed. Lived on Pitman Creek. Was Francis the son of James
and Jane McCown? Was he brother to George and Malcom? Francis,
George and Malcom eventually moved south to Lincoln Co.,
Pyle history
Posted by Janet Davis Platt <jap@cqc.com> on Sun, 27 Sep 1998
Looking for descendants of Clyde and Lola Pyle Blevins. Clyde and
Lola lived R.R. 2 Somerset Pulaski Co KY in July 1922. Lola was
born Jan 1881 Fentress Co Tennessee to James "Poplar" Pyle and
Margaret Evans Davis Pyle. Lola and Clyde had two known children
one boy Clide and one girl Miley. Need their help in updating
family history.
Any help is appreciated.
Janet Davis Platt
219-753-5552 (after 5:30 PM )
Posted by MARSHA HAMILTON <MSHAMILTON@KIH.NET> on Sun, 27 Sep 1998,
in response to CASADA, DAVIS, ANDERSON, CUMMINS, CORRELL, posted by Delpha Davis
Romero on Sun, 22 Mar 1998
I am looking for the parents and siblings of ENOS CUMMINS B
1870-77 md Eva Mae Bland. They were in Shelby Co., Ky in 1904 and
Jefferson Co., KY by 1910. ENOS CUMMINS had a sister named SARAH
CUMMINS. Thank you Marsha Hamilton
KY Database
Posted by Geoff Wood <geoffwood@snet.net> on Sun, 27 Sep 1998
I recently found the Website for the KY State Treasury.
You can search on the is page by name. It lists property
abandoned to the state. It saw quite a few Pulaski County
names in the database. You may find a long lost relative
or be able to claim lost property!
Happy Hunting!
Posted by Tammy Walker <jtawalk@swbell.net> on Sat, 26 Sep 1998,
in response to Cemetaries in Pulaski Co. KY w/names PARTON, TRIMBLE, LAY,
HENDERSON, MOUNCE, THOMPSON, CASSADA (CAS, posted by Brian Parton on Tue, 08 Sep
My GGrandmother, Vada Mae Hendricks, married Lewis Green Parton.
Her mother, Permelia Alice Allen is buried in a cemetary in
Freedom, Kentucky. There may also be some Partons buried there.
Good luck, Tammy
Warren's of Pulaski Co.
Posted by Terry McDaniel <mowdawg@swbell.net> on Sat, 26 Sep 1998
Am looking for the Parents of Mathew Warren b. abt 1798,d. abt
1840. spouse Martha Baker.
Terry McDaniel
Parton connection
Posted by Tammy Walker <jtawalk@swbell.net> on Sat, 26 Sep 1998,
Brian Parton on Sat, 12 Sep 1998
My grandfather, Earl Parton (GGF Lewis Green Parton, GGGF Matthew
Parton, GGGGrandfather James Parton) also claimed we were related
to Dolly Parton. He said this years ago before Dolly was well
known. She was still singing with Porter Wagner. Keep me posted
on what you find and I will do the same. Thanks, Tammy
Johnson; Pulaski Co
Posted by Claudia Phillips Hajovsky <hajovsky@hal-pc.org> on Fri, 25 Sep 1998
Looking for more information about the parents and ancestors of
Alverda Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of W. R. Johnson (don't know
given name) of Pulaski County, KY. She had two brothers,
Cornelius J. Johnson (married Lucy) and C. M. Johnson (married
Catherine). Alverda married John Haze Conner in 1883. They moved
to Hopkins Co, TX.
Posted by A L Lyles <DigsRoots@aol.com> on Thu, 24 Sep 1998,
in response to PARTON, HENDRICKS, ALLEN, LEIGH,, posted by Tamara Walker on Fri,
19 Jun 1998
I have your Hendricks connection for the pulaski county, Ky
Hendricks I think.
The parents of Andrew James Hendricks were Armstrong Hendricks
and Sarah Reynolds.
If this is true on your side then we indeed have a match. Email
me and lets get some detail exchanges going then.
Posted by Emma Knight <elkknight@yahoo.com> on Wed, 23 Sep 1998
Looking for father-in-law's family. I know the following:
1. Last name is Mounts or Mounce
2. First and Middle name: George Lee
3. Mother is Della M. Mounts or Mounce
4. Born in Sommerset, Pulaski County, Kentucky
5. DOB: June 2-6, 1931 Died Jan 2, 1979
6. George and his wife Judy visited with relatives in Sommerset
sometime between May 1954 and 1956. May have had a small baby
with them. Judy says the relatives were an aunt/uncle/several
children, and both of George's grandmothers. Both George and Judy
were playing country music in Ohio at this time.
I appreciate any and all help in locating this family. Thanks
Posted by Jerrimarie Henson <smokey@viagrafix.net> on Mon, 21 Sep 1998,
in response to STOGSDILL, posted by Brad Buck on Tue, 19 May 1998
If you will take a look at my web page at:
I believe you will find the answers you are
looking for on the Fores, and the Stogsdill, as
well as the Umfleet.
John Fore is my direct line
Jerrimarie Henson
21 Sept 1998
8:38 PM
Posted by Tara Brackett <tb25@iamerica.net> on Mon, 21 Sep 1998
Looking for any information on a Thomas Brumett born in 1892 in
Pulaski Co. Kentucky. Would like to find out his parents name and
siblings if any. Would also like information on any and all
Brumetts' from that area.
Posted by Louis B. Read <lbr@juno.com> on Mon, 21 Sep 1998
Interested in marriages, births, deaths, wills for
Alexander Crawford, Shelby Crawford, Adams
Crawford in Pulaski County Kentucky.
Posted by Sherri Elmore <elmorekr@email.uc.edu> on Sun, 20 Sep 1998
I am looking for information on my great-grandfather Herbert
GRANT who married a woman named EFFIE. They lived in PULASKI
County in the 1920's. They had two daughters, one was Bertha
Carol born in Dec. 1923, and the other was Eula born in 1921 (who
married a man named Pyles. Their son Charles was born in 1920.
Posted by Sharon B. Lodge <RELODGE@aol.com> on Sun, 20 Sep 1998
GOOCH, Edith Mary b 4-5-1886 in Pulaski Co., Ky. Daughter of John
Gooch and Mary Martin. Edith Mary md. Robert Louis Baugh. She
died in Hamilton Co., Cincinnati, Oh. abt 1958. Robert Louis d
June 1915 in Tollsborough, Ky. Need info about the Gooch's.
Mounce / Gregory
Posted by Marilyn Gregory Fisher <mkfisher@smly-01.hfs.purdue.edu> on Sun, 20
Sep 1998,
in response to MOUNCE, THOMPSON in Pulaski Co. KY, posted by Brian Parton on
Tue, 08 Sep 1998
Looking for info on a Tilman Mounce who married a Patsy Gregory
(d/o Hiram Gregory) in Wayne Co Dec 26, 1830. They are not listed
on the W.C. 1850 census. Perhaps they moved to Pulaski Co. Would
appreciate info on this couple
Pulaski Co. Schools of the Past
Posted by Glenda (Benge) McComas <glenda@choice.net> on Sat, 19 Sep 1998,
in response to PULASKI CO. SCHOOLS OF THE PAST, posted by Gene Pitman on Sat, 19
Sep 1998
Hi, I'm from Pulaski Co., (Ferguson). I would love to get a copy
of the book on Schools of the Past. Where is it available?
Posted by Gene Pitman <mrwyoming@msn.com> on Sat, 19 Sep 1998
I bought the book "Pulaski County's Schools of the past". The
school called "Sweetwater" is not listed. Does anyone have a
"photo" of the school. I would like very much to have a print or
copy. So many folks I have known went to that school. If you have
a copy or know where I could get one, please get back with me.
Posted by Rosemary Shields <Rory70@juno.com> on Sat, 19 Sep 1998,
in response to Lewis Foster NELSON & Lavina CHAMBERS, posted by Phylliss Smith
Davis on Wed, 09 Sep 1998
I am interested in any Marcum family you have in Wayne or Pulaski
Co, KY.
Posted by Wilma Crisler <peter.crisler@worldnet.att.net> on Fri, 18 Sep 1998
I am looking for any kind of information on Sarah Jane Herrington
b. abt 1832 in PULASKI Co., KY. She married Henry Laten White on
Mar 24, 1858 in PULASKI CO. I am interested in finding out her
parents' names, but am having no luck. If anyone could help, I
would truly appreciate it.
Wilma Crisler
Posted by shirley <quiltin@hotmail.com> on Fri, 18 Sep 1998,
in response to WHITE, posted by Shirley on Thu, 27 Aug 1998
Hi Elsie,
I just recently got a hold of a birth, death, and marriage
records for Casey Co. Ky. While checking it I will look for your
spaw. The dates are random 1861 1859 1862 and so on. Will let you
know if they are on there. Hopefully next week I can look at it.
Well take care and enjoy this nice weather we have been having I
can't wait for fall.
Posted by Lloyd Raymer <lloydr@wku.campus.mci.net> on Thu, 17 Sep 1998
I do not know of any siblings of John Banton Doolin who was born
ca/1810 Pulaski Co, Ky. The James&Elizabeth Laws Doolin are
suspected as his parents only because the Laws family seem to
follow John B Doolin to Rush Co, Indiana where he was married in
1833. When he arrived here in Warren Co, Ky in 1849, the Laws
family lived next to him !!
The book- The Dulin Family of America does lists a John as a son
of James and Elizabeth but I have not seen the proof. Any help on
this will be appreciated.
Posted by Joyce Alford <alford@mad.scientist.com> on Thu, 17 Sep 1998,
in response to SHADOAN, JOHN WESLEY SR/JR, posted by ERIC JAMES on Wed, 16 Sep
Thanks for the info on the Shadoan & Lewis families of Pulaski
County. One question...I had thought that Eva Lewis married
Charles Henderson Vaughn. I believe you have it listed as Charles
N. Vaughn. My information indicates that Charles Henderson
Vaughn's father was Nicholas J. Vaughn. Can you clarify? Thanks
in advance.
Posted by Gene Pitman <mrwyoming@msn.com> on Thu, 17 Sep 1998,
in response to TUCKER, posted by Jennifer Polly on Wed, 16 Sep 1998
J, Millie J. married John A. Hollars on 10/09/1878, Sarah A.
married Joseph H. Vaughn on 10/17/1883 and got a James M. that
married Serelda Mayfield on 6/12/1878. Not much help is it!
Posted by Gary Jones <gljones@ubunix.acsu.buffalo.edu> on Thu, 17 Sep 1998,
in response to JONES,PUMPHREY,PAAYNE,KIDD, posted by Bob Griffith on Thu, 17 Sep
Alice (JONES) Pumphrey's brother William was born
in 1881.Alice and her husband lived in Pulaski Co.
KY. William, I believe lived in Lincoln Co. KY.
I do not believe he is the William Jones you are
looking for.
Posted by Joyce Alford <alford@mad.scientist.com> on Thu, 17 Sep 1998
Would like to find information on the following Pulaski County
Lydia Christine Vaughn, b. 30Sep1916
Charles Henderson Vaughn, b. 1881
Eva Lee Lewis b. 1882
John Wesley Lewis, Jr., b.05Feb1850
I believe all individuals were born in Pulaski County. Can anyone
Thanks in advance for your help.
Joyce Ellen Garner Alford
Posted by Bob Griffith <grpphc@tstar.net> on Thu, 17 Sep 1998,
in response to JONES,PUMPHREY,PAYNE,KIDD, posted by Gary l. Jones on Sun, 02 Aug
Pulaski Co. Query-when was Alice Jones' brother William born? I'm
seeking gggrandfather William Jones b. Ky ca 1810. He was a
carpenter who m. lady from VA named Mathilda. They were in
Bradley Co., TN in 1850 and moved to AR in late 1850s. Can offer
several generations of descendants if there is any connection.
Thanks Bob Briffith
Search for ancestors
Posted by Natalie J. Miller <natamil@aol.com> on Thu, 17 Sep 1998
My gr-gr-gr-grandfather, Joel WARREN is shown on the 1810 census
for Pulaski County, KY as between 16 and 26 years of age. Joel
WARREN and Elizabeth MARTINDALE B: March 29, 1801 were married in
Pulaski County July 17, 1815. They had two known children, Thomas
and Angeline Bybee WARREN B: May 13, 1816 in Kentucky. Angeline
married Johnston CRAIG Jr., in 1831 in Maury County TN and moved
to Laclede County, MO in 1852. Elizabeth's parents were Thomas
his family on the 1810 census in Pulaski County, KY. I believe
Joel died young because Elizabeth married a Samuel Dickson.
Elizabeth died in Maury County, TN in 1851. Can anyone help me
with more information about the WARREN and MARTINDALE families?
Thanks in advance.
Surrounding counties
Posted by Mary Held <javalady@fuse.net> on Thu, 17 Sep 1998,
in response to Surrounding Co's., posted by Charlotte Manuel on Wed, 16 Sep 1998
Surrounding counties of Pulaski include: Wayne, Russell, Adair,
Casey, Lincoln, and McCreary. Good Luck
Posted by ERIC JAMES <ericjames@re4sale.com> on Wed, 16 Sep 1998,
in response to Pulaski Shadoan, posted by Joyce Alford on Wed, 16 Sep 1998
This should get you started. But note there is a JOHN WESLEY
Descendants of John Wesley / Sr / Lewis
1 John Wesley / Sr / Lewis b: January 02, 1824 in Pulaski Co KY
d: November 05, 1904 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem) Age
at death: 80
. +Anna "Annie" Martin b: 1823 in Pulaski Co KY d: 1910 in
Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem) Age at death: 87 est.
2 [1] John Wesley / Jr / Lewis b: February 05, 1850 in Pulaski
Co. KY d: June 14, 1918 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem)
Age at death: 68
... +Manda E. "Maudie" Unknown b: April 15, 1863 in Pulaski Co KY
d: March 25, 1905 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem) Age at
death: 41
. 3 Samuel Lewis b: November 30, 1883 in Pulaski Co KY d: April
03, 1888 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem) Age at death: 4
. 3 Maudie E. Lewis b: January 23, 1886 in Pulaski Co KY d: March
31, 1888 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem) Age at death: 2
*2nd Wife of [1] John Wesley / Jr / Lewis:
... +Mary A. Unknown b: February 04, 1875 in Pulaski Co KY d:
1894 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem) Age at death: 19
*3rd Wife of [1] John Wesley / Jr / Lewis:
... +Lydia (Shadoan) Shadowen b: December 10, 1852 in Pulaski Co
KY m: December 24, 1868 in at home of William Shadowen, Pulaski
Co KY d: April 12, 1938 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem)
Age at death: 85
. 3 Charles Lewis b: May 05, 1870 in Pulaski Co KY d: December
02, 1911 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem) Age at death:
. 3 Louvinia "Louise" Lewis b: August 15, 1872 in Pulaski Co KY
d: May 24, 1948 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur in Burnside, Ballou, Cem)
Age at death: 75
..... +Daniel Webster Ballou m: Abt. 1889 in Pulaski Co KY
... 4 Pansy Ballou b: in Pulaski Co KY
....... +R. Sellers m: in Pulaski Co KY
... 4 Ittylene Ballou b: in Pulaski Co KY
....... +Nobel Cordell m: in Pulaski Co KY
. 3 Angeline Lewis b: April 13, 1875 in Pulaski Co KY d: July 05,
1908 in Pulaski Co KY Age at death: 33
..... +William O. Stigall m: December 24, 1889 in Pulaski Co KY
. 3 Nellie Lewis b: March 12, 1877 in Pulaski Co KY
..... +Richard H. Halcomb m: October 15, 1893 in Pulaski Co KY
. 3 Cordelia "Delia" Lewis b: February 19, 1879 in Pulaski Co KY
d: March 01, 1964 in Pulaski Co KY Age at death: 85
..... +Samuel Colyer b: May 1877 in Pulaski Co KY m: October 15,
1893 in Somerset, Pulaski Co KY
... 4 Flossie E. Colyer b: May 1900 in Pulaski Co KY
. 3 Eva Lewis b: 1882 in Pulaski Co KY
..... +Charles N. Vaughn b: 1881 in Waynei Co KY m: June 10, 1899
in Somerset, Pulaski Co KY
. 3 Ida J. Lewis b: 1886 in Pulaski Co KY d: November 1965 Age at
death: 79 est.
..... +Fred R. / Sr / Lane b: 1882 in TN m: March 10, 1906 in
Somerset, Pulaski Co KY
... 4 Fred / Jr / Lane b: August 12, 1925 in Pulaski Co KY d:
August 14, 1925 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem) Age at
death: 0
... 4 Carl Hubert Lane b: March 22 in Pulaski Co KY d: November
08, 1911 in Pulaski Co KY (Bur Old Tateville Cem) Age at death: ?
. 3 Ellen Lewis b: 1887 in Pulaski Co KY d: 1972 in Austin TX Age
at death: 85 est.
..... +Henry A. Lane b: 1882 in TN m: September 20, 1903 in at
home of J.W. Lewis, Pulaski Co KY
2 Moses Lewis b: 1842 in Pulaski Co KY
2 Joseph Lewis b: 1843 in Pulaski Co KY
2 Minerva Lewis b: 1844 in Pulaski Co KY
2 James Lewis b: 1846
2 George A. Lewis b: 1848 in Pulaski Co KY
2 Susan Lewis b: 1853 in Pulaski Co KY
2 Harriet Lewis b: 1857 in Pulaski Co KY
2 Alexander Lewis b: 1859 in Pulaski Co KY
Posted by Jennifer Polly <Jaygwen@AOL.com> on Wed, 16 Sep 1998
Pulaski CO.
Kinchen Tucker was living in Pulaski Co. in 1850.
Moses and Milly Johnson Tucker had a son, John.
John married Sarah Owens Mar 6 1861.
John later married Martha Godley (or Godby).
Milly J. born about 1862
Sarah A. born about 1864
James V. born about 1867
Marshal born about 1869
George W. born about 1878
Stephen W. born 2/12/1875
Thank you for your help.
response to query by Dixie
Posted by Charlotte Manuel <andy@oio.net> on Wed, 16 Sep 1998,
in response to SCOTT, posted by DIXIE on Tue, 15 Sep 1998
Hi Dixie,
Thanks for responding to my query.
My David Albert SCOTT was born in KY I learned form a census
as was his wife Mary Jane SMITH. Their daughter Lou Rainey was
born in Burnside, Pulaski Co.KY 10-SEP-1873. She m. James Monroe
CAIN who had been married before and had two daughters. Her
sister Sarah had married Richard(?)Hardwick
They left KY and later Lou and her 4 children, all born in
Pulaski CO., moved to n.e. TX where Sarah and family lived.
I do not know when either David or Mary were born, who to, or
anything more.
Can you help me?
Posted by D. Bray <donabray@digital.net> on Wed, 16 Sep 1998,
in response to VAN HOOK, posted by Marilyn Taylor on Fri, 21 Aug 1998
We have in our Genealogy a Sarah Jane VanHook who married
a John Lafayette Neely July 2, 1857. I have alot of Van
Hook info ,going back to New Jersey and Holland.
Progenitor's name farthest back Aaron Van Hook.
Be glad to help if you need.
Pulaski Shadoan
Posted by Joyce Alford <alford@mad.scientist.com> on Wed, 16 Sep 1998,
in response to Re: SHADOAN, Fred Richard, posted by Pat Rowbotham on Fri, 24 Apr
I am looking for more information about John Wesley Lewis and
Lydia Shadoin of Pulaski County. Thanks in advance for your help.
Surrounding Co's.
Posted by Charlotte Manuel <andy@oio.net> on Wed, 16 Sep 1998
Can any one give me the names of counties surrounding Pulaski CO?
My ggrandparents may have married in neighboring Co as I cannot
find record in your co. ggrandmother was born there and 4
children were born there, but no marriage record that I can find.
Posted by Donna Hoffman <dbus83@juno.com> on Tue, 15 Sep 1998,
in response to HEATH, posted by Brad Buck on Tue, 15 Sep 1998
Hello, Brad,
Don't you remember me? Same Donna just a different e-mail
address. You were very kind before to send me your information on
the Heaths. The Ada Mae that you have listed as born 1875 may
very well be mine, however, I haven't been able to prove or
disprove that. That is the reason I was passing on this new
information that I found on my Ada. I have her death certificate
which shows her born in Pulaski County in 1872. The mother's name
that is on it doesn't agree with your info. I know there could be
many reasons for that. I am hoping that knowing that her adopted
father, Jas L. Bond, gave permission for her to marry will
produce a lead somewhere. I have the info you sent me and have
looked it over again. Hopefully it will all come together
Thanks, Donna
Posted by DIXIE <MissDixieB@AOL.com> on Tue, 15 Sep 1998,
in response to SCOTT/WELDON, posted by Charlotte Manuel on Thu, 20 Aug 1998
In regards to your DAVID A SCOTT: do you have a date & place of
birth for him? If he fits the one I have, I have most of what you
Posted by Brad Buck <bradford.buck@rossnutrition.com> on Tue, 15 Sep 1998,
in response to Ada Mae Heath, posted by Donna Hoffman on Fri, 11 Sep 1998
I have Ada Mae HEATH in my family tree. She is a descendent of
Revolutionary War Vet Wm. HEATH (1764-1829). I'll check in my
records for her parents and sibling names and get back to you.
William Heath's name is displayed with other Rev War Vets names
on a millstone at the Pulaski Co courthouse. Also the Somerset
Historical Society (at the library) has a Heath file including
his pension application, listing his children, etc.
Our Parton family!
Posted by kitty parton <kittyparton@hotmail.com> on Mon, 14 Sep 1998,
Brian Parton on Sat, 12 Sep 1998
Dear Brian,
Hi! Hey what with the "big scandal" with Clinton it's been hard
for us Californians to "get through"!! I have gone to the local
church of lattre day saints. They have an awesome collection
regarding some of our family memebers. I too believe that James'
father is John...I will copy (yes really!!)the information. Hope
all goes well with you cousin! Loveand good cheer to you and your
family...God blesss you guys A BUNCH!!
Posted by Lloyd Raymer <lloydr@wku.campus.mci.net> on Sun, 13 Sep 1998
Who were the parents of John B. Doolin ? He was born in Pulaski
Co, Ky in ca/1810 but married in Rush County, Indiana in 1833. By
the late 1840's he was back in Kentucky and in Warren County
living near a Laws family. Was John B. the son of James and
Elizabeth Laws Doolin/Dulin of Pulaski County, Ky ? Any help on
this line will be appreciated. I descend from James F Doolin, the
son of John B Doolin.
Posted by Susan Miller <Smi3532274@aol.com> on Sun, 13 Sep 1998
Looking for info on James H. PHELPS b abt Jan 1854 in KY married
Mary Ellen CLARK b abt Sep 1850 in KY had 11 children many born
in Pulaski Co. Lucy J b May 1872, Amanda Frances b 14 Dec 1875,
George Allen b Feb 1878, Hannah W b May 1880, Mary Katharyn b Dec
1882, Andrew James b May 1886, Dorinda b 16 Jun 1886 or 1887 d 5
Feb 1976 in IN, Robert Freeman b Apr 1891, Anna Isabelle,
Armolleda or Arnallida b ?, Lilly Mae b 1893. I have them in
1880, 1900, & 1910 Pulaski census. Dorinda married a Levi Martin
MILLER b 15 Apr 1877 in Somerset, Pulaski, KY d 14 Nov 1957 in
IN. He was the son of a Coleman or Martin MILLER.
Pulaski Co.
Posted by jane fanganiello <janerealty@aol.com> on Sat, 12 Sep 1998,
in response to BAUGH, posted by Sandra Jackson on Wed, 02 Sep 1998
I have Barbara Baugh, born 12/5/1792 who married William Hynes
later Hines. Bargara was born in Wythe Co. V.12/5/1792. Her
father was Henry Baugh and mother Margaret Phillipi. William and
Barbara are buried at Mt. Zion, Pulaski Co.
Posted by Brian Parton <caparton@gccweb.net> on Sat, 12 Sep 1998
I'm searching the same PARTON chain as Kitty Parton. Our
GGGGrandfather was James Parton b. ca 1805 - d. ca 1889, married
to Delilah Henderson. James was born in Tennessee and died in
Pulaski Co. KY. I had a great aunt tell me that we were connected
to Dolly Parton's line. James' father may have been John Parton -
b. 1775 (VA) d. 1840 (TN). His brother would have been Benjamin
Chris "B.C." Parton but have not been able to confirm this. Any
assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Brian Parton
Chesney/ Jasper
Posted by Donald C. Ramsey <dramsey@bright.net> on Sat, 12 Sep 1998,
in response to CHESNEY, JASPER, posted by ERIC JAMES on Tue, 28 Apr 1998
The John Chesney you mentioned, from Pulaski, Co,Ky is my
gggrandfather.My ggrandfather is Robert Chesney his son. I have
many Cousins in Wayne County, Ky that have a great deal of
imformation about these relatives.
Casada burials
Posted by John Carter <kj4mc@madmax.nscdiscovery.org> on Fri, 11 Sep 1998,
in response to Cemetaries in Pulaski Co. KY w/names PARTON, TRIMBLE, LAY,
HENDERSON, MOUNCE, THOMPSON, CASSADA (CAS, posted by Brian Parton on Tue, 08 Sep
Sloans Valley Cemetery has Casada family members buried there.
Sloans Valley is on south US 27 between Burnside and the McCreary
County line. The cemetery is on the east side of the road about
1/2 mile off US 27.
Posted by Bill Nelson <amopop@aol.com> on Fri, 11 Sep 1998,
in response to Lewis Foster NELSON & Lavina CHAMBERS, posted by Phylliss Smith
Davis on Wed, 09 Sep 1998
Please E-Mail me - Lewis Foster Nelson is a brother to My 4th gr
grandfather, John W. Nelson - born 21 Feb 1815, married Nancy
Todd 21 Feb 1842 in Pulaski Co. Ky. I have come to a dead end on
their father Jourdan Nelson. I have much information on the
desendents of John W.Nelson.
Bill Nelson - amopop@aol.com
Coatesville, In. 46121
Posted by Susan Hudgens <yr1kyarcuz@aol.com> on Fri, 11 Sep 1998,
in response to JONES, PENNINGTON, STRUNK, posted by Leah H. Chance on Mon, 31
Aug 1998
I am a dscendant of Theophilus Pennington. His son John married
Margaret Castillo and there daughter Sarah Elizabeth
Pennington married John Wilson. Their son Aaron Russell Wilson
married Julia Elizabeth Roy. Their daughter Ella Wilson married
Miller Eubanks McCormack. Their daughter Mary Rose McCormack
married C.L. Hudgens and they had me(Susan Hudgens). I have alot
on the Wilson and Roys, but very little on the Pennington's and
Church records esp Fishing Creek
Posted by Dale Cordner <dcordner@sowa.org> on Fri, 11 Sep 1998
Are there any church records (minute books, membership records,
minister journals, etc) for Pulaski Co. I am interested in those
churches in the Western portion of the Co and particularly
Baptist records.
Ada Mae Heath
Posted by Donna Hoffman <dbus83@juno.com> on Fri, 11 Sep 1998
Some time ago I posted a query in Pulaski County looking for my
great-grandmother, Ada Mae Heath, b. Pulaski County, November 25,
1872. Several people tried to help, but I was unable to make any
possitive connections. When I found the marriage record of Ada
Mae and Muscoe Thompson VanArsdale in Mercer County, I found a
new bit of information that may help.
In the margin of the second page of the marriage bond it has
written "Authority given on behalf of Ada Heath, by Jas. L. Bond,
her adopted father, for marriage license to be issued" Does this
connect with anyone?
Posted by Sandie Larkin Hammer <geo_e_hammer@prodigy.com> on Thu, 10 Sep 1998,
SANDIDGE - LARKIN, posted by Sheila D. Epperson-Evans on Tue, 19 May 1998
Shelia,Dont know if I can tie my family into Pulaski Co, but, in
my family I have a Mary Cummins from Virginia who married a
Patrick Larkin also from Virginia, both having been born in
Ireland. Patrick was born abt. 1818 and Mary abt. 1822.
Looking For Family Data
Posted by Jack Roysdon <jroysdon@camden.net> on Thu, 10 Sep 1998
Looking for family data on Roysdon's from Pulaski Co Ky.
Re: Franklin Mounce
Posted by Phyllis J. Mounce <pjmounce@hsonline.net> on Thu, 10 Sep 1998,
Brian Parton on Wed, 09 Sep 1998
Brian, sorry but haven't heard of Franklin Mounce of
Pulaski Co, Somerset, Kentucky before but if I do I will
pass it on to you......Tried Cumberland River Regional
yet..CRR ?? Phyll
Mounce family name
Posted by kitty parton <kittyparton@hotmail.com> on Thu, 10 Sep 1998,
in response to MOUNCE, posted by Jim Sewell on Thu, 30 Apr 1998
Check out Brian K. Parton's messages categorized under Lay
Trimble Mounce etc. His Mounce family married into my Parton
family. He might be able to help you! Take care.
William P. Cundiff
Posted by John Cundiff <cundo1@juno.com> on Thu, 10 Sep 1998
I am trying to find the father of William P.Cundiff 1851-1917.
His wife was Lucretia J.Cundiff 1858-1944, daughter of William
Dutton 1839-1923/Elizabeth Dutton 1840-1920. All of the above
lived in Pulaski Co. KY and died in Somerset, KY.
Posted by Cyndi Galati <galati4@galstar.com> on Thu, 10 Sep 1998,
in response to CHUMBLEY, GOSSETT, SPEARS, posted by Mary Held on Tue, 28 Apr
We now have a mail list for people that are researching the
CHUMBLEY/CHUMLEY/CHUMNEY+++ Surnames! Please join us!
Hope To Hear FRom You,
* Subscription commands go to
I repeat, to subscribe send an email to
and put the word:
(and nothing else)
in the body of the message.
You can use CAPS or lowercase, it doesn't matter.
Posted by Ron Geary <jrguiry@aol.com> on Wed, 09 Sep 1998,
in response to Loveall - Woolsey, posted by Wilford W. Whitaker on Sun, 06 Sep
I have a copy of the Pedigreee Chart for Richard Woolsey that
married Polly Loveall May 2 1800. Interested let me know.
Not all from Pulaski Co.
Parton family
Posted by kitty elizabeth parton <kittyparton@hotmail.com> on Wed, 09 Sep 1998,
by Brian Parton on Tue, 08 Sep 1998
Hey! Thanks for responding back Brian...Hope all is well with you
and yur family. We're all okay, but we are moving out of the
mountains of Los Gatos and into "town". It's been too hard
driving back and forth...anyway. Well, we're Lay's not LEIGH! ok.
I'm going to try and "assimilate" the information and keep
trying. Maybe my mother was a bit "out there" which is always
possible with MY mom, when the name Balzora was written
down...who knows? I'll keep it in the back of my mind. I have a
new numer [deleted by board administrator] but it's not working
right so go ahead and post messages either here or hotmail e mail
or my yahoo! e-mail...thanks so much for not forgetting about
me....x..zn cuzn!!
Posted by Phyllis J. Mounce <pjmounce@hsonline.net> on Wed, 09 Sep 1998,
in response to Cemetaries in Pulaski Co. KY w/names PARTON, TRIMBLE, LAY,
HENDERSON, MOUNCE, THOMPSON, CASSADA (CAS, posted by Brian Parton on Tue, 08 Sep
Hello Brain, My husband is a Mounce from Pulaski Co.
Somerset , Kentucky and he said White Lillie Cemetery,
Providence Cemetery, Clay Hill Cemetery, Whetstone
Cemetery,Harrgis Cemetery at Long Hollow. What are the
Mounce names you are researching, maybe we are working on the
same lines..
Lewis Foster NELSON & Lavina CHAMBERS
Posted by Phylliss Smith Davis <phylliss@amug.org> on Wed, 09 Sep 1998
Lewis Foster NELSON, born 20 Mar 1811 in Stokes Co NC, died 9 Jan
1857 in Pulaski Co, KY, married 26 Jul 1835 in Lee VA to Lavina
CHAMBERS from Hawkins/Greene Co, Tenn. Both Lewis & Lavina were
living in Lee Co when growing up. They moved to Pulaski Co, KY.
Their eleven children lived in Pulaski Co, KY until after their
mother died there 9 Jul 1879, when they all moved with their
families to Indiana and some went on to Stafford Co, Kansas.
Lavina had a sister Matilda who married Felix YANCY and lived in
Pulaski Co, KY. Other relations in Pulaski Co.KY were Jourden
NELSON family.
Posted by Brian Parton <coffeenews@gccweb.net> on Wed, 09 Sep 1998,
in response to Cemetery's, posted by Phyllis J. Mounce on Wed, 09 Sep 1998
The only MOUNCE name I have is Franklin Mounce, who back in the
1920s was a boot-legger turn preacher. In about 1925 he was shot
& killed while preaching in a church somewhere around Somerset,
Ky. Ring a bell?, Thanks much for the input. Cheers, Brian
Posted by E. Thomas Collins, Jr. <etcjr@aol.com> on Wed, 09 Sep 1998,
in response to COLLINS, posted by E. THOMAS COLLINS, JR. on Sun, 17 May 1998
Am looking for info. on the parents of James Eben Collins,born in
1879 in Pulaski County (married Eliza Ann Floyd in 1897 in
Pulaski County). Names of parents are Tom and Emily (McClellan)
Posted by Brian Parton <caparton@gccweb.net> on Tue, 08 Sep 1998
I'm looking for any information out there on my GGP Franklin
MOUNCE and Cynthia THOMPSON both from Pulaski Co. KY. The story
on my GGF was that he was a bootlegger turned preacher and was
shot and killed while giving a sermon in a church somewhere
around Somerset. My GGM re-married a man by the surname MILLBURN.
The shooting happened around 1925. Thank you in advance, hope to
return the favor soon. Brian Parton
Posted by Elsie M. Gibbs <elscrl@fuse.net> on Tue, 08 Sep 1998,
in response to WHITE, posted by Shirley on Thu, 27 Aug 1998
Hi Shirley:
Thanks for the info. you sent me. I am hoping somewhere
that someone might know something about this Galen E. WHITE
and Emily Jane (SPAW) WHITE, did they divorce or did he
die before she did! Also Emily and John M. BARBER(b. 1836)
also got hooked up together and had some children. But I
absolutely cannot find any record nowhere of them even being
married! Do you know anything on these 2 people, I mean
John & Emily? Oh John was born in Pulaski Co., Ky. / Emily
supposedly born in Casey Co., Ky. / Galen I'm not really
sure, but I suppose he was born in Pulaski Co. or Casey Co.
Ky. Do you know about that?
Guess this is enough, hope to hear back from you soon.
Posted by Elsie M. Gibbs <elscrl@fuse.net> on Tue, 08 Sep 1998,
in response to Margaret WHITE, posted by James D. SHADOAN on Sun, 06 Sep 1998
Hi James:
On page 166 of the Pulaski Co., Ky. Historical Society
Cemetery Vol. 1 - Burnside Cem. section 1 has SHADOAN,
William b. Dec. 16, 1860 w/no death date. // On pg. 460 of
same book: Old Tateville Cemetery Loc. Old hwy. 27 (South)
at Tateville, Ky.: on pg. 468 lists the SHADOAN as follows:
**SHADOAN, Annie b. Feb 4, 1874 - d. July 13, 1896 dau. of:
Wm & Margaret
SHADOAN, Charlie T. b. Mar. 2, 18__ - d. _____
SHADOAN, Eliza b. 1862 - d. 1929
SHADOAN, Elizabeth b. Aug 10, 1852 & d. Sept. 28, 1903 w/o
R. J.
SHADOAN, James V. b. Oct. 1, 1895 - d. Jun 19, 189_ s/o
T. R. & Eliza B.
SHADOAN, Jane b. Apr. 30, 1824 - d. Oct 27, 1896 w/o Wm
SHADOAN, Lewis b. May 29, 1850 - d. Apr. 8, 1887
SHADOAN, Lillie J. b. Jun 5, 1885 - d. May 21, 1888
**SHADOAN, Margaret b. Jun 18, 1837 - d. Oct 9, 1879 w/o Wm
SHADOAN, Monroe b. Jul 5, 1902 - d. Aug 23, 1902 s/o CM &
SHADOAN, Purlie May b. Feb 28, 1884 - d. Mar 13, 1889 d/o
RJ & Lizzie
**SHADOAN, Reubin b. Jul 25, 1869 - d. Jan 6, 1885 s/o Wm &
SHADOAN, Robert M. b. Dec 26, 1893 - d. Nov 27, 1909
SHADOAN, Virgie Clay b. & d. Oct 4, 1890 d/o RJ & Lizzie
SHADOAN, Winnie b. Sep 11, 1819 - d. Apr 22, 1891 w/o Lewis
**SHADOAN, William b. Dec 20, 1837 - d. Oct 11, 1911
SHADOAN, Wm. b. Mar 3, 1819 - d. May 27, 1880
Hope the above will help you. Please let me know.
Posted by Elsie M. Gibbs <elscrl@fuse.net> on Tue, 08 Sep 1998,
in response to Margaret WHITE, posted by James D. SHADOAN on Sun, 06 Sep 1998
Hi James:
It's me again, I forgot to ask you, if this Margaret WHITE
is related to Galen E. WHITE (Pulaski Co., Ky.)? Do you
know anything about this Galen, who md. Emily Jane SPAW?
Then this Emily Jane got involved with John M. BARBER (John
was born 1836 in Pulaski Co., Ky.). Galen WHITE & Emily J.
SPAW were married in Casey Co., Ky.
I hope this Galen E. WHITE w/ Emily fits into your WHITE's.
If so, I hope you would share the info. with me. I really
would appreciate it.
Hansford, Thompson
Posted by Joel N. Swink <jswink@mornet.com> on Tue, 08 Sep 1998,
in response to HANSFORD, THOMPSON, posted by Chris Starrett on Mon, 07 Sep 1998
In my files I have:
Anna Hansford b. 3/29/1819 in KY
d. 5/27/1880
m. Henry Jackson Swink 12/7/1840 in Wayne Co., KY
1. Thomas Hansford b. 1797 in KY
m. Martha
2. Thomas Badgely Hansford b. 1833
2. John K. Martin Hansford b. 1837
Thomas Price m. Polly Hansford 1818 in Pulaski Co.
Thomas Hansford b. 1784 VA
m. Alcey b. 1780 VA
All the above does not connect directly to any of my lines in
Pulaski Co.
But I have been trying to connect with the Hansford line there
because of the repitition of Hansford as a middle name in the
Price family there.
1. Zachariah Price
2. William Hansford Price b. 1/10/1777 VA
d. 1/20/1835 Pulaski Co.
m. Sarah Owens abt 1800
3. Samuel Hansford Price b. 4/14/1822 KY
d. 6/17/1875 MO
m. Susan C. Owens probably Pulaski Co. because they both lived
there only I haven't found proof exactly where they were married.
Hope this helps.
Hope we can make a connection.
Posted by Brian Parton <caparton@gccweb.net> on Tue, 08 Sep 1998,
by Kitty Parton on Sat, 29 Aug 1998
Hi Cuz,
Well here's what I've found (or haven't found). This information
was found on a microfiche containing Pulaski Co. records. I
forgot to write down the exact title. But, Celia Balzora Lay (not
Leigh) was the daughter of Henry Lay and Elizabeth Trimble. Henry
Lay was also married to Delia Trimble 1847 before his marriage to
Elizabeth in 1849. Celia, of course married Matthew Parton. The
only info I found on the name Balzora is that it is possibly a
French-Cajun first name. I came across a lady here in Mississippi
who knows a lady with the first name Balzora. What the name
means, I do not know! There is no Antoinette Balzora listed
anywhere. I've returned from Cincinnati with a stop in Somerset.
My mother finally fessed up some pictures from the Parton's. I'm
going to scan them into the computer and then send you a copy.
There's a rather large woman that is in several pictures who no
one knows who she is. Maybe you can ID her. Appreciate it if you
could send me copies as well. I'm sure I've forgotten something
I'll email ya if I remember what it was. Call me! Brian
Cemetaries in Pulaski Co. KY w/names PARTON, TRIMBLE, LAY, HENDERSON, MOUNCE,
Posted by Brian Parton <caparton@gccweb.net> on Tue, 08 Sep 1998
I'm searching for cemetaries in Pulaski Co. KY that may contain
THOMPSON, CASSADA (CASADA) HUGHES. I would also welcome any other
info on the same names. Thanks in advance. Hope I can return the
favor soon. Brian Parton
Posted by Merrilee Griffith <merrilee@rio.atlantic.net> on Mon, 07 Sep 1998
Does anyone out their know who Thomas Loveless, who married
Virgina Roy in 1810, parent's, or siblings might be.They had two
sons born in Pulaski Co. one was Thomas (Good Tom) who married
Jane Williams in 1833, and the other is John who married a Mary
Tuggle in 1834.
Any info would help as I'm at a brick wall.
Thompson - Adams
Posted by Gloria N. Padach <seamore@earthlink.net> on Mon, 07 Sep 1998,
in response to ADAMS, THOMPSON, posted by Stan Cornelius on Fri, 20 Feb 1998, at
10:47 p.m.
Dear Stan: I am quite sure that you must have the marriage list
from the Pulaski Co. Cleark's Office. My Thompson's is Rebecca
Thompson who marries Anderson Smith, Jr.16 July 1801, with the
consent of her father John Thompson, Sur: Thomas Thompson. From
the orignial County Clerks list are the following. Polly Thompson
& Nimrod Adams 22 Aug 1815, Con. of John Thompson, Sur: Squire
Thompson; Jesse Thompson & Elizabeth Adams, 23 Dec 1805, Con. of
father Daniel Adams. Wit: Thomas Thompson; Joseph Thompson &
Zilphy Adams, 19 Apr 1800 Con. of father Daniel Adams Sur:
Nathaneil Adams; Thomas Thompson & Polly Cummins, 30 June 1806
Con. of her mother Elizabeh Cummins Sur: Elijah Adams. From a
print book of marriages 1779- 1850 are Thos Thompson & Jenny
Adams 23 Feb 1804 and Wm. Thompson & Polly Commirets 1 July 1806.
This book has been found to be wrong. It is believed that John
Thompson, may have been from Amherst Co. VA. though this is
unproven. I would like to know where this family is from. I am
quite sure that they are not of the large Thompson family from
York, PA. nor are they from the Rev. John Thompson family of
Rowan Co. NC. I have done studies on the two last families. and
if I can be of help there please let me contact me.
Posted by Chris Starrett <chriss@one.net> on Mon, 07 Sep 1998
Looking for information on the ancestors of Theodore Gamlin
HANSFORD (1898-1978) married to Minnie THOMPSON (1896-1988). Was
told that Minnie had some Indian in her. Thanks.
Posted by David Lee <d.lee@pstbbs.com> on Sun, 06 Sep 1998,
in response to LEE, posted by George Lee on Sun, 15 Mar 1998
Hi, Iam also a descendant of the Charles Lee/Ann Dabbs. Does
anyone have this line? In Pulaski Co. Ky. Would like to corespond
with you.
Thank you Dave
Polly Loveall
Posted by Ron Geary <jrguiry@aol.com> on Sun, 06 Sep 1998,
in response to Loveall - Woolsey, posted by Wilford W. Whitaker on Sun, 06 Sep
From the material I have Polly was the daughter of Jonathan
Loveall and Viany Stevens. Her grandparents were Zebulon Loveall
and Mary West Her greatgrand parents were Rev Henry Loveall and
Martha the family all started with Rev Henry Loveall in the early
1700. I can forward dates and other information if yo want. The
early Lovealls were not from Pulaski County.
Margaret WHITE
Posted by James D. SHADOAN <shadoan@mail.utah.uswest.net> on Sun, 06 Sep 1998
Would like to find the exact birth date of Margaret WHITE.Married
William H. SHADOAN in Pulaski Co. KY. Names and birth dates of
any children born to them.Need date and place of her death and
where she is buried.
Richardson, Ferrell
Posted by David Lee <d.lee@pstbbs.com> on Sun, 06 Sep 1998,
in response to RICHARDSON, FERRELL, posted by Nan Brennan on Thu, 13 Aug 1998
Hi, I also have the Richardson/Ferrell line. My line is from
Susan Ferrell who was married to my Charles Lee. Her father was a
Joseph Ferrell who's father was the John Ferrell who married Mary
Richardson. My Susan Ferrell was born around 1830 in Clairborne
Co. Tn. Hope that we may correspond.
PS. I have many genealogical lines in Pulaski Co. KY
Thank you Dave
Loveall - Woolsey
Posted by Wilford W. Whitaker <wilford@hotwww.com> on Sun, 06 Sep 1998,
in response to GEARY, posted by Ronald on Sat, 22 Aug 1998
Have you run across Polly Loveall who married Richard Woolsey and
lived in Pulaski County, KY? We have quite a bit on their family
and descendants who moved into Missouri but haven't learned her
parents yet for sure.
Wilford W. Whitaker
Woolseys of Pulaski
Posted by Wilford W. Whitaker <wilford@hotwww.com> on Sun, 06 Sep 1998,
in response to WOOLSEY, posted by charles h. woolsey on Mon, 31 Aug 1998
Hi, Charles - good to meet a WOOLSEY
I am attempting to document the WOOLSEY family back to the
immigrant. I have a large data base and many Pulaski Woolseys.
None, however, with that configuration. (I just learned I don't
have a Solomon Woolsey in my database.)
We are a long way from sorting out the Pulaski County, Woolseys.
There is a Richard Woolsey who married 30 Nov 1815 in Jessamine
County, KY to Elizabeth Mayner. I'm sure I don't have their
family complete, but it is a possibility:
Richard Woolsey = Elizabeth Mayner
John Woolsey b. abt 1816
Thomas Woolsey b. abt 1818
There may have been other children. Would like to work with you
on this as I need all the data (and help) I can get.
Wilford W. Whitaker
Patterson - Goforth
Posted by Wilford W. Whitaker <wilford@hotwww.com> on Sun, 06 Sep 1998,
in response to PATTERSON, KELLER,GOFORTH, posted by Sue Bryant on Thu, 20 Aug
I am sorry I cannot directly help on your Patterson, etc lines.
But - I do have an Elizabeth Goforth that married into our
Woolsey family . . . VA and KY
The name Patterson appears as a middle name for some of our
Woolseys, but haven't found where the Patterson name came from.
Our Woolseys are from New York, to VA to Pulaski, Jessamine &
Mercer counties, Kentucky.
Posted by Elsie M. Gibbs <elscrl@fuse.net> on Sat, 05 Sep 1998,
in response to CEMETARIES IN PULASKI COUNTY, posted by RUTH JENKINS on Sat, 05
Sep 1998
Hi Ruth:
I have Vol. 1 & 2 of the Pulaski Co., Ky. Cemetery books,
published by: Pulaski Co., Ky. Historical Society. I found
the following:
Freedom - Vol. 1, pg. 262-278 - loc. North Hwy. 1247
Mt. Gilead - Vol. 2, pg. 89-90 - loc. Buncombe Road.
Buncombe - Vol. 2, pg. 358-360 - loc. South of Eubank at
the Buncombe United Baptist Church.
That's the only locations that these books gave.
If you would like, send me the names that are supposed to be
buried in these cemeteries, and I can see if they are in
these books.
Hope the above helps. Do you have anything on "Barber"?
Posted by Mary Held <javalady@fuse.net> on Sat, 05 Sep 1998,
in response to GOSSETT, posted by Jenifer on Tue, 01 Sep 1998
Jenifer: At this time, I have no Nancy GOSSETT in my line. Will
keep an eye open for her. Haven't been able to find a lot on the
Posted by RUTH JENKINS <EOJEN@worldnet.att.net> on Sat, 05 Sep 1998
Posted by Woody Campbell <woodyc@ix.netcom.com> on Fri, 04 Sep 1998,
in response to ERP/EARP/FORE, posted by Larry Erp on Wed, 15 Jul 1998
Philip Earp was the great grandfather of Wyatt Earp, the frontier
Marshall. However, Philip Hocker Earp of Pulaski county, KY was
not Wyatt's great grandfather. Philip Hocker Earp may have been
the son of Josiah Earp, but I don't think this has been proven
yet. Wyatt's great grandfather was living in Washington county,
Virginia when Philip Hocker Earp was in Pulaski county, KY. The
Washington county, VA "Philip Earp" appears on the 1830 Federal
census under the name Philip "Irp" and is also listed on the
Washington county, VA tax lists for this time period.
Posted by Timothy W. Todd <todz-r-us@juno.com> on Thu, 03 Sep 1998,
in response to DOUGLAS, posted by Timothy W. Todd on Sat, 08 Aug 1998
Just visited the historical society in Somerset and here is what
I found; John Eli Douglas was the son of Thomas Douglas and
"Sarah". Thomas served in the Rev. War. under Capt. Enoch
Osborne's Militia. Thomas was born about 1750 and died about 1819
in Pulaski Co. Ky. His children were; George b.1772 m. Betsy
Williams, Samuel Douglas b. 1770 m. Millie Johnson, Polly Douglas
b. 1783 m. Samuel Crow, Jane Douglas b. 1782 m. Thomas Crow,
Elizabeth Douglas b. 1784 m William Clawson, John Eli Douglas b.
1787 m. Elizabeth Gastineau d/o Job Gastineau Sr. Anna Douglas b.
1786 m. Charles Gastineau.
Posted by Becky <bokaygal@aol.com> on Thu, 03 Sep 1998
Am looking for information on the HAMBLIN/HAMLIN families who
lived in Somerset in the 1930's. My great grandfather William
Riley Hamblin and his wife Nellie were said to have resided there
and several of their children were born there (Pauline, Jerome
Jr, Nellie Ruth) all in the early 1930's. It was said that Will
R. was a minister and was killed by a hit and run driver there
sometime around 1935-1938. Does anyone know more information
about this family? Glad to share what I already know. Thanks
Posted by kitty parton <Kittyparton@hotmail.com> on Wed, 02 Sep 1998,
in response to PARTON, BALZAORA, TRIMBLE, LEIGH(LAY), posted by Brian Parton on
Sun, 16 Aug 1998
please e-mail me either at the hotmail address or a kitty parton
@ Yahoo.com. What information do you have regarding Antoinette
Trimble??!!! and her husband Henry Leigh(LAY) and why is it Lay
not Leigh. Please respond asap ok? Any siblings? How about where
they originated? I know you're pretty busy, but I would
appreciate contact. I tried to call and page you a few times to
no avail. I have a new phone number so feel free to post to email
or write snail mail at 17371 Locust Drive Los Gatos CA 95033
Posted by Jackie Taylor Zortman <rock@montrose.net> on Wed, 02 Sep 1998,
in response to Taylor, posted by Rita Welch on Wed, 02 Sep 1998
Hi Rita,
The James in my family was James David Taylor born June 1, 1837
in Fentress Co, TN. He married Louisa Jane Reed, so it would
appear that we aren't researching the same line. I'm disappointed
that I couldn't help you.
Posted by Sandra Jackson <srrgj@aol.com> on Wed, 02 Sep 1998
Looking for Henry Baugh, he had 2 brothers Samuel and William.
Henry had son born Pulaski County in Aug. 184? named Elijah Field
Posted by Rita Welch <drwelch1@gte.net> on Wed, 02 Sep 1998
Seeking info on James W or james H Taylor, b. abt. 1833 in KY. I
have reason to believe he was b. in Pulaski or Lincoln Co. KY.
There was an Andrew P Taylor b. abt. 1856 in MT. Vernon , Rock
Castle KY. living by James Taylor`s widow in Williamson Co. IL>
and he was married to Eliza Ellen Brown. He had a connection to
Duncans, Felts and Walkers, same as James Taylor`s children.
James W Taylor married Milly Ray, 1856, Williamson Co. IL.
died 1876, Saline Co. IL.
Thanks, Rita
Posted by Rita Welch <drwelch1@gte.net> on Wed, 02 Sep 1998,
in response to TAYLOR, posted by Jackie Taylor Zortman on Sun, 30 Aug 1998
Do you have a James W or James H Taylor in your line.
He was b. abt. 1833 in KY. I have reason to believe he was b. in
either in Pulaski Co or Lincoln Co. KY. He may have had a brother
named John. James was in Williamson Co. IL. in 1860. He married
Milly Ray in 1856 in Williamson Co. IL. He died in Saline Co. IL>
in 1876. This is all I have on. I have a lot more on his children
and wife.
Thanks, Rita Welch
Posted by Jaames D. SHADOAN <SHADOAN@MAIL.UTAH.USWEST.NET> on Tue, 01 Sep 1998
Would like information on the following siblings of William H.
SHADOAN/Sarah N. SWEENEY. They were all born in Pulaski County.
Sara Emaline SHADOAN
Danie Walter SHADOAN
Posted by James D. SHADOAN <shadoan@mail.utah.uswest.net> on Tue, 01 Sep 1998
Would like information on the siblings of William H.
Sara Emaline SHADOAN. Millard SHADOAN. Danie Walter SHADOAN
Posted by Jenifer <mjlan@netins.net> on Tue, 01 Sep 1998,
in response to GOSSETT, posted by Mary Held on Fri, 29 May 1998
Do you have more info on the GOSSETT's? I'm trying to locate the
family of Nancy GOSSETT. She was born in 1855 in either Indiana
or Kentucky. I do know that she is buried in Fontanelle, Adair
Co., Iowa with her second husband: Wayne Johnson JACOBS. She
eloped with her first husband: James KINMAN in 1870.
Posted by Jim Arthur <marthur451@aol.com> on Tue, 01 Sep 1998
Searching for the parents of Ambrose ARTHUR, whose headstone in
the Cooper Cemetery, Rockcastle County, Ky, reads: Co. H., 24th
Kentucky Volunteer Infantry. Ambrose (b:1805-1811, d:1883 )
mustered into the 24th at Camp Jackson. He was wounded and
hospitalized at Knoxville, TN, 25 November 1863. Ambrose married
Esther (Easther) STORMS (b:1810-1814, d: after 1887) on 19
October 1831, near Williamsburg, in Whitely County, KY. In 1887,
Esther lived with John and Sarah (Arthur) COOPER in Pulaski
County in the vicinity of Line Creek. Children of Ambrose and
Esther are: James, William, Deliah, Hanna Louise, Julie Ann,
Sarah, and Margaret
Posted by Ernest M. Fry <sxtv15a@prodigy.com> on Tue, 01 Sep 1998
Am searching for the father of Charles Fry, born
JAN 13, 1810 in Pulaski County. His mother was Christina or
Christiana Fry. I am trying to determine who Charles father was
as he was my great grandfather. Chas married
Lucinda McClendon who was from Tenn. They were married on 27
September 1830 in Wayne County Ky. They had 13
children. The first born probably 1831 or 1832-and the last born
in 1860. Some of this family are buried in the Pottershop
Cemetery near Faubush and Nancy Ky. WouLd appreciate any
information available.
Posted by Dianna Bourke Privette <swtwinds@usa.net> on Tue, 01 Sep 1998
I am searching for info on Jesse GIBSON, b. 1827, NC,m. 8 August,
1850 in Randolph Co., KY Lucinda SLACK, b. NC, she probably of
Franklinville, RND, KY. In the 1870 Census they are still living
in Franklinville. There is a Charles SLACK living there also and
a Henry SLACK in Union TWP, either of which could be her father,
as Henry SLACK was the only SLACK listed there in 1850, when they
m. Would like to find documentation of their parents lines. I
have their issue, 5 girls, Martha Jane, m. Calvin I. Moon,
removed to Coffeyville, KS 1882, Nancy Elizabeth, m. George COX,
Margaret Lousie, m. Mathew Gilbert BUIE (BOWIE, pronounced), Ruth
Emma, m. William H. Tippett, Anne Eliza, m. Jerome Bonapart
ALLRED (his 2nd wife) in Franklinville, 12 Dec, 1882.(My line) I
believe the SLACK of Ash(e)borough are the same family; as in
1850 Henry SLACK lived there in the S. Div.
Posted by cheryl sorensen <chersoren@aol.com> on Tue, 01 Sep 1998
Unfortunately I am still in the "collecting" phase of my Dick
research and that name is not familiar. Let me know if you come
across anything, and I will do the same.
Posted by Nick Humble <nickh@mingspring.com> on Tue, 01 Sep 1998,
in response to HUMBLE, posted by Monty Humble on Tue, 23 Jun 1998
I don't know if I have responded to you but yes, John Daniel did
have 12 children by his first wife Martha Minerva Breazeal, one
of which was Robert, your ancestor. He also had 4 children by his
second wife Mahala Lay Owens.
Posted by Dale Cordner <dcordner@sowa.org> on Tue, 01 Sep 1998
Because of the family tie I abstracted all marriage bonds with
the sirname through 1860 (this is LDS film 0804052.) My listing
does not show a Luther and Sally for this period. However, on
page 48 there is a listing for a Logan Dick and Betsey Barber.
The bond was made on 30 Jan 1847, John Hodge was the surity.
Since no parental consent was listed, both parties appear to be
over legal age.
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:38 CDT
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