December 1996
ken adams, mario9470@aol.com Thu Dec 12 17:01:25 1996
Seeking info on John ADAMS,Pulaski & Laurel Cty,father(?)of Wm
d.84-1899 m.1-16-1840 to Sarah Warren. Children of Wm.:Mary Ann(WOOD)1840,
Charles b.1842 d.2-21-1862 w/Co K 7th KY Inf,James N.1846,Lucy
1849,Benjamin1850,Prince Albert 1854,Hannah 1859,Eliza 1862,Martha
1863,Christopher 1866,Greenup 1868, Wm F. 1870 Pls Write Ken Adams,1332
Park Glen Rd,Knoxville,TN 37919
Kathy Gunning, alamak@his.com Mon Dec 16 17:40:53 1996
McFALL, CROWE Seeking any information on families of the
following couples
who were married in Pulaski County: David CROWE m. Jane McFALL in 1828, and
George W. CROW m. Elizabeth McFALL in 1826. Believe Jane McFALL's father
was John McFALL. David CROWE's father may have been Thomas CROWE. Thank
Jim Wick, Sundowner@sprintmail.com Mon Dec 16 18:31:35 1996
LEWIS DAULTON/DALTON/DOLTON present in 1840 census is anyone
else searching
this line. Looking for parents and birthplace.
Harold D. Bussell, hdbussell@aol.com, Tue Dec 17 17:20:38 1996
Carpenter, James P., b VA bef 1790, d aft 1840 in Laurel Co.,
KY James had
10 children, Harrison b 1/7/1814, Mary Ann, William, John G., Elizabeth
(Ibby), Elisa, Garrard, Eliza, George and Angeline. Harrison, my G G
Grandfather, m Patient Jane Evans and had 3 children, Nancy Jane, b
8/17/1844, d 1/31/1862 in Rockcastle Co., KY Mary Francis, b 4/1845 in
Pulaski Co., KY, d 3/17/1925 in Rockcastle Co., KY. (My G Grandmother) and
Sarah Ann b aft 1846, d Unknown
Carrie B. Hamilton, CHamil7299, Wed Dec 18 15:15:53 1996
Would like to know who the parents were of Zerelda Wiley Luttrell
who died
in Scott county at the home of her daughter Mary Frances Luttrell Butler.
She was a member of the Stamping Ground Baptist Church in 1840 along with
Willis, Robert M.,Salem, Irene, Eleanora, all in the 1840s. Was her father
Nathaniel ? After the death of husband Roadham Luttrell, she married James
L Roberts and was in that family in 1860 Owen County Census.
Mark Kilburn, mah0mdk@aol.com, Fri Dec 20 08:18:14 1996
Hello. My name is Mark Kilburn. I have just discovered "query" and I'm
eagerly anticipating its potential assistance with my investigations of
various members of the Kilburn family. I would be most grateful
for any
leads into the lives of THOMAS KILBURN and his wife, MAHALA VAUGHT. Thomas
was born in 1828, Buck Creek, Ky. (Pulaski Co.). Mahala born 1838,
Pittman's Creek, Ky. (Pulaski Co.). Mahala's father was WILLIAM VAUGHT;
mother CELIA REYNOLDS. Thomas' father was probably JOHN (JACK) KILBURN. His
mother LUCINDA (NANCY?) GRIFFIN. I do have some information regarding
Thomas and Mahala, but would be most interested to learn more about John
Kilburn and Lucinda Griffin. Thomas Kilburn's first wife was RACHEL JANE
TODD, daughter of ANDERSON TODD. Thomas died Feb. 1901; Mahala a few days
later. I do not know birth, death or marriage of John Kilburn or Lucinda
Griffin. I would be more than happy to supply additional information (if I
have it, of course!) to aid in your research for me or my research for you!
Thanks in advance for any assistance and advice you may have to offer.
Steve Smith, bgood@centuryinter.net, Mon Dec 23 16:43:18 1996
I'm looking for researchers and descendants of Matthias YOCUM
County, KY in 1779. He died there in 1783. Someone in PULASKI County named
Vivian ABBOTT is researching the same line and I would like to find her
address. She is the wife of Roy ABBOTT. Steve SMITH 213 Reagan Street
Cumberland Gap, TN 37724
Lynda Monnig, cupido@cchat.com, Thu Dec 26 15:24:17 1996
I am looking for the GOVER surname in Pulaski County,KY. Some
of the given
names are: Josiah, Kizziam, Banks, Joseph, John B., Tabitha, Levi, Samuel
J/F., and Tolbert. I would like to to hear from anyone with this surname.
Thanks Lynda
I am looking for any information on TOM WILSON and SARA PRITCHETT
They are
my great-grand parents and had a daughter named ALLIE BELLE WILSON born
March 14 1895 (my grandmother). I am also looking for the parents of my
grandmothers husband ED WILLIS SIDWELL born Oct.15 1875. They all lived
around Campbellsville and Liberty and Russell Springs.
Sharon J. Collins, Sjcfamorg@AOL.Com, Sun Dec 29 15:48:42 1996
Researching James Collins, b 1814, Orange Co. NC, d. 9 Aug
1843, Pulaski
Co. Married (1) Temperance Newell on 21 Aug 1832 in Pulaski Co. Known
children:John & Enoch. Married (2) Nancy Vaught on 9 Aug 1843, Pulaski Co.
Known Children: Henry C.; Jefferson F.; Margaret; Francis Ashberry; Mary
Margaret & Sarah J. Also researching Jefferson F.Collins, b. Jan 1849, d.
Btwn 1903/1909. Married Mary Jane Hopper on 8 Aug 1879 in Casey Co. Known
children: Nancy LaVerne (Lulu), m. Green Hines; Joseph William, m. Bertha
G. Kreigher; Nettie E., m. John Walter Hines; Lafayette Washington, m. Mary
Barkhaus; Thomas Ottis, m. Ermina Cahterine Jones; & Gennes Dogan, m.
Georgie E. Hail. Please e-mail Sjcfamorg@AOL.Com
ken adams, mario9470@aol.com, Thu Dec 12 17:01:25 1996
Seeking info on John ADAMS,Pulaski & Laurel Cty,father(?)of Wm
d.84-1899 m.1-16-1840 to Sarah Warren. Children of Wm.:Mary Ann(WOOD)1840,
Charles b.1842 d.2-21-1862 w/Co K 7th KY Inf,James N.1846,Lucy
1849,Benjamin1850,Prince Albert 1854,Hannah 1859,Eliza 1862,Martha
1863,Christopher 1866,Greenup 1868, Wm F. 1870 Pls Write Ken Adams,1332
Park Glen Rd,Knoxville,TN 37919
Jimmy Louise Krogerf, jlk@earthlink.net, Wed Dec 11 14:06:35 1996
George Samuel KELSEY, b.Jan. 14 in Russell, Adair, Pulaski or
Wayne Co.
d.Feb. 6, 1915, married Frances Elizabeth DUNBAR George Washington
WOOLDRIDGE, b. Feb. 4, 1865 in Wayne Co., married May 18,1881 in Cave
Springs to Sarah Elizabeth Kinnett, d. Nov. 18, 1934 In Russell Co. Sarah
Elizabeth KINNETT, b. Feb. 21, 1862 in Wayne or Pulaski Co., d. March 18,
1932 in (Jamestown) Russell Co. Jerimiah Smithlin WOOLDRIDGE, b. Feb. 4,
1865 in Adair, Pulaski, or Wayne Co., died in Russell Co. J.S. (Samuel)
COFFEY born in Pulaski, Wayne or Adair Co., married Oct. 8, 1874 to Matilda
Williams in Russell Co. Matilda WILLIAMS b. Dec. 1, 1851 died April 14,
1933 in Russell Co. Elzona COFFEY, b. Feb. 12, 1883 in Pulaski or Russell
Co., married Elijah Burton, Dec. 22, 1898, died June 10, 1955 in Russell
Co. I can be reached: jlkroger@earthlink.net
Terry Jenkins, ToolTimeJ@aol.com, Sun Dec 8 22:12:00 1996
Pulaski County: Tarter, Cundiff Francis Marion Tarter married
Evelyne Cundiff in 1866. Am looking for any information on this family. Any
information would be helpful.
Victor Lee, vicdlee@ix.netcom.com, Sun Dec 8 22:12:15 1996
TARTER,HENDERSON,LAWLESS: Wanting to correspond with anyone
researching the
family of Ambrose Linsey TARTER(b. 29DEC1847 Casey Co. KY d. 22Aug1922
Casey Co. KY) married first to Nancy Jane (HENDERSON)TARTER(b.13Jun1852
Pulaski Co. KY d. 05Jun1898 Casey Co. KY) 2nd to Jane Ellen (LAWLESS)
TARTER (b.11Jul1880 Russell Co. KY d.03Mar1954 Johnson Co. IN)
Victor Lee, vicdlee@ix.netcom.com, Sun Dec 8 22:18:29 1996
HENDERSON,COMBEST: Wanting to correspond with anyone
researching the family
of Nelson C. HENDERSON(b. 28Apr1828 TN d. 11Nov1903 Casey Co. KY) and
Wealthy Ann (COMBEST) HENDERSON(b.20Sep1832 Pulaski Co. KY d.15Jul1909
Casey Co. KY).
Dan Bryant, dbryant@rain.org, Wed Dec 4 01:36:41 1996
Lincoln County - Pulaski County - Kenton County - I'm just starting and am
trying to find information surnames, Vonlinger, Black, Bowyers or Boyes
Bowers, Foster, or Ellis. Any help would be appreciated.
Lyn Matthiesen, jmatthie@mx.ahoynet.com, Wed Dec 4 14:38:25 1996
Pulaski county Ky,Alexander Jones born 1786,Robert Sept
?,William 1793 all born Orange county NC.Brother Thomas born Pulaski county
1800. The family moved to Pulaski county where the father of these children
died early 1800.Alexander married susan Woosley,Robert married in Hart
county to Tabitha Lard, William married in Wayne county Illinois to Lucinda
Gore,Thomas married Zilpha Green in Wayne co Ill. I am desperate to find
the missing link of these childrens parents.
Mark Kilburn, mah0mdk@aol.com, Thu Dec 5 11:51:58 1996
Hello. My name is Mark Kilburn. I have just discovered "query" and I'm
eagerly anticipating its potential assistance with my investigations of
various members of the Kilburn family. I would be most grateful
for any
leads into the lives of THOMAS KILBURN and his wife,
was born in 1828, Buck Creek, Ky. (Pulaski Co.). Mahala born 1838,
Pittman's Creek, Ky. (Pulaski Co.). Mahala's father was WILLIAM VAUGHT;
mother CELIA REYNOLDS. Thomas' father was probably JOHN (JACK) KILBURN. His
mother LUCINDA (NANCY?) GRIFFIN. I do have some information regarding
Thomas and Mahala, but would be most interested to learn more about John
Kilburn and Lucinda Griffin. Thomas Kilburn's first wife was RACHEL JANE
TODD, daughter of ANDERSON TODD. Thomas died Feb. 1901; Mahala a few days
later. I do not know birth, death or marriage of John Kilburn or Lucinda
Griffin. I would be more than happy to supply additional information (if I
have it, of course!) to aid in your research for me or my research for you!
Thanks in advance for any assistance and advice you may have to offer.
Vanessa Wood, 70252.722@compuserve.com, Sun Dec 1 14:08:08 1996
I am interesed in several families that moved to Pulaski Co. in about 1852
from Hawkins Co., TN. John and Eliabeth ROBERTS, John's sister
Sarah/Susan Roberts WHITIS. Elizabeth's parents, William SIMPSON and Tempa
BRASHEARS/BESHERS Simpson also followed. Also interested in Nathan and
Elijah ADAMS from NC. They married sisters who were the daughters of MOSES
CUMMINS. Also tracing Samuel and Julianna CARROLL. Vanessa in England
Kevin, Kevomatic @MSN, Sun Dec 1 18:32:31 1996
Request info on Godby's of Casey county and Pulasky county or
any other
county. Joesphus Godby was my great grandfather and I know the children
moved into Missouri in the late 1800's. You may contact me thru MSN or Aol
at KMCMUL8345.
Jim Wick, sundowner@sprintmail.com, Sun Dec 1 19:17:41 1996
Pulaski Co. looking for Elijah Daulton/Dolton/Dalton possibaly
born in
Virginia located in Pulaski Co thru th 1840 census. Father of Elizabeth
Dolton who married Charles Snead in Pulaski Co. 1823. Wife's name possibaly
Eliza. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Robert J. Girdler, rgirdler@your-net.com, Tue Dec 3 18:52:52 1996
Seeking information on the family of Elijah Dolton/Dalton. On
Pulaski Co.
tax list from 1813-1831 had 3sons and 6 daughters. May have moved to
another location in Kentucky or possibly another State. Help is needed to
establish a search location.
Nikki NICKELL, nnickell@linknet.kitsap.lib.wa.us, Mon Dec 2 06:05:22 1996
My grandfather's first wife, Margaret GREEN, died in Cincinnati
during the
flu epidemic of January 1905,and was buried in the Junction City Cemetery.
She was born 02 May in 1882 to George GREEN and Laura -?-. My grandfather,
Thomas EDMONSON, was sick much longer, and articles in Cincinnati papers
credit prayer with sparing his life. Laura and her other daughters, Hattie
ASBELL and Beulah HICKS were very active in the early movement of the
Church of God (Anderson, IN). Does anyone have info on this family? Laura's
last name? etc. Thomas was born in Bracken Co. KY in 1882 to Edward
EDMONSON and Nannie PYLE, dau of James Smith PYLE and Catherine SERROW.
Thomas and Margaret were married in Somerset, Pulaski Co. on 30 Mar 1904
and had no children, but my grandfather and his second wife, my
grandmother, Helen RICHWINE, named their only daughter Margaret. Any help
much appreciated.
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:38 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller