Slaves in Will Book I, 1801-1818 (Complete Listing) [slaves are in order of appearance] David Buster Will (written 26 Oct 180_, recorded 24 Nov 1806):
[Children listed, not receiving slaves: David, John & Charley]
"a little negro gurl" - given to dau Polly; "Over and above my
Other Childring" Slaves given to wife, Frankey Inventory & Appraisement,
12 Jan 1807: Bobb, man ($450) Betty, woman, & 3 children ($700)
Renouncement, 2 Jun 1822 Bob - to be sold by Co-Executor, James Jones
Jerry - to be sold by Co-Executor, James Jones Betty - to be sold by
Co-Executor, James Jones Hannah & her infant child - to be sold by Co-Executor,
James Jones Minnerva - to be sold by Co-Executor, James Jones Pamila -
to be sold by Co-Executor, James Jones Cheyne - to be kept by Widow,
Frances Buster Mariah - to be kept by Widow, Frances Buster Stephen Lee
Will (written 28 Sep 1809, recorded 25 Dec 1809): [Sons Listed: Henry, Jubal,
Seaton Lee, Daniel Duncan (all listed as sons, no surname for Henry or
Jubal)] Slaves given to wife [not named], during her lifetime.
Slaves not to be sold outside of the family; Dick has "liberty to Choose his
master" Inventory & Appraisement, 19 Feb 1810 Dick, man $333.34
Matt, man $363.34 Charles, man $400.00 Moses, man
$450.00 George, boy $130.00 Hannah, woman $400.00
Aggy, woman $100.00 Fanny, girl $80.00 Lewis, boy
$200.00 Gabriel, boy $150.00 [No slaves listed in Sale Bill,
24 Jun 1816, following death of widow] John Smith [no will] Inventory
& Appraisement, 5 Jan [1811?]; record 25 Mar 1811 Jack, man ($441.66)
Dave, boy ($200.00) Account of Sales, recorded 24 Aug 1812 Jack - purchased by
Anderson Nunnaley ($72.00); "Anderson Nunnaley the heir of Jack 72.00"
Dower Allotment, recorded 27 Jun 1814 Dave, boy ($333.33 1/3) allotted to
Violet Smith, widow of John Smith John Vardiman [no will] Inventory & Appraisement,
15 Oct 1811 Bob, boy $250.00 Jean, girl $200 [No slaves
listed in Sale Bill, recorded 24 Feb 1812] Elisha Dungans [no will] Inventory &
Appraisement, 13 Dec 1811 David, man $450 Jack, man
$300 [Found no Bill of Sale] Andrew Cowan Will (written 14 Mar 1814,
recorded 23 May 1814): [Children listed, not receiving slaves: James,
Isaac, Samuel, & Robert Cowan] Suse, girl - given to dau, Polly Cowan
Nicey, girl - given to dau, Polly Cowan Mary, girl - now in possession of
John Cowan; given to dau, Elizabeth Cowan Pats, girl - now in possession of
John Cowan; given to dau, Elizabeth Cowan Ceasar, boy - given to son, Matthew Cowan
Yellow Jim, boy - given to son, Matthew Cowan Hardin, boy - given to son,
Matthew Cowan Appraisement, recorded 27 Jun 1814 Jo, man
$500 Port, man $400 Jude, woman $300 Aggat, woman
$300 Sam, boy $250 Daniel, boy $150 Suze, girl
$400 Nicey, girl $150 Pats, girl $250 Mary, girl
$200 Ceaser, boy $300 Jim, boy $175 Hardin, child
$50 [No slaves listed in Sale Bill, 10 Jun 1814] Stephen Hail, Sr Will (written
27 Aug 1810, recorded 27 Feb 1815): [Children listed, not receiving slaves: Thomas,
Laborn, & John Hail] No slaves listed in will - all property to be "equally divided
among my children" Inventory & Appraisement, 7 Mar 1815 Bob, man $183.66.
2/3 1 woman, 1 child $300 Sene, girl $300 Abram, boy $300
Patsey, girl $250 Easter, girl $175 [Found no Bill of Sale]
Jonathan Smith Will (written 22 Feb 1815, recorded 26 Jun 1815): Jeney, woman +
her children; given to wife, Rebecky, & children [not named] after the decease of
Johnathan's father, Rebecky to have "half the price of" the following slaves:
Sam Anabel Milly Easter Inventory & Appraisement, 9 Sep 1815 Mill, girl
$350 Derry, boy $330 Jim, boy
$240 Pol, girl $250 Add, boy
$200 Hail, girl $130 Jane, woman, & child Pt. [sic] $350
Catto, boy $400 [No slaves listed in sale bill, recorded 15 Jan 1827]
Daniel Adams Will (written 15 Feb 1814, recorded 28 Feb 1814): [possible children listed
in will: Silvester & Ephraim (deceased) Adams - no relationship stated]
Hannah, woman - given to wife, Hannah At wife's death, to be sold and money
"Equally divided among the Heirs" Inventory, 9 Mar 1814 Hannah, woman ($325)
Sale Bill, 29 Jul 1814 1 negro woman bought by Drewry Lee for $390.50 William Fain
Will (written 20 Dec 1815, recorded 26 Feb 1816): [Children listed, not receiving slaves:
Ebenezer, John, Samuel, & David Fain] [" 5 Daughters..."] Fanny, girl -
given to wife [not named] Daniel, boy (mulatto) - given to dau, Rosanna Young
Julia, girl - given to dau, Sally Vilott, girl - given to Betsey Gray
Charlotte, girl - given to dau, Pollyann Milley, girl - given to dau, Nancy [Found neither
inventory, nor sale bill] Isaac Ingram Will (written 17 Jun 1816, recorded 26 Aug 1816):
[Children listed, not receiving slaves: Nancy, William, & Joseph] Milly, woman - given to wife,
Paty Amy, woman - given to wife, Paty Lewis, boy - given to wife, Paty Anna_ah? [R__ah?],
woman ($150) - given to dau, Winnea Mariah, girl ($150) - given to dau, Polly [Walden?]
Harrison, boy ($150) - given to son, Charles baby boy [?] ($150) - given to dau, Elizabeth;
"one Negro boy ba__ [babe?] named at $150" Inventory & Appraisement, 21 Sep 1816 Milley, woman
($350) Amy, woman ($375) Lewis, boy ($400) Sale Bill, 18-19 Sep 1838 (Will Bk 3A) [note
this sale occurred 22 years after the appraisal] Lewis, boy - purchased by G.W. Erwin
$816 Mary, girl - purchased by Chrisley Tarter $606 Anderson, boy - purchased by Chrisley
Tarter $257 David, boy - purchased by Cyrenius Wait $610 Allen, boy - purchased by
John Love $525 Milly, woman - purchased by G.W. Erwin $176 Amy & child -
purchased by Charles Ingram $315 Harriet, girl - purchased by William Botts $600
Patrick, boy - purchased by Charles Ingram $660 James Eastham Will (written 13 Jan 1815,
recorded 26 Feb 1816): [inheriting children: sons James, John, William, & Edward Eastham;
daughters Sally Cox & Nancy Loyd. Others, unnamed, have been purposefully left out.]
All property to wife, & then to be divided between children at her death Inventory &
Appraisement, recorded 23 Sep 1816 Jacks, man $480? Rachall, woman
$400 Andrew, boy $400 Lydia, girl $300 Reuben, boy
$200 Abram, boy $150 Clara, girl $100 Sale Bill, 26 Sep 1833
(Will Bk 3) [note this sale occurred 17 years after the appraisement]: Jack - purchased by
Cyrenius Wait $176.50 Sam - purchased by Cyrenius Wait
$600.37.1/2 Andy - purchased by Cyrenius Wait $709.25
Rachel - purchased by William Owens, Sr $51 Reuben - purchased by
John Eastham $550 Henry - purchased by Joseph McAlister
$276 Lydia & child - purchased by James Eastham, Jr. $556 Melinda - purchased
by James Cox $470.75 Pleasant - purchased by Chrislly Yanders [Sanders?]
$213 Zarilda - purchased by Obed Denham $360 John Northrip/Nortrip
[no will] Inventory & Appraisement, 9 Nov 1816 John, man ($290) [Found no Sale Bill]
Robert Adams Will (written 7 Sep 1816, recorded 27 Sep 1816): [Children listed, not receiving
slaves: Alexander, John, James, George, Sally Stroud, Martha Wallis & Jinny Woods]
Jane & her child to be sold "after my decease" Sambo - given to wife, Rebecca. At her death,
"shall be appraised and shall have his choice which of my sons he shall serve and the
one he makes choice of shall pay the other three one fourth of the [appraisement] money
to each at the end of twelve months after he is [appraised]" [part is obscured by tape]
Inventory & Appraisement, 13 Jan 1817 Sambo, man - to Widow $500 Jane, woman
$380 Charlotte, girl $150 Sale Bill, 15 Jan 1817 Negro Woman & child -
bought by Vincent Garner for $589__ Selected post 1818 records Contribute Data John Hammonds - submitted by Sheila Evans,, Dec 1999 Will (written 5 Jan 1848,
proven 21 Feb 1848): wife: Margaret sons: William C., Morgan, John W., Josiah W., & Thomas
Hammonds daus: Eliza Ann Hammonds, Elizabeth Osborn, Polly Osborn, Jane Jasper, Margaret Jasper,
Patsy Combest, Sally Combest & Nancy Combest. infant heirs of dau Sally Combest: Sally Jane
Combest, John Wilie Combest, & Samuel Josiah Combest [slaves named in Will, given to
wife, & then to receive "freedom" in 1865 under the guardianship of son, Josiah W. Hammonds.]
Lucinda Doctor Anthony Thomas Stigall - submitted by Bernard A. Aleem,,
Apr 1999 Inventory & Sale Bill, Nov-Dec 1840 Slaves mentioned in Inventory, dated 19 Nov 1840:
Harreitt & Two children $800.00 One boy Brent $200.00 Andrew
$750.00 Fredrick $630.00 Charles (Sick Negro) $200.00 Old Billy
$.30 Mariah $500.00 Jefferson $750.00 Sale Bill, dated
2-3 Dec 1840: [no slaves mentioned in Sale Bill] "Black Peter" bought 1 cow for $10.25
Spencer Hudson - submitted by Bernard A. Aleem,, Apr 1999 Inventory, dated
Apr 1854 Jackson, Negro man $1000.00 Peter, Negro man $1000.00 Henry Clay,
Negro man named $900.00 Stephen, Negro boy $600.00 Fountain, Negro boy
$400.00 Percy, Negro boy $300.00 Jane, Negro girl $450.00 Harriet,
Negro girl $250.00 Ann, Negro girl $150.00 Daniel, Negro boy
$300.00 Hanah, Negro woman $150.00 (?)iney, Negro woman $75.00 Mary,
Negro woman $650.00 Siota, Negro woman $600.00 Harriet, Negro woman
$500.00 Seaton Lee Will (written 4 Dec 1853, recorded 26 Aug 1859) [Children listed not
receiving slaves: Stephen Lee, Polly Hay, Preston Mayfield Lee, Elizabeth Lester,
Pernetta Dick, Pamelia Lawson] Jacob, "my black boy" - to son, John E. Lee Fanny,
"my negro girl" - to son, Seaton Lee Jr. [will was revised 21 Jun 1854, after Seaton
Jr's death. Fanny goes to son, John] |