Pulaski County Kentucky
African American Research Project

Submitted by: Valerie J Davis


Register of Signatures
of Depositors in Branches of the
Freedman's Savings & Trust Company

~ NARA Film M816 ~

Historical Background

Records exist for two Kentucky branches, Lexington & Louisville (Roll 11).

Lexington KY Accounts 217-1975 (21 Mar 1870 to 03 Jul 1874)
NARA Film M816, Roll 11 - item 1

No. 598 Record for James Hudson

Date: July 10, 1871

Where born, Pulaski Co, Ky near Summerset

Where brought up, "  "   "   "      " 

Residence, Fayette Co at Dr. Talton

Age, about 22  Complexion, light brown

Occupation, works on a farm

Works for, Dr. Tarlton

Wife or Husband,


Father, Jackson Hudson

Mother, Sally     "

Brothers and Sisters, Thomas Perry Judson [no commas]


Signature, [by his mark]

No. 1056 Record for Layfayette Bronn [Brown?]

Date: June 10, 1870

Where born, Pulaski Co Ky

Where brought up,  "   " 

Residence, Lexington, Ky

Age, 25  Complexion, MB

Occupation, Car Driver

Works for, Jas. Woolfork

Wife or Husband, Lizzie


Father, Stephen

Mother, Amanda

Brothers and Sisters, Samuel Susie [no commas]


Signature, Dont Write

No. 1165 Record for Peter Pearce

Date: Aug 5, 1872

Where born, Wayne Co Ky

Where brought up, Garred Co Ky

Residence, Fayette Co Ky

Age, 26  Complexion, Black

Occupation, Laborer

Works for, Bradshaw

Wife or Husband,


Father, Elder (dead)

Mother, Rhodie

Brothers and Sisters, Thomas John Jacob

                 ___les Isebella Martha

                 Amy Lizzie [no commas]


Signature, Dont Write

No. 1700 Record for Franklin Langlan

Date: Oct'r 28 1873

Where born, Somerset Ky

Where brought up, "  "


Age,   Complexion,


Works for,

Wife or Husband,




Brothers and Sisters,

Remarks: Money deposited to his credit by Ceasar Newell


Louisville KY Accounts 1-1928 (15 Sep 1865 to 28 Jan 1868)
NARA Film M816, Roll 11 - item 2

Records 225-287, 416-478, 592-602, 1338-1375:
most of these records only contain the depositor's name.

Records No. 1871-1928 have tons of detail in itty-bitty writing. Will read those next trip. vjd
Record for Eli Calvin

Date, and No. of application, Sept 19, 1865  No. 2

Name of Master, Thos. Stockton

Name of Mistress, Elvisa Stockton

Plantation, Somerset Co, Ky

Height and complexion, 5 ft 5½ inches, Black

Father or Mother? Married?

Name of Children, No Children

Regiment and Company, 13th heavy artillery Ky

Place of Birth, Pulaski Co, Ky

Residence, Louisville

Occupation, Soldier

Remarks: wife's name Harriet Calvin

Signature, [by his mark]


Record for Green Coffee

Date, and No. of application, Apr 28/66 [1866]

Name of Master,

Name of Mistress,


Height and complexion, 5.7. Blk [5'7"]

Father or Mother? Married? Esther Coffee

Name of Children,

Regiment and Company, Co C 12 USCHa

Place of Birth, Wayne Co Ky

Residence, Monticello Ky


Remarks: Scar from cut under left eye



Record for Charles Jones

Date, and No. of application, Aug 7, 1866

Name of Master, James Jones

Name of Mistress, Hannah Jones


Height and complexion,

Father or Mother? Married?

Name of Children,

Regiment and Company, I 116 USCI

Place of Birth,

Residence, Monticello Ky





Record for Sandford Ellison

Date, and No. of application, Feb. 8, 1867

Name of Master, Scott Brown

Name of Mistress,


Height and complexion, 5 ft 8 in, dark

Father or Mother? Married? Dr. Ellison

Name of Children,

Regiment and Company, Co 116th USCI

Place of Birth, Pautlick Co Ky [??]

Residence, Louisville





Record for Watt Beattie

Date, and No. of application,

Name of Master,

Name of Mistress,


Height and complexion, 5.7. Black [5'7"]

Father or Mother? Married? Isa Selix Battie

Name of Children,

Regiment and Company, Co A 114 USCI

Place of Birth, Pulaski Co Ky

Residence, Somerset Pulaski Co Ky

Occupation, Farmer

Remarks: $100

Signature, [by his mark]


Record for Joseph Wait

Date, and No. of application,

Name of Master,

Name of Mistress,


Height and complexion, 5' 10½" Black

Father or Mother? Married?

Name of Children, sister Sicely Price

Regiment and Company, Co "A" 114 USCI

Place of Birth, Pulaski Co Ky

Residence, Somerset "    "  "

Occupation, Farmer

Remarks: $260

Signature, Joseph Wait

Louisville KY Accounts 5122-7336 (1 May 1872 to 8 Jul 1874)
NARA Film M816, Roll 11 - item 3

No. 5230 Record for Fillmore Dunham

Date: June 4, 1872

Where born, Pulaski Co Ky

Where brought up, "  "

Residence, 8th bet Grayson & Walnut

Age, 20  Complexion, Dark brown

Occupation, Laborer

Works for, Mr. Shanks

Wife or Husband,


Father, Sent South when a child Dont Know

Mother,   "    "     "      "     "    "

Brothers and Sisters, "     "     "    "

Remarks: $20.00

Signature, [by his mark]

~ searched to Record No. 5500 ~

No.  Record for 


Where born, 

Where brought up, 


Age,   Complexion, 


Works for, 

Wife or Husband, 




Brothers and Sisters, 



Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:38 CDT

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