Submitted by
to mail list and used here with permission.
The Somerset Journal-The Oldest Democratic Newspaper in the Mountains of Kentucky Feese
& Williams |
Genealogical Information Is Desired on
the following Boyd's who lived in
Pulaski County about the dates mentioned below:
James Boyd, Sr., (wife Millie) 1818
William Boyd, (wife Susannah) 1810
Robert Boyd, 1803
Robert Boyd, (wife Delia) 1828
James Boyd, Jr., 1813
John B. Boyd, (wife Margaret) 1811
John Boyd, (wife Nancy) 1809
Willis M. Boyd, Adairsville, Georgia.
Killed In Auto Accident. Mr. Morey Jackson, thirty years of
age, son-in-law
of Mr. James Dunn of this city, was killed in an auto accident at
Parkersburg, W.Va., last Sunday. No particulars of the
accident had been
learned at this writing. Mrs. Dunn attended the funeral
Carr Elected. Mr. George Carr, star of last year's high
school football
squad, was election captain of the 1920 eleven at a meeting held
afternoon. The boys are full of pep and are putting in
about two hours of
hard practice every day. Captain Dexheimer is very much
pleased with the
prospects for a winning team.
Work Started. Work started this week on the approach to the
Pitman Creek
Bridge and Judge Tartar says that it will be ready for traffic by
the 15th of
October. The road to the bridge will also be worked.
This will be good news
to the people of Burnside and also to Somerset citizens who have
been urging
the completion of this work for some time.
Are Installing New Machine. The Citizens National Bank has
installed a new
Burrough Duplex adding machine, the very latest and most complete
machine on the market. The machine is operated by
electricity, likewise
their posting machine. This new machine is a wonder worker
and does most
everything but talk.
For Sale. One pair of young mules, 3 and 4 years of
age. Apply to M.R.
Vaughn, Elihu.
Lost. Pair of shell rim nose glasses in case. Return
to O.W. Swaim and
receive reward.
Wanted. To buy six Jersey heifer calves, 4 to 6 months old.
H.C. Kennedy.
Service Station. The Standard Oil Company has put in a new
service station
at Burnside in order to more conveniently accommodate their
The Somerset School of Business opened this week for the fall
term with a
good attendance. This school has turned out some splendid
bookkeepers and stenographers. Prof. Pegg is conducting a
good school.
Hospital Notes.
J.R. Setzer, who was shot accidentally by his brother while
squirrel hunting,
was brought to the hospital and had the shot removed.
James Godby, son of Murcelli Godby, was brought to the hospital
with typhoid
Mrs. Josiah Tartar was operated on Tuesday for cystic tumor and
is getting
along nicely.
Mrs. Ira Padgett who was operated on last week has recovered
sufficiently to
be removed other home.
Miss Mary Martin returned to her home last Friday.
Mrs. Lester who was operated on last week is getting along
Audrey Silvers who had his foot mashed at the shops on Monday is
along nicely.
Personal Mention.
Messrs Royce Flippin and William Hubble were down from Centre
College the
first of the week.
Mr. Max McEwin left this week for Westminster College, Fulton,
Miss Nell Crawford left this week for Frankfort where she will
teach this
Miss Mable Gooch has returned to Washington City after a visit
with her
father for ten days.
Harry Higgins has gone to Akron, Ohio, where he has accepted a
position with the Goodrich Tire Co.
Miss Mary Welch is spending several days in Lexington.
Mrs. Donnely of Springfield, O., is the guest of her son, Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cundiff of Danville have returned home after a
visit with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardgrove.
Mrs. Claude Catron and little daughter Louellen of East. St.
Louis, are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Catron on Griffin Ave.
Miss Ada Gover who has been individual bookkeeper at the Citizens
Bank, resigned this week and will leave soon for her home in
Rev. J.J. Haley of California, noted Christian minister, author
and traveler,
is visiting his kinsmen, Mr. M.C. Williams, this week. Rev.
Haley was born
in Rockcastle County. Fifty-One years ago he graduated from
College, Lexington, Ky., and in a short time after that left for
where he remained eleven years. Before returning to the
States he preached
several years in England. Rev. Haley married a sister of
Champ Clark.
Misses Bess Crawford and Mozello Vaught left Monday to enter
College, Lexington, Ky.
Miss Fostine Cooper will enter the Cathedral School in Washington
October 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. Waddle have returned from Frankfort where
they were
guests of friends for a weekend party on the Kentucky river.
Miss Jessie York who has been taking a course in nursing at the
Infirmary of Louisville, Ky., is at home for a visit with her
John H. Williams left Wednesday for Washington, D.C., to resume
his studies
at George Washington University.
Mr. John Slessinger spent last Monday in Lexington and attended
the Jewish
holiday services. He says he heard a splendid sermon.
James Williams will leave today to begin his sophomore year at
Mr. T.E. Jasper and family are in Louisville this week taking in
the state
Sam Adams will leave this week to enter State University at
Miss Bertha Wolfe has returned to Washington after a visit with
the family of
J.R. Cook.
Mr. J.M. Roberts and daughter Miss Bert spent last Sunday and
Monday in
Morris Harkins was in Lexington Monday on business.
Delno Wilson returned Monday from Cincinnati where he spent
several days on
Mrs. A. Lovett made a brief business trip to Lexington Monday.
Miss Sarah Tibbals has a splendid position in the Louisville city
Dr. S.O. Eads of Decatur, Ill., a former Pulaskian, is spending
several days
with relatives. He came to Kentucky to put his son in the
school at Danville
and decided to run down and see his friends. He brings the
news that Dr.
Trimble has established a nice practice in his new home and is
getting along
Mr. and Mrs. George Bertram of Asheville, N.C., are spending
several days
with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Basham spent several days in Louisville last
week where Mr.
Basham attended the meeting of the Kentucky Bankers Association.
Misses Ate Lee, Marguerette Cooper and Mary Bell Pettus left this
week to
enter school at Georgetown College.
Edward Gover left Monday for Georgetown College where hw will go
to school
this year.
George James Sallee has entered Centre College, Danville, for the
Miss Bertis Owens is enjoying a vacation from her duties at the
Telephone office.
Miss Elizabeth Stone is taking a vacation this week and Miss
Addington is
working in her place at the Main St. Garage.
Jason Lawhorn has returned from a trip to Dayton and Tiffin,
Ohio, where he
visited relatives. While gone Jason visited the flying
machine plants in
Dayton and it is rumored that he is thinking of buying one to use
traveling from Somerset to his country home.
Master Mechanic J.A. Cassada has been in Washington City this
week in
conference with the Southern Railway officials.
General Superintendent W.T. Caldwell was in the city Monday
making necessary
arrangements for the moving of the railroad offices from Danville
Mrs. Cleo W. Brown returned to Somerset today after accompanying
her son,
Col. J.M. Brown, as far as Cincinnati on his way back to England.
Misses Barthenia Sallee and Fostine Cooper motored to
Wednesday to attend the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Buckner.
County Agent W.C. Wilson is attending the State Fair at
Louisville this week.
Mr. Joe Donnelly is confined to his apartment with a very bad
foot which was
injured at the shops last week.
Prof. R.S. Eubank of Lexington, editor of the Southern School
Journal, spent
several days in Somerset attending the Institute. Prof.
Eubank has many
friends here who are always glad to see him.
Col. Sam Owens of Hustonville was in the city Tuesday making
arrangements to
conduct a sale here on the 28th.
Mrs. D.N. Young of Somerset, Ky., who has been the guest of her
mother, Mrs.
C.C. Kridler, and Mr. and Mrs. R.L. McPheron, left Friday for
Pratt, Kan.,
where she will visit before going home. Mrs. Kridler
accompanied her to
Pratt. McAllister (Okla.) News.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Yates of Somerset came down last week for a
couple of days at
the Griffith Hotel. On Sunday they attended the ball game
at Nicholasville,
Mr. Yates holding down first base for the Nicholasville team
. Miss Bert
Roberts came into town for a little talk with Mr. Henderson on
Wednesday and
brought her little brother, Jim, with her. They left the same
and Mrs. Brinkley Barnett have come down from Chicago to spend a
few days
with W.A. Kinne before Mr. Barnett takes his place as an
instructor at
Kentucky State University - McCreary County Record.
Lieut. Col. J.M. McKenzie Brown, of the British Army, an old
Centre man, '07,
was the guest of Mr. Jake Bethurum yesterday en route to London,
Danville Advocate.
W.A. Moore will leave next week for New York and Baltimore to
purchase fall
goods for his store.
Mrs. Walter R. Pettus and family returned Tuesday to their home
at Washington
after accompanying the body of her husband to Somerset for
Mrs. S.A. Owens has gone to Washington, D.C., to visit her son,
Burnside. Revival services will begin at Christian Church
Monday evening,
Sept. 13. Rev. C.B. Holden, of Berea, Ky., will conduct the
everyone invited to attend .. Burnside boys played Monticello on
afternoon; score was 16 to 2 in favor of Burnside. Our boys
are playing some
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Heath and daughter Joe Heath and
Miss Ruth Harvey
motored to Monticello Wednesday afternoon to see the ball game ..
Mr. and
Mrs. J.M. Loyd and Miss Ruth Harvey were in Somerset shopping on
Miss Marjorie Thompson of Wellington, O., has accepted a position
bookkeeper for Huffman Bros. Veneer Co.
Mrs. Normal Taylor
and sons and
Mrs. A.C. French have retuned after a delightful vacation at
Cedar Point
Mr. Tom Fagaly is home from Mill Springs this week .. There will
be no school
this week as our teachers are going to attend institute in
Mr. and
Mrs. G.C. Nunn have returned from a visit in Lexington and
Dump Carter who is ill at the Gamblin hospital is improving ..
Norman I.
Taylor was in Lebanon and Junction City last week on business
Mrs. W.S.
Hanley of Bogalusa, La., is the attractive guest of her sister,
Mrs. G.N.
Mrs. G.N. Fagaly gave a picnic Saturday afternoon
in honor of her
guest Mrs. W.S. Hanley
Mrs. Karl W. Kudell and little son
of Norwood, Ohio,
are spending the week with her husband at the Seven Gables Hotel
.. Mrs. N.D.
Stigall and daughters are home after a delightful visited with
relatives in
Cincinnati .. Mr. Tom Fagaly and sister spent Friday in
Monticello taking in
the fair
Mrs. C.C. Greeno and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carey
Fagaly, Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Fagaly and Norman Taylor motored to Monticello Thursday
Miss Donna
Philippi is in Lexington buying more fall hats
Vanhook was called to
Elixir Springs Friday on account of the illness of his daughter
Miss Ollie
Crow Vanhook
Misses Effie and Gus Rankin, Tom Fagaly and
Graham Davidson
attended Miss Edna Rankin's weekend house party at Steubenville
Stella Thurston and Willie Perdue spent Sunday evening in
Harry Gundle was in Somerset Saturday evening .. J.J. Crutcher is
his vacation with home folks in Wilmore, Ky.
Miss Effie
Rankin leaves this
week for a trip to Washington and other Eastern points
L.M. Cheely returned
Sunday from an extended visit with his brother in St. Paul, Minn.
Maze leaves Friday for New York City, where he will spend his
Mattie Hamill spent part of last week in Somerset
B.J. Bethurum of
Somerset was the guest of Mrs. R.O. Lewis Monday afternoon ..
Miss Elizabeth
Allen, Miss Marjorie Thompson and Mr. Stevick drove to Monticello
afternoon .. Mrs. Lum Harvey and family visited Mrs. J.M. Loyd
Wednesday and
Thursday of last week
Russell Dudley was in Somerset
Monday on business.
Beech Grove. Revs. Roberson and Burden closed their meeting
at this place
Sunday night
Carthel Abbott and Tilburn Hall visited at
Ross Phelps Sunday
Mrs. Flossie Phelps and son Jewel spent Saturday night with
her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Abbott, of Somerset
Mary Phelps visited her
brother Ross
Phelps Friday
Mrs. Ellen Taylor and granddaughter Mae
visited at Worth
Taylor's one night last week
Oliver Godby visited his
parents Mr. and Mrs.
J.W. Godby Sunday
Vandair Hodge and wife of Somerset were
the guests of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Worth Taylor Sunday
Miss Ada Hines of
Zion is visiting
her sister Mrs. Will West .. Miss Emma Hall spent last week with
friends and
relatives here .. Stanly Wilson was the Sunday guest of Miss
Dorothy Wesley
.. Dr. H.K. Fulkerson will lecture at the school house at 2:30
p.m., Friday,
Sept. 24th, on "Eyes of a Child." Parents
Slate Branch. Rev. Abbott filed his regular appointment
here Saturday and
Sunday .. Charlie Wright and family visited at White Oak Saturday
night and
J.P. Hudson and family spent Sunday at Frank
Mrs. Lucy
Lorton and Mrs. Janet Campbell spent Saturday night at Mollie
Frank Campbell and wife of Rossburg, Ohio, returned home Tuesday
and were
accompanied by Jack Edwards .. John Johnson is on the sick list
.. Miss Mary
Foster of Indiana is visiting her father here .. Frank Vaughn
visited at
Delmar Saturday night and Sunday .. Mrs. Mollie Cundiff and
daughter visited
Myrtle Smith Friday afternoon
Willie Rainwater is visiting
at Faubush.
Oak Hill. Miss Grace Frisbie is home again to attend the
teachers institute
Mrs. Mary Waddle and daughters Georgia and Christine and
Mae Frisbie visited
Miss Florence Wilson Monday afternoon
Mrs. Nellie Burton
and children
visited Mrs. Lula Frisbie Saturday afternoon
Mable Claunch visited
Mrs. Lula Frisbie one night last week
Miss Ola Mayfield is
visiting at Mrs.
George Tates .. James Tucker is home again visiting homefolks
Clay Frisbie
is visiting is sister Mrs. I.F. Gholson of Spann, Ky.
Mattie Neeley
and daughters Angie and Christine spent Saturday night with Mrs.
John Neeley
May Frisbie visited Mable Claunch Saturday evening
Mrs. McKee and little
son Virgil left Sunday for Cincinnati where she will visit her
daughter Mrs.
Noal Watson a few days.
Ansel. Mr. D.J. Owens and wife of Decatur, Ill., are
visiting friends and
relatives here
Gertie Wilson and children who have been
visiting in
Detroit, have returned
Misses Eura and Ruby Robbins, Mary
and Martha Wilson
and Lillion Smith visited Mrs. J.D. Sipples Sunday
Cooper visited the
Smith boys Sunday .. Della and Irene Godby visited Hattie Wilson
Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quinton visited G.S. Smith last
There will
be a contest singing at Sardis Sunday, September 19
Charley Elliott and
wife spent the weekend at Argyle.
Soules Chapel. The farmers are all trying to save their
tobacco between
Mr. and Mrs. H. McClure visited at T.L. King's
Mr. G.W.
Sears who has been confined to his bed for several weeks is still
to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Murphy, a boy
Misses Nora Meece,
Fannie Gragg and
Mr. John Yahnig went to Ringgold to attend the Beasley girls
wedding Sunday
Mrs. Earl Dickerman and her sister, Mrs. Earl Dutton, spent the
weekend in
Cincinnati shopping .. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Colyer, Lindsay Cundiff
and Maud
McDowell motored to Monticello to the fair Wednesday
Nina Hines is at
home for the institute from Tateville
Mr. Clyde Blevins
called at H.H.
Jackson's Sunday
Mrs. T.L. King was taken sudden with
indigestion Saturday
but soon recovered .. Miss Lera Colyer spent Saturday night with
her sister
Mrs. Vola Padgett .. Mrs. Kidd is having trouble losing her
canned fruit ..
Mr. William Hughett visited Hugh Gover Sunday evening
Misses Helen and
Lillian Cundiff spent Sunday evening with Josephine Kidd
Mrs. I.P. Harmon
is slowing improving from a broken collar bone
Mr. Lindsay
Cundiff spent
Saturday night with Taylor McGahan.
Valley Oak. Molasses making will be the order of the day in
this vicinity
for a while
Rev. Wesley closed his meeting at Fellowship
Wednesday with
three additions to the church
Isaac Boyles called on Miss
Virgie Couch last
Born to the wife of James Blanton, a boy,
last week
Buchanan and family visited relatives near Freedom, Saturday
Alsip and Lester Tye of Whitley County spent a part of last week
at their
uncle's, H.H. Buchanan .. Wallace Phelps and wife visited at J.H.
Stanley Farmer and wife spent Sunday with relatives
near Hazeldell
Miss Lore Noe spent Saturday night at Millard Farmer's
Elmer Randall who
is teaching school at Eubank was through here Sunday
Misses Linda and Maud
Buchanan visited Miss Leona Griffin Sunday afternoon
Sherman Randall and
Miss Mary Farmer were married Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Wesley
Their many friends wish for them a happy and useful life
Misses Grace Couch
and Hessie and Flonie Miller will leave soon for Berea.
Oil Center. The revival closed at Fishing Creek Sunday
Mrs. Dick
Beasley and children, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beasley visited at
Minnie Lone's
P.H. Lane and sons Elmer and Harlan visited his
brother A.F. Lane at
Wolf Creek Saturday night and Sunday
we are glad to say
that Mrs. Nannie
Ellis is rapidly improving
Chester Ellis of Fishing Creek
visited is mother
Mrs. James Ellis Sunday.
Singleton Town. Will Pumphrey and family and Edgar Wheeldon
and family
visited at Everett Pumphrey's last Sunday
There were quite
a few visitors
at F.T. Singleton's Sunday
Miss Deethia Singleton has been
visiting for the
past week at M.N. Ingram's
Everett Pumphrey had a peach
peeling last Friday
night. There was a large crowd present
Willie York and
wife visited at H.
Singleton's Sunday
Henry Singleton has been entertaining
his friends and
neighbors with his watermelon patch for the past few weeks.
Misses Ethie
and Exie Eubanks visited at Lewis Osborne's Wednesday
Griffin visited at
Mark Riner's Sunday
Miss Della Griffin visited at M.
Anderson's Sunday
Sherod Eubanks and family visited at F.T. Singleton's Sunday
Johnnie Boggs
had the misfortune of getting his dry house burned down which was
filled with fine fruit which was partly dried.
Floyd. Ovie Bishop and Elsie Young stole away to Tennessee
a few days ago
and were married. We wish them much joy and happiness through
Griffin and family called at Joe Bishop's Sunday
Griffin is
improving at this writing
W.H. Griffin of Lockland, Ohio,
made a short
business trip here last week
John Baston and daughter have
returned from a
trip to Ohio and Indiana
Edd Vaught and family visited
here Sunday
vicinity was shocked last Friday by the death of Delmer
Blevins. Delmer was
killed while horse racing with his brother and two other
friends. He was
buried in the Freedom cemetery
Sam Harrington spent Sunday
at Mack
Mrs. Hazel Lee is improving
Griffin has returned to
Lockland, Ohio
Wm. Stevens is very ill
Stevens is at the bedside
of his father .. Mrs. Roy Trivett has returned from Tennessee
accompanied by
her father, Mr. Little.
Meece. Lawrence Farmer and Willie Hail went to Cincinnati
last Sunday
Burchfield is conducting a singing class at Jugornot
and Geo. Godby
visited at Somerset last week
Mrs. Farmer of Somerset
visited her father
last week
E. Rodgers of Somerset visited at James Hail's
Jenkins and Margurette Hail were married last Thursday
Mrs. Mary Gregory
and daughter of Somerset visited here last week
Hail, Jr., of
Illinois, has returned home after a visit here.
Clear Fork. Claude Griffin visited at Good Hope Friday
Mrs. S. Adams
is very ill
Claud Griffin and wife have gone to Louisville
to live
Hart is at Good Hope this week
Clarence Griffin and family
spent Sunday
with his mother
Mr. Sharp and wife were called to Green
County last week
James Nelson gave a peach peeling one night last week
Clarence Griffin is
attending the institute.
Hogue. Everett Mullins has resigned as teacher at Center
Post school and he
and his wife have gone to Detroit
Goldie Richardson of Mt.
Zion spent last
week with her sister here .. Alonzo Hagar and family visited
James Randolph
Saturday and Sunday
Rhetta Adams visited the Jasper girls
Sunday night
Louida Dick is visiting at Beech Grove
Aaron Cox
entertained with a bean
hulling last Tuesday night
Anna and Coletta Baugh spent
Sunday at Dock
Mr. Lucas and family of Indiana are visiting
relatives here .. The
son of Aaron Hendricks is improving.
Ringgold. Miss Annie McGahan is visiting her aunt Mrs. A.
Audrey Rainwater of Waterloo is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.
G.M. Dalton and two daughters spent Saturday night and Sunday in
Piney Grove
The long courtship of Raymond McKee and Georgia Beasley,
also Crawford
Mercer and Mamie Beasley was culminated by marriage Sunday
afternoon at Mr.
P. Beasley's home at 2:30. We wish them a long and happy life
Mr. W.H.
Carter and wife of Cain Town visited Mr. W.R. Jasper Saturday and
Sunday ..
Mr. John Adams and family visited at Perk Stringer's Saturday
Hattie Jasper and Luther Baker visited at Mr. E. Padgett's Sunday
. Rev.
Ashbrook filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sunday
.. Miss
Della Owens spent Sunday night with her sister Mrs. J. Hill
Mrs. C. Sawyer
and son Levi were in town shopping Saturday
Mrs. A.T.
Spears has been on
the sick list for some time and is better at this writing .. Mr.
Phelps and wife spent Sunday in Ringgold.
Elrod. Farmers are busy in this vicinity taking care of
their tobacco
Oscar Sowders and wife visited Bob Catron's Sunday
"Uncle" William
Gastineau spent Sunday night at W.H. Bumgardner's
Bumgardner and
family visited at J.T. Randolph's Sunday
Birtie O'Neal has
returned home
from Cincinnati, Ohio .. Mrs. Ella Stevens visited her sister,
Mrs. Jennie
Paynter on Thursday
Otis Bumgardner has returned home from
Dayton, Ohio
Henry and Seph Poynter visited the weekend at Crab Orchard
"Aunt" Eveline
Price is reported better at this writing
A revival meeting
will begin at
Hazeldell on Thursday night
Mr. Bell Edd Price of Indiana
is visiting his
parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Price
G.W. Bumgardner visited Mr.
Henry Davidson's
Saturday night.
Cave Hill. Fred Thompson took Briery Class and went to Mt.
Zion and sang
Sunday evening. All had a good singing and a good time ..
Pie supper at Cave
Hill Friday night brought $32.75 to go to the school
district. Pie sold for
ugliest man brought $9.50 and box candy for prettiest girl
brought $11.50
Silas Wesley has sold his store to Jones Lawless .. There will be
a preaching
next Sunday at Sardis and all day singing by three or four
singing classes ..
Mrs. Harvey Beck is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever ..
Burton is down in bed with rheumatism.
Dykes. Charlie Phelps and wife of Akron, O., are visiting
his parents Mr.
and Mrs. B.D. Phelps
Mrs. Clifford Randall visited her
mother Saturday and
Belle Hargis visited her sister Friday night
Freeman Phelps and
wife are all smiles over the arrival of a new girl at their home
Vanhook and children of Nebraska are visiting relatives here
Derrell Phelps
and wife are visiting home folks
Willie Phelps and wife
visited G.R. Phelps
Thursday night
G.R. Dykes is able to be out again .. P.F.
Dykes of Somerset
visited G.R. Dykes Saturday night and Sunday.
Eubank. Rev. Reed filled his regular appointment at the
Baptist Church
Mrs. J.R. Nelson returned home Saturday from Cincinnati .. Wade
Spangler and
wife of Arcanum, Ohio, and Mrs. G.W. Spangler, of Crab Orchard,
Ky., visited
his sister Mrs. E.L. Gooch last week
Vera Lee has returned
Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Goff and little daughter spent a few days with parents
Estes and family are visiting relatives here
Mrs. Willie
Estes has returned
from a visit with relatives in Kansas and Louisville
Gooch and family
motored to Crab Orchard, Ky., Sunday for the family reunion that
was held at
Mrs. G.W. Spangler's
Claud Hubble is with his mother, Mrs.
Jas. Bryant, of
this place .. Miss Fay Gooch is with her relatives in Crab
Orchard this week
as there is no school.
McKinney. Minnie Crawford is home to attend the teachers
institute. Mrs.
O.A. Bishop is improving
The singing failed to begin at
Crawford is home from Dayton, Ohio
Jewell Vaught and Laura
Davidson have
left for Berea
Geo. Hickman of South Carolina has been the
guest of Elsie
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:41 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller