to Journal. Dear Sir: Please change my
address to Camp Lewis, Washington, as we are moving there
next week and I certainly do not want to miss an issue of
your paper. You certainly are getting out a
wonderful paper and to read it makes one think that he is
almost in the "Queen City of the
Mountains." By the way, my Commanding Officer,
Col. G.H. Williams, was with Colonel Chas. Morrow and the
27th Infantry in Siberia. He says Col. Morrow is
one of the best officers in the army. Very truly
yours, Joseph H. Hussing, 1st. Lieut., 58th Infantry. 
Robbed. Burglars broke into the store of Elmer
Hughes last Thursday night and helped themselves to $100
in cash, several checks and quite a little
merchandise. Admittance was gained through the rear
of the store.
Wrecks. Freight wrecks are becoming quite numerous
in the upper pat of the state on the Southern Railway,
according to reports. Wrecks appear to be almost
daily occurrences. About six wrecks have occurred
during the past week or ten days but none of them have
been of a very serious nature. Last week four cars
were wrecked on the Cincinnati Southern at
Faulconer's Station, five more north of Danville, where
they jumped the track, two of them turning over, but
little damage was done to the tracks or the cars.
No one was hurt. Traffic was delayed for several
hours. Also, it is said, on the Louisville Southern
road at McBrayer Station, near Nicholasville, the car
trucks under one car on a freight train broke and it
required a delay of four hours in traffic. There
have been two freight wrecks near High Bridge the past
few days and one at Jessamine, near Nicholasville.
And it is reported that on the St. Louis division of the
Southern four freight cars were derailed at Princeton,
Daughter Wins Suit. Mrs. Elizabeth Dillion was
given a verdict for $2,000 against her mother Mrs. Bettie
Broadus in the Lincoln Circuit Court at Stanford last
week. She sued for $20,000, charging that her
mother had slandered her. The mother is a sister of
the late Colonel A. M. Swope, of Lexington, and an aunt
of Congressman King Swope.
A message from Broomfield, Ky., says six men, with a
rubber hose siphoned eighteen gallons of whiskey from
barrels in McClaskey warehouse the other night into milk
cans and escaped just as guards came into view.
Advices from Fairfield say sixty gallons of whiskey were
stolen there from McKenna warehouse.

Hospital Notes.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carter, August 22, a girl.
Cecil Whitis, who has been seriously ill, is much
Miss Marie Tandy, who underwent an operation for
appendicitis, is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Weddle, who has been in the hospital for the past
three weeks, is able to return to her home at
Mr. Rich of Monticello, who has been in the sanitarium,
has recovered sufficiently to return to his home.
Miss Mae Whitson is nursing Mr. J.F. Tandy who is
seriously ill at his home on Hawkins Ave.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been issued since
last issue: Walter Crabtree to Opal C. Dugger;
Robert E. Herald and Louise Garrett; Louis Whitaker and
Effie Whitson; Wm. O. Stigall and Telia Roberts; Wm.
Fount Godsey and Helen Colyer; Roy K. Gover and Pauline
E. Smith.
Will Be Here. Governor Edwin P. Morrow has written
Secretary Hicks that he will be here the second day of
the fair which has been designated as Governor's
Day. Mrs. Morrow will accompany him. They
will spend several days in Somerset with relatives.
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. Logan Wood, of Danville, Mrs. Claunch and
daughter of Somerset, Mrs. John G. Lynn and sons of
Danville, Mrs. John Mount of Atlanta and Miss Cecil
Conten of Tampa, Fla., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J.C. Lynn Sunday - Stanford Interior Journal.
Miss Jennie Springfield of Chattanooga, Tenn., returned
to her home Monday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. G.W.
Thomas. Mrs. Thomas accompanied her home and will
be at Look Out Mountain for several weeks. Mr.
Thomas will join her next week for a short vacation.
Ashland, Kentucky, is one of the best paved towns in the
state. A progressive Mayor and Council several
years ago decided Ashland should have better
streets. An ordinance was passed to pave certain
streets. There was a howl from the property
owners. The Mayor and Council were called every
vile name under the sun. This did not stop
them. When the first contract was completed they
passed another ordinance to extend the paving to other
streets. There was more cussing. But the
Mayor paid no attention to this. He kept right on
until every street in Ashland was paved. About two
weeks ago the citizens of that city, the ones who had
done all the cussing, gave him a banquet and his praise
was sung around the festal board. The men who had
fought permanent street improvement were loudest in their
praise of this man for the progressive stand he took.****************************
The City Council
took a great step forward last Monday night when they
passed a resolution favoring the paving of Fountain
Square and other streets in the city. Every citizen
in Somerset should back them up in this progressive step.

Personal Mention.
Joe McGee is spending several days at Cumberland Falls.
Mrs. Armstrong Lay is seriously ill at her home on
Columbia St.
Bennie Hines and Jean Jasper have positions at Norwood,
James Roberts will be home from Louisville next week for
the fair.
Mrs. H.H. Lumis of Lexington, Ky., is visiting friends in
the city.
Chester Smith of Waynesburg was in the city this week on
W.A. Kinne of Stearns, Ky., was in the city Wednesday on
Mr. George Joplin of Danville was with friends in
Somerset last Sunday.
Mr. John L. Welch of Akron, Ohio, is visiting home folks
for a few days.
Mr. Neil Stogsdill of St. Bernard, Ohio, is visiting
relatives in the county.
The many friends of Ed Moore are glad to see him out
after a few days illness.

Mr. J.W. Mercer of
Waynesburg was in town Tuesday on a business trip.
Miss Florence Calvert Ogden has returned from a pleasant
visit to Cincinnati.
Mrs. B.H. Beehler of Danville, Ky., is visiting the
family of L.B. Lowenthal.
Miss Cynthia Davidson of Richmond, Ky., is the guest of
Mrs. Ben D. Smith.
Miss Allie Vaught left Tuesday for Wyoming where she will
teach this year.
Mrs. Mattie Gilmore is visiting her daughter Mrs. Charles
Beatty in
Greenville, Ohio.
Mr. Everett Jasper of Abbott, Miss., is the guest of his
cousin Mr. Robert Combest.
Prof. R.E. Hill, Superintendent of the city schools,
spent last weekend in Louisville.
Miss Mary Floyd has accepted a position as instructor in
history in the Somerset high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Tate of Winchester are visiting Mrs. Tate's mother Mrs.
A.J. Sears.
Mrs. I.M. Roberts
has returned from a visit to her daughter Mrs. Marcus
Burke in Louisville.
Miss Katherine Shadoan and Mrs. Georgia Lee spent the
weekend in Louisville with friends.
Mr. Orne Burton of Nancy who has been working at
Monticello, Ill., is at home for a visit.
Mr. Victor W.
Lewis returned this week from Florida where he attended
several large swing sales.
Nito A. Chadwick of El Paso, Texas, is visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson.
Mrs. W.S. Alexander and daughter Ruth and son Clay have
returned from a motor trip to Richmond.
Mrs. Elizabeth
Ashurst and Miss Ina Ashurst arrived last night from
Illinois, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Erhardt.
Mrs. Carl Norfleet and son, Girdler, and Mrs. Ralph
Longsworth have returned from a delightful trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waddle and children and Mrs. Oldham of
Richmond, Ky., motored to Crab Orchard Springs last
Sunday for the day.
Porter Bolin who has been attending various fairs over
the country with his fine string of horses is at home for
the big Pulaski County Fair.
Mrs. A. Lovett and daughters are stopping at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Roberts until they get located in their
apartment in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Gilmore.
Mrs. Terrell Waddle and daughter, Christine, left last
Friday for Glendale, Arizona, for a protracted
visit. Mr. Waddle will join them October 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kohler will occupy the Waddle home
during their absence.
Mrs. Ben D. Smith
entertained most charmingly with a luncheon bridge
Tuesday in honor of her guest, Miss Cynthia Davidson of
Richmond, Ky. Those invited were members of the
Five Hundred and a few friends. The beautiful
apartment of Mrs. Smith was artistically decorated with
flowers and a delightful luncheon was served. Miss
Davidson, who is an accomplished musician, rendered
several pretty selections that were very much enjoyed.
Mrs. Bee Whitis
has returned from an extended tour of the west where she
has been visiting relatives.
Mr. A.J. Joseph has returned from a trip to New York
where he purchased fall goods for his store here.
Mrs. Charles E. Burke of Monticello is the guest of her
mother Mrs. R.F. James on Mt. Vernon St.
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Tate and children returned this week
from a visit with relatives in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Mr. and Mrs. William Clark and son have returned from a
delightful camping party on the Kentucky River.
Mr. J.A.L. Jasper and family arrived last week from
Abbott, Miss., to visit relatives. They motored
Mrs. R.H. Bartells left Sunday for a visit to Ashville,
N.C., before returning to her home at St. Petersburg,
Mr. and Mrs. Denny Gooch are in Louisville this week
where Mr. Gooch is attending the National Jeweler's
Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Waddle and Mrs. T.M. Thatcher have
returned from Grayham Springs where they have been
spending a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Davis and Mrs. C.D. Portwood
returned to Frankfort and Lexington Monday for a visit
before returning to their home in Texas.
Mrs. Hershel Humble entertained the Five Hundred Club
last Friday afternoon. Miss Thelma Waddle won the
prize. Delightful refreshments were served.
Masters Charles and Jack Themes of New Orleans, La.,
arrived Tuesday to visit their grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Porch. They made the trip alone.
Mrs. J.M. Owens of
Somerset and Mrs. Bess Montgomery Tyree of Raleigh, N.C.,
will be the weekend guests of Mrs. R.B. Woods - Stanford
Interior Journal.
Will Thompson, of Mt. Vernon, will be the guest of James
Williams next week. Mr. Thompson graduated from
Harvard last year but will return for additional work.
Miss Mary Virginia Howard of Louisville, Ky., who is
conducting the Young Peoples' Conference at the Christian
Church, is the guest of Miss Mable Clark while in the
city.Ben P. Hines spent several days in Cincinnati this
week with his sons, Bennie and Elrod. He returned
Monday accompanied by Mrs. Hill and they will go to
housekeeping in one of Mr. Prather's new houses on Jasper