Submitted by to mail list and used here with permission.
The Somerset Journal A Consolidation of the Somerset Times and The Somerset Journal A Democratic Paper Published Every Friday Cecil Williams, Editor and Proprietor Somerset, Ky., Friday, August 1, 1919.
It is now only two days until the election. During the past week the campaign in Pulaski County has taken on a very lively interest. There is no question but what the sentiment of this county is strongly in favor of Governor Black for the Democratic nomination for Governor. He should carry the county by at least 1,000 majority. His campaign workers thru the county report all precincts in good condition. The tide has turned to Governor Black during the past week and it now seems assured he will get a unanimous vote in this county. For a while Judge Carroll's friends made some progress but when the campaign issues were put up to the voters it did not take them long to decide which was the stronger candidate. Judge Black it is now conceded will be 25,000 votes stronger in November than his opponent. Governor Black will be able to meet his Republican opponent on the stump. Judge Carroll is no speaker and it is said that he has lost votes wherever he has spoken in this campaign. Governor Black is the stronger with the temperance forces of the state. This will add to his strength in the final race. He is the ideal candidate and the Democrats realize this fact and for that reason they are going to nominate him next Saturday. Let Pulaski do her duty and stand by a mountain man. If you want your taxes higher vote for Judge Carroll. If not vote for Governor Black. If you are a temperance advocate and want to see the prohibition laws enforced, vote for Governor Black. He will do it. When you go to the polls next Saturday don't forget that we have a home man running for the Democratic nomination for State Auditor. The vote of Pulaski county might nominate him. Look for the name of J.P.W. Brouse on the ballot. If Judge Carroll is elected Governor he will retain in office all the Stanley appointees. Haven't we had enough of those! Mt. Zion. The revival at Wilson will continue this week. Born to the wife of J.C. Howell, a fine boy. Miss Nannie Leigh of Hogue, spent from Thursday until Saturday with her cousins, Delmar and Ray Baugh. W.T. York was called home on the account of the illness and death of his baby. Mr. York has been in Illinois for some time. School will begin here Monday with W.R. Robbins as teacher. Miss Thelma Hines left Sunday to begin her school at Camp ground. The Death Angel visited the home of W.T. York, Tuesday, July 22, and took away their baby, Harold, and at G.W. Calhoun Wednesday, July 23, and took their baby Cory. Their little bodies budded on earth to bloom in Heaven. Funerals were held Thursday, at Wilson Chapel by Sister McClurkan and Sister Bruner. Interment in Mt. Zion cemetery with the little cousins in one grave. We extend great sympathies to the bereaved families. Personals. Ed Moore has returned from a trip to Louisville and Lebanon. Mrs. Oliver Meridith is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Ray Johnson. Judge V.P. Smith spent part of the week in Lexington on business. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carl have moved into their new home on Lincoln street. Rev. B.J. Boland spent several days this week in Lexington and Covington. Mrs. John Tate, of Little Rock, Ark., is visiting friends and relatives in Somerset. Mr. C.D. Portwood, of Lexington, has been in the city this week on business. Miss Mary Wymond of Mayfield, Ky., has been the guest of Mrs. Edwin P. Morrow. Miss Elsie Potter will teach Home Economics in the schools at Midway this year. Elmer Weddle and Larue Jones left Saturday for a visit with friends in Danville, Ky. W.S. Alexander left Tuesday for Crab Orchard Springs where he will be for two weeks. Mrs. J.A. Cassada and children left this week for Chattanooga, Tenn., to visit relatives. Mrs. Ada Grinnell and children, of Paducah, Ky., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hill. Miss Julia Toomy of Glen Mary, Tenn., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Anna Dunkiburg on Griffin avenue. Lost. Ladies Gloria black silk umbrella with straight black handle. Finder return to Mrs. D.W. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Tyre Gentry, of Lebanon Junction, Ky., motored thru to visit Mrs. Gentry's parents near Plato. Captain J.J. Bethurum was in the city Monday between trains en route to his post at Camp Funston, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cain, of Marion, Ohio, were guests last week of Mr. Cain's mother, Mrs. M.A. Cain. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ardery, of Paris, Ky., have returned home after a visit with the family of J.M. Richardson. The many friends of Dr. Arthur Tate, of Little Rock, Ark., were glad to see him here this week for a visit. T.E. Jasper and family motored to Lexington last weekend and enjoyed a delightful trip thru the bluegrass. Mrs. T.O. Sechrist, of Louisville, and Mrs. Frank Todd, of Bardstown, Ky., are visiting friends here this week. Mrs. B.F. Haynes will leave Thursday to join Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Haynes in Lexington, en route to their home in Edgerton, W.Va. Mrs. Charles Wuest, and daughter, Elizabeth, of Cincinnati, Ohio, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard on South Main Street. Mr. Ben Bosworth, of Lexington, Ky., was in the city this week looking after business for the office of the State Fire Marshall. A.E. Barnes and family are in Madison county this week visiting. Mr. Barnes is incidentally putting in some good work for Dr. Brouse for Auditor. Judge B.J. Bethurum is in Adair county this week speaking for Captain King Swope, the Republican nominee for Congress from the Eighth District. Master William Marshall Clark invited quite a number of his friends to a birthday party last Monday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark. Miss Edna Gooch has returned from Somerset, where she was the guest of Miss Margaret Read. Many enjoyable affairs were given in her honor - Danville Advocate. Kenneth and Wallace Heaps, of Chattanooga, Tenn., who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gover, left this week for Danville to visit F.C. Snyder and family. Miss Flora Shenneman, who has a very responsible position in Washington in the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Shenneman. Judge and Mrs. B.J. Bethurum have taken an apartment in Lexington for several weeks. They will go from Lexington to Mt. Vernon where Judge Bethurum will open court. Misses Minerva Meaps, Nora and Vida Weddle spent Sunday with Mrs. Tom Snyder at Danville. They enjoyed a trip to Frankfort and Lexington in Mr. Snyder's car. Porter Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott, is here for a visit with his parents. Porter has just returned from a years service overseas and is looking like the army agreed with him. Rev. J.W. Gardner, pastor of the Methodist Church at Millersburg, Ky., is here this week on business. He says his son, who was a Lieutenant in the army, has just returned home. Mrs. Mary Williams has returned to her home in Mt. Vernon, Ky., after a visit to her son, M.C. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Williams and son, James, accompanied her home. They motored thru. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Brown, of Modesta, California, are visiting friends and relatives here this week. Mr. Brown was recently elected County Attorney of his county and is making the people of that county an excellent officer. Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Hynes who have visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Gover, left Wednesday for Louisville to visit Mr. Hyne's parents before returning to their home at Delorme, W.Va. Carroll Owens has returned to Somerset after a years service overseas. He left Somerset with Company G, State Guards, at the outbreak of the war. He was stationed in France for a while then later with the Army of Occupation. Mr. F.V. McChesney, who has been Superintendent of the City Schools at Burnside, Ky., for the past several years, will have charge of the schools at Midway this year. He and his wife are now visiting Judge and Mrs. James Denton. Chas. Curtis, who was a member of Dr. Barrow's Hospital Unit, has just returned from a years service overseas. He was detached from this Unit last April and sent to France where he remained for several months. While in France, he was given a furlough and visited many of the historic cities in France and Italy. Mrs. Paul Dexheimer left Saturday for Hattiesburg, Miss., to join her husband who has just returned from overseas. Capt. Dexheimer has been in the service for two years. As soon as he is discharged he and Mrs. Dexheimer will return to Somerset. For Sale. Nine fresh milch cows. Make your selections. Also two young mares. Delmont Cundiff.
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:41 CDT
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