Three Hurt
When Train Gets Out Of Control Of The Engineer on Alpine
Southern railway freight train crew, composed of
Conductor Frank Brinkley, Brakeman, S. Williams, and O.C.
West, Engineer Glaney McWhorter and Fireman S.G. Minor,
had a blood curdling experience when the air brakes on
their train failed to operate at Alpine. The train
was going full speed down grade when the electric block
signals showed red. The men worked frantically to
stop the train, but it continued to gain speed through
its own momentum. The possible crash with another
train and the death or injury of crews loomed before
them. McWhorter, Minor and West, who were on the
engine, jumped. Minor landed on his head. His
nose was broken and eighteen gashes were cut in his
face. McWhorter and West were also injured.
Brinkley and Williams, who were in the caboose, remained
with the train until it encountered an upgrade, and came
to a stop a mile further on, only a few feet distant from
another train headed in the opposite direction and which
had stopped when the signals showed warning.
Narrow Escape For Pilot And Somerset Boys When Airplane
Strikes Wires and Falls. Pilot Noel E. Bullock,
driving a 90 H.P. airplane, flew over from
Bradfordsville, Ky., Sunday afternoon accompanied by
Messrs Walter Burke and Harry H. Thornton, of that
city. The gentlemen just flew over for an afternoon
visit with relatives and friends. They made the
trip in 48 minutes. After arriving in the city and
waiting for the time to make the return trip, Pilot
Bullock was opportuned by some of our young people to do
a jitney business for a short time. He was willing
and his first passengers were Messrs Al Sears and Deino
Wilson. The flight was a pretty one and after
circling around the city several times landed
safely. Mr. Fronan (?) of the Fair Co. and Lewis
Hussing were the next to signify their willingness for a
ride and all was made ready but they didn't get
far. The first attempt to rise failed and on the
second attempt the machine hit a telephone wire and was
thrown into the fence, tearing off the propeller and
trucks and otherwise damaging the machine. The
occupants were not hurt in the least. Mr. Bullock
is an experienced pilot and the accident was no fault of
his. He has made many long distance flights and is now en
route to Florida. The plane is being repaired and
Mr. Bullock hopes to be to proceed on his journey by

Cave Still
Is Found On Buck Creek By Officers. No Arrests Were
Made. A still located in a cave near Dykes, Ky.,
about one mile north of Fount Boyd's store, was destroyed
by Prohibition Enforcement Officers Silas West, John E.
Bash and Sheriff Weddle on last Friday morning after an
all night vigil. In order to get to the still the
officers had to crawl through a small opening in a
cliff. They found a complete outfit made from
washing tubs and lard cans and a galvanized worm of 2
inch pipe. The still had been in operation during
the night, the officers say. It was destroyed with
all the mash, barrels, kegs, etc.

Will Buy
Line. Mr. J.L. Waddle informs The Journal that he
will purchase the street railway system from the Kentucky
Utilities Company if they want to sell it. At a
meeting in Louisville last year the company offered to
take $15,000.00 for the line and Mr. Waddle accepted the
proposition, but the deal did not go through. Mr.
Waddle says that he is ready now to make the same
deal. He says if he is successful in making a deal
with the company that he will extend the line to the
shops and will make many improvements. Here is a
good chance for the Utilities Company to get rid of the
line if they really want to. They claim they are
making no money and would give it way if the city would
take it off their hands. The street car service is
indispensable. We must have it. The cars
should be run to the shops. With the proper service
and new equipment there is no reason why the business
could not be increased 100 per cent.

Meeting In
Interest of Cumberland River Will Be Held at Burnside On
March 16. Arrangements are being made for a big
banquet at Burnside on March 16, when many prominent men
from this section will gather to discuss the Cumberland
River improvement. The meeting was called by
Representative J.M. Robsion. There will be members
of Congress from Tennessee and it is expected that
Governor Morrow will also be present. The business
session will be held in
the afternoon and the banquet will follow in the
evening. Invitations will be sent out this
week. Government engineers will also be present and
what they say will be of unusual interest. Every
member of Congress since time immemorial has had as his
hobby the improvement of the Cumberland River but none of
them have ever gotten very far. We wish Mr. Robsion
better luck.

Mrs. J.W. Harmon, wife of Rev. Harmon, Baptist Minister,
died Tuesday night following an operation for gall
stones. Funeral services were held at the home
Thursday afternoon and burial took place at Dutton
burying ground. Mrs. Harmon was 58 (possibly 38)
years of age. Mrs. Harmon had been in ill health
for some time. She was a devout Christian woman and
an active worker in the Baptist Church.
Takes Down Speech. Mr. D.S. Gooch, the local
wireless operator, who has an outfit installed in his
home, took down the speech of President Harding on
inauguration day. It was thus received here an hour
before it was delivered because there is an hour's
difference in time between the two places. Mr.
Gooch is very much of a wireless enthusiast and invites
anyone desiring to see his outfit to his home.
18 Here Now. There are eighteen disabled soldiers
now at the Cumberland Sanitarium receiving
treatment. More are expected.

Lovelass -
Scott. Mr. Glenn Lovelass and Miss Ethelberta Scott
prominent young people of Somerset, were quietly
married at the Christian Church parsonage Thursday noon
March 3rd, by Rev. W.G. Montgomery, only a few friends
and relatives were present. Immediately following
the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Lovelass left on a honeymoon
trip to Atlanta, Ga., and other southern points.
Mrs. Lovelass is the attractive and charming daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos M. Scott. She has always been
quite a favorite among the younger social set of the
city. She is a niece of the last Senator W.O.
Bradley and a cousin of Governor Edwin P. Morrow.
Mrs. Lovelass is a graduate of the Somerset High School
and also attended Georgetown College where she was very
popular. Mr. Lovelass is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
H.L. Lovelass who reside in the Gibson Addition. He
is a promising young business man with many warm
friends. Mr. Glenn is also a graduate of the
Somerset High School. He served in the late
war. Mr. and Mrs. Lovelass will be at home on North
Main St.
Caleb Powers Sued By His Wife For Limited Divorce - She
Charges Cruelty and Non-Support. Washington, March
9 - Caleb Powers, a former member of Congress, whose
trials in connection with the killing of former Senator
William Goebel, of Kentucky, some years ago, attracted
nationwide attention, was sued here today by his wife,
Anna M.D. Powers, for limited divorce. The petition
filed in the District of Columbia Supreme Court, charged
cruelty and non-support. Justice Stafford issued a
rule against the defendant, who now lives in Washington,
to show cause on March 18 why he should not be required
to pay temporary alimony pending the outcome of the
Banana Plant. The Louisville Papers recently
devoted considerable space to the fact that a certain
woman in Louisville owned a banana plant that was
blooming at this time of the year. Louisville has
nothing on Somerset. Mrs. J.E. Girdler has a
similar plant that has been in bloom for about two
weeks. The plant is about seven feet tall and is
now about four years old. This is the first year
that it has bloomed. Mrs. Girdler is anxiously
waiting to see if the plant will bear fruit this season.
Boys Caught. Three young boys of the city have been
arrested charged with stealing milk from the porches of
citizens on College St. For some time residents of
College St. have been bothered by youngsters who follow
the milk man and steal the milk bottles as they are
deposited. The police were notified and got busy,
resulting the arrest of three.
Geary Here. Captain John A. Geary, of Lexington,
has been in the city this week in the interest of the
Irish Cause. Mr. Geary was quite successful and
received many contributions.
Does Anyone Know? Mr. George P. Salle, chairman of
the Pulaski County Chapter, American Red Cross, wants to
know the address of Jim Massengale, who is the father of
Dora and Chas. Massengale. He also wants the
address of Lee Norton, father of Allison Norton.
Any one knowing the address of either
person will please notify Mr. Sallee.
For Jailer. Mr. V.G. Rexroat has announced for the
Republican nomination for Jailer.
Few Donate. The following donations have been made
from Pulaski County to the China Famine Fund: A.J.
Adams, Hogue, $1.00. Presbyterian Sunday School,
Somerset, $41.00. Methodist Episcopal Church, South
Mill Springs Circuit, Frazier, $19.00
Ross. Mrs. Celia Katherine Ross, died at her home on High
St. Monday morning, March 7th. She was 78 years of
age. Funeral services were conducted at the First
Christian Church Tuesday afternoon by her pastor, Rev.
W.G. Montgomery. Burial followed in the City
Cemetery. Mrs. Ross was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Butler of Virginia. She was born in
Wayne County, Ky., where she spent most of her
girlhood. She was married to Dr. John A.
Ross. Soon afterwards they moved to Warren
County but did not stay there long, moving to this
country where they reared their family. Dr. Ross
died about 18 years ago and since that time Mrs. Ross has
lived with her son, Tilden. Mrs. Ross was a
faithful and devout member of the Christian Church and
was a regular attendant up until a year ago when
declining health prevented her leaving her home.
Five children survive, Mrs. D.T. Harris of Smiths Grove,
Ky.; Mr. Sewell Ross of New Smyrna, Fla.; Mrs. Chas. G.
Colyer, Miss Zuie Ross and Mr. Tilden Ross all of
Operated On. Mrs. E.P. Buchanan was operated on in
Danville, Ky., last Saturday morning for
appendicitis. She is getting along nicely and it is
though that she will be able to return home within
another week. She was taken suddenly ill Friday
night at her home in this city and was rushed to Danville
on the early train Saturday. Mrs. Buchanan is a
teacher in the City Schools and during her illness Mrs.
Chas. Beatty will fill her place.
Glass. Dr. Harvey Glass, of Danville, Ky., died at
his home in that city Tuesday afternoon after an illness
that has covered several years. Dr. Glass was 79
years of age. Dr. Glass was pastor of the
Presbyterian Church in this city for twenty years and no
man stood higher in the community or was more
loved by our people. He left Somerset about twelve
years ago to become pastor of a church in Mercer
County. He afterwards gave up that pastorate and
moved to Danville. The news of his death was received
here with a great deal of sadness. Dr. Glass was a
man of brilliant intellect and ranked at the top of his
Card of Thanks. We desire to extend our very deep
thanks to the good people of Somerset and to our dear
neighbors for their kindness and helpfulness during the
sickness and death of our wife and mother.
Relatives and friends of Cincinnati also join us in this
word of thanks. W.C. Hutson and Son.
Card of Thanks 2. We desire to express our deep
appreciation for the many acts of kindness and words of
sympathy extended us by our neighbors and friends in the
illness and death of our beloved son and husband,
Hall. Especially we thank the doctors and nurses,
the members of the Knights of Pythias, American Legion,
and Boiler Makers and Helpers. Also do we thank
Rev. W.G. Montgomery for his words of condolence, and
Undertaker A.R. Wallace, of Denney and Dodson, for his
efficient services in conducting the funeral. Mrs.
Macie Hall and Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Hall.
Enters State University. Lexington, Ky. March 10. -
Miss Ruth Irene Ashurst, daughter of Rufus Ashurst,
Somerset, Ky., entered State Univ. as a freshman in
January of the current year. She is taking a B.S.
course, her major subject being science. Miss
Ashurst is one of the many students from Pulaski County
who is doing her part toward keeping up the good standard
maintained by Pulaski young men and women here. She
graduated from the Somerset High School in 1920.
During her senior year she was a member of the Atheneum
Club, as well as president and secretary of the Literary
Society in this school. In a contest promoted by
this society Miss Ashurst was the winner of a medal
offered for the best presentation.
Makes Trip. Royce Flippin, son of Judge and Mrs.
W.N. Flippin, a student at Centre College and member of
the basketball team, was selected to make the trip east
with the varsity five. They will be gone ten
days. In New York, they will be banqueted by Centre
Alumni and at Washington, they will be guests of Mrs.
Vernon Richardson.
Curfew Law. Once upon a time, Somerset had a curfew
law. We do not know whether or not the law is in
effect now or not, but we know that it should be.
There are too many young boys loafing on the streets
after night. The Council would do well to look into
this matter.
Wynn Announces. George A. Wynn has announced for
Magistrate from the Seventh District.
The Republicans of Pulaski County.

you know that I am a candidate for the Republican
nomination for Sheriff at the coming Primary next August,
and I earnestly solicit the support of all
In making this race I know the importance of the office,
and all the responsibilities connected with it, and I
feel confident that I am qualified to perform all its
duties as the law directs and to the full satisfaction of
the public. My party has never failed me and I have
never failed it. I began working for the Republican
party before I was old enough to vote; and in every
campaign since, I have taken an active part; often
sacrificing my time and means when I was really not able
to do so. Last fall, during the campaign, no man in
the county spent more time than I did in organizing
Harding and Coolidge Clubs in nearly every precinct in
the county. This all took time, hard work, and was
very expensive. Upon this score, I am willing to be
judged. The party has honored me in the past, by
nominating me for Circuit Clerk and in that position I
faithfully performed all the duties of the office until I
was forced to give it up in order to earn support for my
family. In recent years the number of law suits,
both civil and criminal, have greatly decreased, and this
has decreased the fees of the office (there being no
salary attached to the office of Circuit Clerk), until I
was forced to turn its care over to another, which I did,
to Mr. Adams; and in doing this no man in the county has
suffered; because no better clerk can be found anywhere
in the whole State. What the office has paid, Mr.
Adams has received, and since he took charge, not one
cent have I received, although I am told that charges to
the contrary have been made. In this connection, I
have only to say that all such statements are absolutely
untrue. During most of the time I have been engaged
in producing coal at Barren Fork, and the past year
retailing coal in Somerset. During the war the
mines were under Government control, and I was subject to
the orders of the Government in producing coal for the
Government and the public to help win the war. In
this way I did my duty as a patriotic citizen; and I feel
that I rendered more valuable service to the Government
and the people, by producing a product so essential, than
I possibly could have done had I remained in the office
of Circuit Clerk. In doing this work, I only earned
a respectful living for my wife and five children, which
I consider my first duty. I have accumulated no
wealth; but if elected Sheriff, which I feel sure I will
be,the office will pay a reasonable compensation, and I
shall give the office my personal attention, and devote
all my time to its duties, and no one shall ever have
cause to regret helping me in this race. I want all
my friends, both men and women, and the public generally,
to carefully consider my record as an official and as a
Republican; and then if they feel that I am worthy of
support, give it to me enthusiastically and my best
efforts shall be given in return, by filling the high
office of Sheriff in a way that will renown to the good
of all our people. It shall be my purpose to see
the people generally between now and the primary, and
present other reasons why I feel that I am entitled to
your support as well as to refute certain false charges
that are being made against me now. Thanking one
and all for past help, and not doubting in the least, my
nomination and final election, I remain, Yours Very
Truly, C.I. Ross. Advertisement.
To The Republican Voters (2). I recently issued an
address to you through the columns of the local
newspapers, appealing to you to support Mr. Langdon for
the office of county clerk. This I did because he
had been kind enough to give me a position in his office,
and also the assurance that I will be retained in the
office at a satisfactory salary in the event of his
re-election. In that communication I gave a correct
narrative of my limited, but humble career and tried to
picture as best I could the hardships and struggles of my
early life. I shall not repeat that in this
additional statement. This statement to the voters
is made necessary, as I see it, because of one issued
last week by Miss May, and published in the Somerset
Journal. In my former article I did not mention the
name or refer to the candidacy of Miss May, but since she
has seen fit to mention my name in her card to the
public, I deem it appropriate and proper that I say a few
words in regard to her candidacy for clerk. She
makes a rather vague promise to retain me in the office
in case of her election. It is conditioned upon my
competency and efficiency, and she is to be the judge of
both. Mr. Langdon has already passed favorably on
my proficiency recognizing that there is merit in my
appeal to the voters, and that a great majority of them,
both women and men, will feel that I deserve some
consideration at their hands, she comes with a greatly
belated offer. But she knows that I have already
entered into an arrangement with Mr. Langsdon for work in
his office and that my sense of honor would not allow me
to break faith with him in this, and hence she makes the
offer not for my benefit, or because of any interest she
has in me, but for the purpose of advancing her own
candidacy. Mr. Langdon was good enough to help me,
by giving me this position, and has kindly agreed to give
me a position throughout his next term, and but for his
generous kindness, I would not have had the position, nor
even a promise for future work in the office. I
shall never be ungrateful no matter what comes. I
would be an ingrate if I should bite the hand that fed
me. It seems that in the latest move on the part of
Miss May, she is merely playing politics of the shrewd
sort. I notice in her address to the people she
admits that she has held the position that I am now
holding for the past 18 years; that 10 ½ of these years
she served under Mr. Langdon. He retained her in
the office after his election although, I am told, she
and her family had assisted in his defeat by Mr. Borden,
a Democrat, in 1905. I also learn that her father
held this same office for 12 years, besides holding the
offices of school commissioner, member of the
constitutional convention, and serving in the long
session of the legislature immediately following the
constitutional convention. It looks as though the
May family have been amply awarded for the amount of
service they have done for the party in the past.
Miss May further says that she is now holding a position
at Frankfort, and that she secured this position through
the kindness of her friends and schoolmate, Governor
Morrow. I am told that this place pays her $1,500
per year. Through the influence of the Governor,
she will be able to hold this office for at least three
years longer. She resigned the position that I now
hold to go to Frankfort. She is fortunate indeed to
have the backing of such prominent people as the Governor
and his wife, and with such backing she will no doubt be
abundantly cared for. Since she has been so
bountifully taken care of in the past, and now has a good
position that she can hold for three years longer, it
does seem that she should be satisfied and be willing to
allow others a chance. She certainly should not try
to defeat the man who has been so kind and generous to
her for the past 10 ½ years. I want to say in
conclusion that I have no powerful and influential
friends to back me in my battle for a living. I am
a plain, poor country girl, and must rely wholly upon the
plain, big hearted people of Pulaski County for
assistance. I know what I want to do, and it all
depends upon the action of the voters in the next August
primary election. You have it in your power to say
which one of us is the most deserving and needy at this
time, and whether or not I shall remain the Clerk's
office during the next four years. If you favor
giving me a start in life, vote for Mr. Langdon, and that
will give it. If you think that Miss May is more
deserving and needy than I, then vote for her. The
issue is clearly drawn. Very truly, Mary
Hail. Advertisement.
Indictments Are Being Returned By The Wholesale, Grand
Jury Is Busy Body. The Grand Jury has already
returned about 150 indictments during this term of court
and they are not near done. More work has been
accomplished by this body than any grand jury in years -
in fact this is about the best grand jury that has ever
been selected. They are determined to stop the
continual violation of the law. The Circuit Court
continues in the daily grind and many cases are being
tried. Most of the cases now are minor civil
cases. The case of Bank of Russell Springs vs. T.V.
Ferrell to recover $4,000.00 note on which Mr. Ferrell
was surety was decided in favor of the defendant.
Quite a number of parties were fined for various offenses
such as shooting on highway, malicious striking, assault,
selling whiskey, etc. Court will continue through
next week.
Somerset, Ky., March 8, 1921. To The People of the
City of Somerset: I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of Chief of Police of the City
of Somerset, Ky. I stand for and if elected will
enforce every ordinance that the City Council has and
shall pass regardless of whom it affects. I will if
the Council so decides, collect the City and School
taxes. I will do all in my power to assist in the
execution of the prohibition laws and ridding our city of
bootleggers. If elected I propose to enforce all
the laws that it may be the duty of the Chief of Police
to enforce. Thanking you in advance for your
support and influence, I am yours for a cleaner and
better city. J.E. Bash.

Robt. Curtis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curtis, was
operated on last Saturday
night for appendicitis.
Mr. Rosco Hilton is much improved.
Mrs. Will Bradley of Monticello has recovered
sufficiently to return home.
Miss Dorothy Sharp of Science Hill, who was operated on
for appendicitis, is able to return home.
Mr. Glenn Hines of Science Hill is in the hospital for
Mr. E.C. Hall of Science Hill, who was operated on for
appendicitis is
rapidly improving.
Mrs. Henry Schneider was operated on for appendicitis.
Rev. Abbott who has been in the hospital for treatment is
doing nicely.
Little Ray Stephens who jumped from a street car is in a
serious condition.
Chas. Barnes is in the hospital for treatment.
Mr. DeWitt has recovered sufficiently to return home.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Oscar Colyer and Master James Logan, were in
Knoxville, Tenn., the first of the week.
Mrs. Lawrence Dungan and children have returned from a
visit to her mother at Flat Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Allen spent the weekend in Lexington.

Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Bodkin were in Knoxville, Tenn., the first of the
week buying goods for their store at Shopville.
Miss Francis Spann left this week for Oklahoma to visit
her sister, Mrs. Graham.
Mr. Harold Kennedy has been ill at his home in Columbia
St. the past week.
R.E. Higgins has been unable to be at his place of
business on account of illness.
Mr. John Gray and daughter Mrs. Elmer Hill of
Chattanooga, Tenn., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Offett
and Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Doyle.
Mr. Steele of the Fair Company returned yesterday from
Mrs. Oscar Colyer and children are visiting in Knoxville,
Mr. George Bertram of Monticello, Ky., has been in the
city this week.
Miss Elizabeth Stone has resigned her position with the
Main St. Garage and will leave soon for Danville to make
her home.
Mr. Terrell Waddle is on a three weeks vacation to
Mr. D.G. Webb, Superintendent of the Burnside Graded
School, was in the city last weekend.
Superintendent R.E. Hill has returned from Atlantic City,
where he attended
the National Educational Association meeting.
Mr. J.W. Wilson of Barren Fork, Ky. was in Somerset last
Mrs. Edwin P. Morrow has returned to Frankfort after a
visit with her mother, Mrs. O.H. Waddle. Mrs.
William Waddle accompanied her home for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. M. Thatcher received a message
Saturday announcing the arrival of a girl at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John M.P. Thatcher of New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shultz of Springfield, Ky., are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Goodloe.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Loveless returning this week from
their honeymoon spent in the South.
Mr. T.A. Lewis of Burnside was in the city Tuesday making
some arrangements for the banquet to be held in Burnside
next week.
W.L. Vallindingham of Science Hill was in the city
Wednesday en route to Cincinnati, Ohio, on account of the
illness of his father.
Mrs. Elmer Thurman was operated on in Danville Tuesday
and is in quite a serious condition.
Mr. William Waddle was been in Frankfort this week on
Mrs. Henry Snyder was operated on Monday night for
appendicitis. She is getting along very nicely.
Robert Curtis underwent an operation at the Somerset
Sanitarium Saturday
night for appendicitis and is doing fine.
Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Frye and son Archie are spending
several days in Cincinnati.
Mrs. S.D. Harris of Smiths Grove, Ky., and Mr. Sewell
Ross, of New Symrna, Fla., attended the funeral of their
mother this week.
Chief Dispatcher C.W. Pates returned from a visit to
Indianapolis, Ind., Tuesday.
Rev. C.H. Talbot and Mr. W.O. Hays attended the funeral
of Dr. Harvey Glass
in Danville Wednesday.
Mr. Eph Clark, of Ludlow, Ky., has been here with his
brother, Marcus Clark, who is ill.
Mrs. Belle Lawhorn is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.H.
Floyd, at McKinney.
Mrs. L.M. Grear, who has been spending the winter in
Somerset, will leave this week to join her husband at
Atlanta, Ga., where they will live.
Better. Mr. Everett Adams of Pulaski, who was taken
to Louisville recently suffering from sleeping sickness,
is getting along nicely and will soon be able to return
home. This will be good news to his many friends.
Old Citizen. "Uncle" Dave Burge, one of
the oldest men in Pulaski County, has been spending
several days in the city. "Uncle" Dave is
over 90 and is as spry as a youngster. He fought
all through the war and loves to relate his experiences.
In Mexico. The Journal is in receipt of a card from
Mr. W.J. Goodwin, who is spending some time in
Mexico. At this time, he is in Juarez and says that
he is enjoying his trip very much. He asks to be
remembered to all his friends here.
Will Fix
Up. Mr. A.F. Gregory has announced that he will
begin at once to make some improvements in his
restaurant. He will add a dining room on the second
floor and make some changes on the first floor.
