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February 25, 1921.

Hogue.  Mr. W.H. Dick, one of our merchants, was in Somerset Monday on business.  Misses Lula and Rhetta Adams and brother, Lewis, spent last Wednesday with their sister, Mrs. Mabel Jasper of Mt. Hope.  Mrs. Laura Dick visited her brother, James Hendricks last Tuesday.  Mr. Lafayette Hurt who has been clerking in C.C. Cooper's store, returned to his home in Wayne County last week.  Misses Elizabeth and Dorothy Jasper and Mr. Velber Jasper are spending a few days in Adair County with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coffey, and other relatives.  Mr. Otis Baugh who is working at Stearns, visited home folks last week.  Mr. W.A. Adams and family have moved here on Mr. Jason E. Lawhorn's farm.  Mr. Gid Jasper sold a work mule to George Dick, of Bethlehem, for about $225.  Mrs. Anna B. Dick spent Monday with Mrs. Effie Adams.  Mr. Luther Cooper has returned home from Stearns, where he has been at work for several weeks.  Mr. W.H. Dick and John F Adams traded work mules last week and Mr. Dick paid a difference of $75.

Keno.  The farmers of this community are making preparations for farming another year.  Rosco Wilson was shot Sunday night with a 22 pistol.  The shot entered the eye and was badly injured he was taken to Somerset Monday for an operation.  We hope he will soon recover.  Edward Davis the 6 year old child of Archie Davis was kicked by a horse and badly injured.  Clarence Hancox has quit railroading and taken a position helping Newel Morrow farm.  John Tucker of Oak Hill was the guest of Miss Donnie Cassada the past few days.  Mrs. Maggie Wilson was the guest of her mother-in-law last Sunday night.  Mrs. E.V. Branscum spent last Sunday with her son, Ed Branscum.  Mr. Lester Davis and Clarence Hancox and Miss Bertha Wilson and Ollie Wilson were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Branscum last Saturday.  Clarence Hancox and Donnie Cassada have been picking geese for Mrs. Newel Morrow.  A large crowd attend the singing Saturday night at Mt. Union.

Ingle.  We are having some bad weather at this time.  Mrs. Floy Kissee is worse at this writing.  Mrs. Elizabeth Allen is no better at this time.  Mrs. Millie Brown is on the sick list.  Mr. Willie Delk and wife are visiting her mother, who is very ill at this time.  Mr. Edwin Weddle visited his mother Saturday afternoon.  Mr. Frank Allen is visiting relatives near Ingle.  Marshal Vaughn started to Illinois Sunday.  Mr. W.S. Wilson is teaching a singing at Liberty with a large attendance.  Mr. Chester Kissee and wife visited relatives the fore part of the week.  Miss Gertrude and Susie Kissee visited Mr. I.R. Kissee's Friday evening.  Miss Pearl Emerson and mother visited Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Schoolcraft Monday.  Mrs. Eliza Schoolcraft visited Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Schoolcraft Wednesday.  Miss Ida Kissee visited Miss Beulah Foster Saturday evening.  Miss Fannie Roy visited Mrs. I.C. Roysdon Saturday evening.

Valley Oak.  Most people of our neighborhood did not like to see this snow as they were scarce of fuel. Misses Laura Daniel and Linda Buchanan spent Saturday night at W.C. Wyrick's. Rev. Jerry Farley and wife visited at Sam Childers last week.  Mrs. Martha Farmer is very sick at this writing.  D.B. Wyrick and wife spent part of last week with Rev. H.S. Measel and Jas. Martin near Clarence, Ky.  Mrs. D. Couch and children left last Thursday to join her husband in Ohio.  Tom Eldridge and wife were in Somerset Tuesday buying goods
for their store.  Mr. Stevens and family have moved here and have taken charge of the post office and store at Valley Oak.  Chas. B. Thompson of Walnut Grove, spent Thursday night at home.  Mr. Charles Thompson and family have moved to Somerset.  Rev. Jerry Farley preached at Pleasant View school house last Thursday and Friday nights.  Very bad colds are raging in this vicinity.  Most everybody you talk with are suffering from cold in some form.  Sam Childers was in Somerset Friday.  We think the old saying about the ground hog has failed this time for it never saw its shadow on the 2nd, but the weather has been very unpleasant nearly every day since.New Bethel.  Lots of folks were surprised to find this big snow on Sunday
morning.  Aunt Malinda Ashbrook is still complaining.  Wade Gossett's children have the whooping cough.  Jack McBeath is very ill at this writing.  Rev. J.S. Abbott is no better at this time.  Lola White has been spending a few days in Somerset. Jack Edwards temper was very much stirred when some one passed the other night and shot at his dog.  The bullet went in the house.  Fred Prather is some better.  Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bolin were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prather.  Arlie Tartar and sister Zula Mayfield, visited Mrs. Edgar Prather, Friday night.  Little Zula Mayfield spent two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Robert Girdler.  Raymond Gossett has gone again.  Will Gossett has accepted the offer of Coleman Jones as driver on his drumming routes.  Jim Kenney has moved back across the creek.  Mrs. Rhoda Vaughn visited at J.S. Abbott's Sunday.  Myrtle Gossett went to town Saturday as usual.

Todd.  Mr. Jennings Acton visited Miss Sarah Susan Osborne last Saturday night.  Mrs. Mattie Nelson was visiting friends near Good Hope Friday.  Mr. Jeff Acton went to Eubank Friday on business.  Meeting was rather dull at Good Hope Sunday.  The snow is 12 or 15 inches deep up here.  Estella Acton, who has had the mumps, is improving now.  Misses Tilda Acton and Retna Taylor visited Miss Stella Acton last Saturday evening.  The singing was begun at Good Hope last Thursday night by Mr. Jas. Martin.  They will continue to practice every Thursday night till the county singing.  People in this vicinity have been gardening some.  Looks like now the weather is very favorable.

Meece.  Mrs. Sophia Dykes and two children came home from Akron, Ohio, last Friday.  Rev. Steele of the Bent, preached at Pleasant Ridge church last Sunday.  Walter Brown is at Cedar Grove building a house on the land he purchased from his father-in-law, Mr. Geo. P. Meece.  The Holiness people are holding a series of meetings at Wesley Chapel.  Born, to the wife of James Mounce, a boy.  Thomas Hail has purchased a farm from Andrew Sears.  Charlie Ping has commenced grading on the road leading from Wm. Jones store to Buck Creek.  Mrs. Ethel Creigh visited Mrs. Charity Heath of Haynes who is very ill at this writing.

Floyd.  We are having some real winter weather at this writing.  The snow in this vicinity is deeper than it has been in two or three years.  It has put the farmers to getting wood instead of plowing.  Mrs. Belle Trivett returned home last Monday from Science Hill after spending four weeks with her son, Mr. E.W. Trivett.  Rev. Cleveland Wheeldon passed through here Saturday afternoon en route to Fishing Creek to fill his appointment.  Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Surber were in Somerset last week visiting friends.  Mr. Reece of Tennessee was a visitor of Mr. W.M. Jenkins one night last week.  Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Surber were visitors of Jas. E. Todd and family last Thursday night and Friday.  Chas. Nelson and Rice McClure were making good use of the snow Sunday sleigh riding.  Mrs. Roby L. Johnson and children of Somerset are visiting relatives at this place for a few days.  Mrs. W.H. Warren returned home from Somerset one day last week.  Mr. M.C. Higgins was in Science Hill and Somerset Friday night and Saturday.  W.R. Estes and family called on Mrs. Kate Singleton Sunday afternoon.  Master Dallas Gragg entertained his little friend, Burrell Trivett Friday night.  "Aunt" Jane Stout spent several days last week with "Uncle" Sam Harrington and family.  M.P. Estes and family were visitors of W.R. Estes and family last Thursday.  Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Hines of Cincinnati, O., were visiting relatives here last week.  They were accompanied home by his mother, Mrs. Katherine Hines.  Mrs. Maud Trivett and little son were visiting Mrs. R.M. Trivett one night last week.

Tick Ridge.  We are having some snow in this part.  Mr. John V. Garner visited Mr. Russ Wilson Saturday night and Sunday night.  Mr. Fred Roberts visited Mr. Willie Wilson Saturday night and Sunday.  Mrs. Mary J. Faughn visited Mrs. Lener Wilson one day last week.  Mr. Joe Vaughn is making a crop at his grandfather's this year.  Mr. Hobert Wilson, Fred Roberts, Earl Wilson, and Will Wilson were the Sunday guests of Mr. Joe Vaughn.  Mr. Marchel Vaughn and family visited Mr. Doss Wilson Wednesday night.  Mr. Vaughn had his sale Wednesday and left for Illinois.

Nancy.  Farmers of this vicinity are not moving much now on account of a snow blockade.  Ollie Webb is making arrangements to leave this town.  We regret very much to see him leave us.  Mrs. Margis Albertson visited her mother last Friday.  Mr. V. Turpen will ship a car load of hogs this week.  The Nancy school closed last Friday.  There was a large number present and everyone reported a good time.  Mr. Tim Tartar and family visited Mr. W.D. Dalton last Sunday.  Rev. Wesley Colyer filled his regular appointment at Nancy last Saturday.  Brother Colyer usually comes regardless of the weather.  The White Oak church is to be congratulated for employing a pastor so able, so devoted and so true to the service of God.  Mrs. Virle Albertson spent two days last week with her grandmother.

Wilson Chapel.  Mr. Geo. F. Thompson spent Saturday night and Sunday at W.R. Esterly's.  Miss Martha Wilson and Mrs. A.J. Wilson were in Science Hill Friday on business.  Miss Maud Wilson spent Saturday night and Sunday at A.J. Wilson's and attended the singing.  There will be a revival begin at Wilson Chapel Sunday, February 27.  Earl Wilson spent Saturday night with Hollis Wilson. Albert Henderson has moved to Geo. Elliott's place.  Frank Manning spent Saturday night in Somerset.  Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cox visited at J.B. Girdler's Saturday night.

Beech Grove.  Rev. Miller failed to fill his monthly appointment at this place Saturday night and Sunday.  Mrs. Mary Dye visited Mrs. Ellen Taylor last week.  Mrs. Ross Phelps and sister, Miss Winnie Abbott visited Mrs. Layont Irvine and mother Saturday.  Mrs. Harrison visited Mrs. Ellen Taylor one day last week.  The Daulton girls of Ringgold visited Mrs. Mollie Jasper Saturday night.  Miss Audrey Rainwater is visiting her sister Mrs. Arling Jasper.  John Wesley visited his cousin Ross Phelps Friday night.  Abe Phelps visited his sister, Mrs. Monte Stone one night last week.  Mrs. Tommie West and daughter visited Mrs. Layton Irvine one day last week.  Abe Phelps was the guest of his cousin John Wesley one night last week.  Arling Jasper is suffering with a very bad eye, covered with an abscess on the eyelid.  A large number of the farmers from here were in town Saturday buying their oat seed.

Mintonville.  The men folks of this community met and covered the new M.E. church last Tuesday and Wednesday.  The ladies of the church set a nice dinner for them.  Mrs. Alpha Jasper and Miss Kate Dye visited R.C. Tarter's at Cain's Store Friday.  Mr. Otha and Van Hines, Herman Dye and Hershel Spaw
attended the spelling at Cain's Store Friday night.  Born, to the wife of H.C. Walker, a boy.  Mr. Archie Taylor made his regular call on Miss Edith Hines Sunday.  Mrs. Alpha Jasper and Miss Kate Dye visited at R. Carter's Sunday evening.  Master O.V. Jasper is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Martha Jasper, for a few days.  The winter school at Mintonville closed Friday.  Mr. Bernard Tarter of Cain's Store visited his brother LaRue Tarter of Mintonville Sunday.

Soules Chapel.  The weather was too bad for services her Sunday.  Mrs. Ralph Smith spent last week with her parents at Waynesburg and returned to her position in Crab Orchard until the bank could secure another clerk, and Mr. Smith is in Stanford working in a garage.  We miss them here.  Mrs. Emily McGahan has moved back to her farm in the country.  Miss Katherine King spent Thursday night with Mrs. Tally.  Mr. Keyes is very much pleased over the returns on his tobacco.  He averaged about 30 cents per pound on 850 pounds.  Mr. and Mrs. Vestal Shadoan have moved to the Mrs. Nannie Meece place.  Several from here took the examination for common school diploma and all seemed to be successful.  Mr. T.L. King's house caught on fire Saturday night about 2 o'clock but fortunately they awoke and extinguished it before much damage was done.  It caught from a grate.  Mrs. C.B. McDowell spent Thursday with Mrs. C.T. Cundiff. Miss Helen and Lillian Cundiff spent Thursday night with Lera and Marie Colyer.  Miss Janie Gilmore spent the weekend in Somerset with relatives.  Miss Lottie and Nannie Evans are visiting their grandfather at Pine Hill.  Mrs. Molley Bryant visited Mrs. Bell Gover last Saturday.

Quinton.  Mr. Robert Lovell has been on the sick list but is better at present.  Mr. Smith of Burnside, took dinner with Mr. Robert Lovell Thursday.  Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hollars spent last Monday with their sister, Mrs. Joe Claunch.  Mrs. John Silvers spent last Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J.A. Simpson.  Miss Carrie Lovell called on Mrs. Ran Erp last Tuesday.  Marshall East, Ed Mayfield, Harvey Gover and Will Silvers called on Earl and Ray Lovell last Tuesday evening.  Miss Ida Gibson spent Wednesday afternoon with her sister.  Mrs. Will Hollars, Mrs. J.W. Halcomb and children spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Bob Lovell.  Mr. John Halcomb was in Somerset last Saturday on business.  Mr. Geo. Garrett has just returned from Torrent, Ky.  Miss Mary E. Garrett is going to school at Richmond, Ky.  Her absence will be regretted by her many friends.  Mr. Smith of Burnside organized a singing school at Lovell's Chapel.  Mrs. John Halcomb spent Monday and Tuesday in Burnside.  Mrs. Delia Ryan and Polly Lovell called on Miss Easter Turpin Thursday.  Miss Carrie Lovell spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards of Bronston, Ky.  Mr. Lee Gibson, Miss Ida Gibson, Miss Belle Lovell and Miss Carrie Lovell spent last Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Joe Claunch of Burnside.  Jeff Lovell and Sam Hollars spent Sunday night with Mil Hollars.  Mrs. Margis Halcomb spent last Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Lola Hollars.  Mr. and Mrs. Albert Owens of Glenmary, Tenn., visited their mother, Mrs. John Hollars, last Saturday and Sunday.  Miss Carrie Lovell spent last Thursday night with her sister.  Mrs. John Halcomb, Mr. James Rutherford attended church at Lovell Chapel last Sunday.  Mr. Chyle Gibson visited his sister, Nancy Claunch, last Sunday.  Miss Belle Lovell spent last Sunday night with Miss Ida Gibson.   Miss Carrie Lovell called on Mrs. Sarah Silvers last Monday.  Miss Ella Jones and Lida Foster spent last Monday with Mrs. J.W. Halcomb.  Miss Mary Silvers attended church at Lovell's Chapel last Sunday.  Mr. Finely Hardwick has returned from Texas.  Mr. Bob Lovell has about completed a barn for W.M. Gibson.  Mr. Harvey Gover called on his aunt, Mrs. John Edwards of Bronston, last Monday and brought his cousin, Carrie Lovell home.  Mr. and Mrs. Owens Corender visited their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sullivan Sunday.  Mr. Chris Alexander, Sr., spent last Monday night with his granddaughter, Mrs. Will Hollars.  Mr. Lee Gibson and Chyle and Chris Alexander, Jr., attended the singing at Lovell's Chapel last Monday night.  Mr. T. Bray called on J.A. Simpson last Monday night.  Mr. Glynn Halcomb called on his grandfather, Isaac Halcomb, last Monday.  Miss Carlena and Lucile Halcomb spent last Thursday with their aunt, Carrie Lovell.  Miss Carrie Lovell was in Burnside last Monday shopping.  Mrs. John Fulton of Burnside visited their mother, Mrs. Turpin of Quinton.  Miss Effie Correll is visiting her sister.   Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Colyer and son, Wesley, were in Somerset shopping on Friday.  Mr. John Godsey, of Bronston, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce New Sunday.  Mr. George Colyer purchased a fine pair of mules from J.W. Stigall.  Mr. John Woodson made a business trip to Monticello Friday.  A crowd of boys from here attended prayer meeting at Tarterville Sunday night.  Mr. and Mrs. A. Sullivan are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine boy.  Mr. Froggie purchased a cow from J.D. Woodson.  Mr. Robert Flynn was the guest of Mr. Wesley Colyer Sunday afternoon.  Mrs. Bruce New called on Mrs. Bruce Colyer Sunday afternoon.  Chas. and George Garrett have returned home from Torrent.  Miss Eliza Garrett of Tateville, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Rufus Hardwick.  Rev. Turner delivered an excellent sermon Sunday at Lovell Chapel.  Mr. and Mrs. Ran Erp and baby, Clifford, were the Saturday night and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayborn Sloan.  Mrs. Bruce New and children visited Mrs. John Woodson Monday afternoon.  Mrs. Heaten Colyer of Burnside, has come over to spend the winter with her son, Mr. Bruce Colyer, on account of her health.  Mr. John Godsey of Bronston, purchased a fine heifer from Mr. Bruce New.  Mr. Chas. Hardwick called on Mr. George Colyer Sunday.  Mrs. John Silvers visited her sister Tuesday evening.  Mr. I.W. Halcomb is very ill at this writing.  Miss Laura Colyer called on her aunt, Mrs. George Colyer, Tuesday afternoon.  Mrs. J.D. Woodson spent Wednesday with Mrs. Bruce New.  Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett spent Wednesday night with her niece, Mrs. Rufus Hardwick.  Mr. Elmer Flynn called on Miss Eliza Garrett Wednesday evening.  Mr. Everett and Delbert Colyer of Tateville, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nicholas.  Mrs. Vangie Colyer is on the sick list this week.   Miss Mary Garrett spent Sunday with Miss Erie Wallace.  Mrs. Ida Colyer of Somerset spent Friday night with Mrs. Geo. Colyer.  Mr. Bruce New is scraping a pond for Mr. Bruce Colyer.  Miss Lucy Hall of Antioch is visiting Mrs. Geo. Colyer.  Mrs. Bruce New is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Godsey of Bronston.


Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:40 CDT

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