Submitted by to mail list and used here with permission.
The Somerset Journal
The Oldest Democratic Newspaper in the Mountains of Kentucky
Feese & Williams
Somerset, Ky., Friday, January 30, 1920.
Notice ! For the benefit of the business public we publish
a list of the
employees of The Journal. This is done for the reason that
several jobs of
printing have gone to other places when the parties thought the
work was
going to this office. Publishers: Cecil Williams,
R.M. Feese, Supt.
Printer: Frank Y. Pumphrey, T.L. Swinford, James Adams, Sherman
Misses Katherine Shadoan and Vida Chaney.
Miscellaneous Shower. One of the most brilliant social
events of the season
was the "Miscellaneous Shower," given last week by Mrs.
Victor W. Lewis at
the beautiful and hospitable home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bourne Gover,
in honor of Mrs. Ben D. Smith. The house was decorated with
beautiful plants
and pink and white carnations. The color scheme, pink and
white, was carried
out in the decorations and refreshments, which consisted of
sandwiches, tea,
fancy cakes, iced in pink and white, and bonbons. Mrs.
Woodson May presided
at the punch bowl. The bride and hostess were very
becomingly and daintily
gowned, the bride wearing a costume of gold Duchess satin, and
the hostess
pink crepe de chine. Many other pretty costumes were in
evidence. The gifts
to the bride were numerous and beautiful an were presented to her
in a large
basket, draped with pink and white. Two very novel
features, planned by the
hostess, were two books; one a "wish book" in which
every guest wrote a wish
for the bride. The other book contained tried recipes from
friends, which
will be very valuable to the bride when she takes up the study of
culinary art. Those present were: Mesdames Jean Smith, Paul
Dexheimber, Ben
V. Smith, Neil Waddle, D.W. Scott, Chester Kiser, Wade Brown,
Frank Hubble,
A.R. Humble, T.H. Monroe, A.E. Barnes, Mark Converse, E.P.
Hieatt, W.D.
Gover, Dave Phelps, M.C. Williams, B.J. Bethurum, J.E. Claunch,
J.M. Owens,
Will Clark, Woodson May, Terrell Waddle, Ernest Sears, O.G.
Peterson, W.S.
Alexander, Frank Ingram, M.E. Burke, Owen Goodloe, Charles
Colyer, Hershell
Humble, Charles Pack, F.M. Ellis; Misses Ella Mae Waddle, Bert
Roberts, Mary
Roberts, Thelma Ferrell, Anne Hamm, Anis Smith, Valeria Smith,
Blanche Crane,
Ella Woodward, Lou Hardin, Kathleen Kopenhoefer, Ada Gover,
Barthenia Sallee
and Nannie Elliott.
Naval Reserves. Somerset, Ky., Jan. 22, 1920. All men
who are in the naval
reserve who wishes to ship over will be given seven dollars
increase of pay,
will be sent to any ship they wish also one month leave will be
Recruits that are being accepted can go to any of these ports as
Newport, R.I., Gulfport, Miss., San Francisco, Cal., Mare Island,
Enlistments are made for two, three and four years. Now is
your last
opportunity, see the recruiting officer. J.P. McGill, Post
Office Bldg,
Somerset, Ky.
Col. Morrow In Close Place in Siberia. Vladivostok,
Jan. 13. Factional
fighting has broken out throughout Siberia. American forces
are withdrawing
from along the Suchan Mine railway and are reported to have been
engaged in
skirmishes with Siberian partisans. A detachment of Col.
Morrow's regiment,
which was preparing to move out from the Baikal district was
forced to
intervene in factional disturbances yesterday, according to a
report from the
Czech staff. The only Americans now remaining in the danger
zone, where
disorders are prevalent, are those belonging to Colonel Morrow's
Their arrival here depends upon railroad conditions which daily
are growing
Calls Meeting. Ben D. Smith has called a meeting of all
those who have had
dogs poisoned and others interested to be held in his office next
night. Mr. Smith has offered a reward of $100.00 for
information leading to
the discovery of the person poisoning his dog.
Successful Bidders. Thatcher & Waddle were the
successful bidders for the
Gem Opera House for the year 1920. They will continue to
operate it as a
picture show.
Wilson Elected. The Pulaski County Fiscal Court is to be
congratulated on
re-electing Mr. W.C. Wilson as County Agent for the year
1920. Mr. Wilson
has been a wonderful help to the farmers of the county and is an
worker. His work in the past several years has put Pulaski
on the map and
she is going forward with rapid strides as an agricultural
community. This
is by far the best money the county spends.
Dogs Killed. During the past week someone has been
distributing dog buttons
around town and as a result several dogs have died. Mr.
Chas. Colyer lost a
very find collie and Owen Goodloe a fine bird dog. An
effort is being made
to locate the guilty parties.
Adjudged Insane. John Webb was adjudged insane in the
county court Tuesday
and sent to the Lexington Asylum.
Basham Elected. MR. A.A. Basham of Cleveland, Va., has been
elected Cashier
of the Citizens National Bank and will arrive about the tenth of
February to
begin his duties. He comes to our city very highly
recommended as a banker
and citizen. The Citizens National Bank will open for
business the 14th.
Mr. Basham has had both State and National Bank experience.
Wholesale Coffee House. Mr. Chas. Candler has returned from
Lexington and
Cincinnati where he purchased the necessary machinery to operate
a wholesale
coffee house. He purchased about seventy different grades
of coffee. He
also purchased an electric coffee grinder. This is
Somerset's first
wholesale coffee house.
Advertisement. Cancer Sanatorium Opened at Somerset,
Ky. Somerset, Ky.,
Jan. 27, 1920. The Sanatorium here, formerly owned and
operated by the late
Dr. James S. Anderson, Choctaw Indian, has been re-opened by a
company of
local businessmen organized for the purpose of treating Cancer,
Tumor and
Ulcer with Watson's Cancer Remedy, discovered a number of years
ago by Dr.
F.M. Watson, who has had wonderful success in the treatment of
severe cases
of cancer. There seems to be no doubt that this institution
will be a
success, as they have this wonderful remedy, competent
physicians, nurses and
modern equipment in every respect. The Watson Cancer
Sanatorium will
accommodate over one hundred patients in the Main building, and
there are
separate buildings for colored patients. Those interested,
may write The
Watson Sanatorium, incorporated, Somerset, Kentucky and receive a
booklet giving full particulars as to the Sanatorium.
According to the
latest official census, there are about six millions of cancers
in the United
States, and 180,000 cases in Kentucky. The Watson Cancer
Sanatorium should
be the benefactor of humanity.
Trades Mule and Cow for Car. W.T. Cox traded one pair of
mules and a milch
cow to Estill Godby for an Overland touring car.
Sells Farm. W.C. Perkins has sold his farm of 65 acres to
Roby. Johnson, the
real estate man, and moved to Science Hill. The farm is
located about a mile
form Science Hill. Mr. Perkins has been with the C.M.
Langdon store for
about twenty-five years.
L.A. Gover's sale. Read the advertisement in another column
of this issue of
the Journal of the sale of L.A. Gover to be held on his premises
near end of
car line on next Friday, February 6th. Mr. Gover is selling
out his stock,
farming implements, feed, and household and kitchen
furniture. He recently
sold his farm. Read the advertisement and attend the
sale. C.A. Mercer, the
man who sells, will be on the block.
Pulaski Diary Exhibit. Pulaski county will be represented
with a fine line
of dairy products at the State Dairy Products Show which will be
held at
State University College of Agriculture at Lexington next
week. Parties who
sent cream are as follows: J.E. King, Somerset, Mrs. J.W.
Edwards, Oakhill,
Mrs. O.B. Vaughn, Pisgah, and Mrs. Earl Curtis, Somerset.
Parties sending
butter are: Mrs. Rose Marsey, Dabney, Mrs. J.C. Stallard,
Dabney, Mrs. E.S.
Hail is sending the only exhibit of cottage cheese.
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Ida Griffith of Stearns was in the city Monday.
Mrs. M.E. Burke has returned home from a visit to Louisville.
Mrs. R.S. Brinton has been quite ill for the past few days.
Mrs. Delia McGee is very ill at her home on North Main street.
A.B. Parigon of Burnside was in the city Tuesday on business.
Attorney J.M. Perkins was up from Burnside Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Haggard visited relatives in Winchester last
Raymond Sears has gone to Akron, Ohio, where he has a position.
Mrs. Beecher Smith will leave next week for a visit to
Barnesville, Ga.
T.E. Jasper was in Lexington Friday night to witness the
basketball game.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Folger have gone to Danville to make their
Mrs. Ella Ellis of Ghent, Ky., is visiting her daughter Mrs. G.W.
Dr. D.W. Scott was in Burnside Tuesday night where he delivered a
Miss Ava Sellers of Indian Head was the guest of Mrs. Clyde
Folger last week.
Mr. I. Harkins is up from Ashville, N.C., for a few weeks
stay. Mr. Harkins
is looking fine and his many friends are glad to see him.
Mrs. Bettie Sloan of Oakdale, Tenn., has been visiting relatives
in the city
this week.
Col. Woodson May is in Frankfort today in connection with the
Illiteracy work.
Hon. James F. Baker of Huntsville, Tenn., was in the city last
weekend on
Judge and Mrs. B.J. Bethurum left this week for Frankfort,
Lexington and Mt.
J.A. Cassada has been in Oakdale, Tenn., for the past two weeks
on railroad
Mrs. A.J. Sears and her son-in-law J.R. Poynter were in
Cincinnati last week
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Foster leaves this week for Gainsville, Texas,
to visit Mr.
Foster's mother.
J.B. Laskey was conveyed to the Somerset Sanatorium Tuesday
threatening with
Miss Eva Crane entertained a few friends last Saturday afternoon
at her home
on Griffin avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Longsworth have returned to Monticello
after a few days
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Huggins will arrive tomorrow from Danville to
visit Dr. and
Mrs. A.W. Cain.
Mrs. Will Waddle is a guest of Governor and Mrs. Edwin P. Morrow
at the
mansion at Frankfort.
Mr. J. Colson McKeehan of Louisville has returned home after a
business stay in the city.
Misses Bert and Mary Roberts will leave this week for the East to
their spring line of millinery.
Miss Flora Floyd, one of the county's most popular teachers, of
Delmer, is in
Somerset attending the examination.
Messrs Ed Moore and James Williams were in Cincinnati last
Saturday to get a
Buick Sedan for Dr. A.W. Cain.
Mrs. A. Goldenberg has returned from Palm Beach, Fla., where she
several weeks enjoying the ocean bathing.
Misses Helen Baute and Bernice Addington spent last weekend in
Lexington the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baute.
The pupils of Mrs. R.B. Waddle will give their mid-winter recital
afternoon at 2 p.m. at her residence on Oak street.
T.E. Jasper, the hardware man, spent several days this week
attending the
state convention of hardware dealers in Louisville.
Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Tustison left yesterday for Menominee,
Wisconsin, where
Mr., Tustison has a position in the Stout Institute.
W.E. Kelley, now located in Oneida, Tenn., in the milling
business, was in
the city Tuesday and says Oneida is a hustling city.
Mrs. E.P. Hiett entertained a few friends last Tuesday afternoon
at a
farewell party for Mrs. F.E. Tustison. A salad course was
Mrs. Mattie Hyde and daughter Miss Elizabeth left Monday for
Lexington where
Elizabeth will resume her studies in the Conservatory of Music.
Mrs. Charles Shadoan and little daughters Alma and Margurette,
returned to
their home in Fletcher, Ohio, Sunday, after a pleasant visit with
W.A. Mensel, prosperous farmer and school teacher of Route 1
Eubank, was in
the city Wednesday and called at the Journal and ordered it to be
sent to him
a year.
Mrs. Sue Owens chaperoned Misses Margurette Owens, Edna Sears,
Stoms and Jane Hardin to Lexington last Friday night to witness
basketball game.
Captain Anderson of Louisville, representative of the
Massachusetts Mutual
Life Insurance Co., has been in the city this week working with
Agent Paul
Invitations have been sent out by Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Lowenthal
requesting the
presence of a number of friends at the celebration of their
twenty fifth
wedding anniversary on Tuesday, February 3rd, at eight o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Rew were called to Oakdale Thursday on account
of illness
and death of their sister, Mrs. Short.
Henry A. Gable of Ft. Wayne, Ind., is in town.
R. Rozeal was in town Thursday.
Chas T. Dow of Mills Springs was here Monday.
Mrs. H.B. Lawson of New York is visiting Mrs. John Fitzgerald.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fleming of New York City are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J.A.
Mrs. John Marcum fell and broke her arm Friday.
Graham Davidson has returned to College.
W. B. Jackson of Creelsboro was in town last week.
Mrs. Douglas Grider is visiting her mother Mrs. G. Bryant.
The high school gave a box supper Friday night. Good crowd
attended and a
fine time enjoyed by all. Proceeds will go for the domestic
science and
manual training departments.
The Hoffman Bros. of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, have bought out the
Chicago Veneer
R.I. Littrell of Aaron, Ky., was here Monday.
The river reached 50ft and we thought Saturday it would flood the
Henry Hail had the misfortune to break his arm Friday.
The Ministers and Laymen Union held their meeting Monday evening
at the
Methodist church.
Dr. D.W. Scott of Somerset gave an interesting lecture on
"Living in Sunshine
and Shadow" at Masonic Hall Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Lewis and son are visiting in Bowling Green.
Hugh M. Taylor is in Akron, Ohio.
Mr. Smith was a son of Tobe Smith and was well liked by his many
Loren Smith died at a hospital in Dayton, Ohio, Sunday. The
remains were
brought here for burial.
Judge Kennedy was in town Sunday.
The Reading Club met with Mesdames H.M. Curll and W.J. Davidson
B.L. Ham has returned to Somerton, Arizona.
Mr. Christopher is in Eubank on business.
Editor Feese was in Town Friday looking after the welfare of the
Ray Estes visited relatives in Stearns the weekend.
Virgil McMullin was in Somerset Friday on business.
Miss Alice Singleton and brother Clay delightfully entertained at
supper a
number of friends last week.
Rev. A.K. Gooch has been very ill, but is slowly improving.
Mrs. Joe Shoop of Cincinnati, Ohio, was here visiting relatives
last week.
Mrs. Mary O'Bryan has returned to Cincinnati, Ohio.
The little daughter of Mr. an Mrs. E.L. Gooch has been quite ill.
Several were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Acton
last Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hays have been visiting friends in Stanford,
Herman Wesley has returned home from New Castle, Ind., where he
has been
Born to Mrs. Chester Phelps a boy.
Thelma McKinney has the measles.
Chester Gover and son are very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Massey visited her parents at Cedar Grove
Saturday and
O.H. Gibson and wife were at Pisgah Sunday.
M.P. Smith of Cedar Grove was in town Wednesday.
Misses Jennie and Anna Leese of Cincinnati are home on a visit.
Miss Emma Cowan of Pisgah is visiting Mrs. R.B. Leese.
Mrs. W.L. Cowan visited Mrs. Cleo. Elliott.
Mrs. W.H. Tibbals of Somerset spent a few days with her mother
Mrs. Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hart have gone to Kansas.
Misses Alta and Nannie Larkin visited Myrtle Purcell Wednesday.
Mrs. Lora Cook is very ill.
Archie Larkins has been visiting friends here this week.
G.M. Todd and Milton Shelby are gone to Danville.
The W.M.U met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Baker.
W.A. Voyles is entertaining his father from Tennessee.
W.S. Swink visited J.A. Ford Sunday.
H.W. Ford was a guest of his mother, Mrs. P.L. Ford, Sunday.
W.E. Haynes and family of Cincinnati have moved to Ferguson.
W.S. Swink is visiting at Trimble this week.
Mrs. Robert McKinney is visiting friends at Elihu.
Mrs. N.F. Clark has been very sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Jones are the happy parents of a 9 lb. boy.
The visitors in Dogwood Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Coral Humble of
Hill, Albin and Oyle Humble, Lewis Cassada, Millie Humble, J.A.
Dick and C.
New of Pulaski.
Mr. Decker has moved to Frazier to live.
The thieves went into the house of J.C. Mayfield and took all his
A little girl, named Marie Magdoline, has entered the home of Mr.
and Mrs.
Fred Prather.
Joe Gilliland has returned from Cincinnati.
Ralph Bishop and family have returned from Colorado.
Clifford Bray fell from a sled and was severely hurt.
Miss Pearl Dykes entertained a number of friends Wednesday night.
Miss Alta Randall and J.W. Callaban were married January 14.
Mrs. Rome Randall and daughter are very sick.
Mrs. Milford Sears and children are visiting relatives at Acorn.
Mrs. Jeff Smith visited her daughter at Grundy Thursday.
Mrs. Ellen Whitson entertained several girls Sunday.
Mat Harper has moved to the Bent neighborhood.
Walter Barnes has whooping cough at his house.
Wm. Roberts and son John were in Somerset Tuesday.
Miss Ellen Ora Meece went to Lexington last week to teach school.
John Roberts went to Ind., last week to secure work.
Wm. Roberts sold a milch cow to Lee Waddle.
G.S. Barnes went to Somerset last week.
The community was shocked and saddened by the death of Eva Muse,
who had only
been ill a few days and death was unexpected. She was a
quiet and lovable
girl, being a faithful member of the Nazerene church and a Sunday
teacher, she will be greatly missed by her many friends.
Miss Ophia Burton visited in Somerset last week.
Miss Jewel Griffin of Estesburg is visiting W.M. Griffin.
Ovia Bishop went to Somerset Wednesday.
W.H. Griffin has sold his farm to W.H. Nance.
Misses Jewel and Othie Griffin were in Eubanks, Monday.
W.H. Griffin entertained a few young folks Sunday evening.
Mrs. Virgil Todd is visiting her parents this week.
Mrs. G.G Young and son, left Saturday for Indiana.
Mrs. Roena Singleton and daughter visited her sister, Mrs. Ellen
Mrs. Judah Duncan ahs been on the sick list.
John York and Murphey Surber visited at Sherman Bullock's Sunday.
Rube Suttle is visiting relatives in West Virginia.
W.R. York visited at V.A. York's Sunday.
The James Gobell store was robbed one night last week.
Arvil Bullock visited his sister, Mrs. Henry York at Floyd
Saturday and
George York the new and prosperous merchant at Estesburg was in
Somerset last
Miss Dana Suttle was a visitor at the Misses York one day last
Possum Trot.
We were very much shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Pete
Baker. We extend
our deepest sympathy to the bereaved family.
R.H. Humble entertained several visitors at his home Sunday.
Misses Lura and Edith Keith entertained a number of young folks
Tuesday night
with a singing.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonie Ray and parents have moved to their new home
Mrs. Elbert Humble is now having his stave timber worked.
Measles and whooping cough are raging in this neighborhood.
Wm. McFall has sold his gasoline mill to Charlie Brown of Delmar.
We are all glad to hear that Oscar Burton, who has been at the
hospital for
nearly a month, is improving and will be home soon.
Mrs. Lula Brown is very ill at this writing.
Marion Burton has moved from his father's near Delmar to Mr.
Haney's house at
Capt. R.S. Chamberlain has moved in the new lodge at the National
"Uncle" Taylor Baker of Dabney was visiting friends at
Nancy Friday.
Charlie Stevenson, Ranzo Brit, Jessie Stevenson and Charlie
Tarter visited
Sam Burton Sunday.
Miss Eva Muse died of typhoid fever. The burial took place
at the Prayter
grave yard Monday afternoon. She was the daughter of Frank
Muse. We
extended our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family.
Miss Eva Brock and Carson Stringer were united in marriage last
week. We
wish them a long and prosperous married life.
D.H. Burge is very ill at this writing.
Science Hill.
Prof. O.B. Dabney of Monticello is here to take up his contract
as 8th grade
J.E. Estes and Sons have bought the store recently taken
possession of by
Walter Lay and moved the Gooch and Woodall back into the newly
Miss Fae Hines has accepted a position with Estes Bros.
The Science Hill school basketball team met the Somerset boys on
their own
floor in a practice game last Friday night and won by a score of
30 to 8.
Robert Cabbel and Lewis Richardson made a trip to New Castle,
Indiana, and
came back with the report that the city was so full of people
they couldn't
buy, borrow, beg or steal a bed to sleep in, so they wandered
back home.
Esker Vaught has returned home.
Mrs. Chas. Beaty has been visiting her mother at Somerset.
Mrs. Jennie Dean of Cincinnati, died January 19 and the body was
brought back
here for burial. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved
ones in their hour
of sorrow.
Geo. McKinney and family visited at Ringgold Sunday.
Miss Margaret Williams was the guest of Maggie Holms Snow last
Messrs Ray Mercer, Sam Richardson, Wilmot Duncan, Emmet and Carl
Cain, Arthur
Vaught, "Red" Kelley, Mat Hines and Prof. Webb, Mrs.
A.P. Vaught, Alice Lyon,
Susie Godby and Goldie Vaught attended the basketball game at
Somerset Friday
Ezra Hall has purchased the stock of groceries from J.E. Bryant.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Sweeney and Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Council
attended the
installation of officers of the M.W. of A. at Somerset last
Tuesday night.
Miss Anna Wesley of Bethelridge is visiting Rev. Bishop Wesley.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Newell and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Phelps were the
guests of Rev.
and Mrs. John Godby Sunday.
C.M. Langdon was in Science Hill Sunday.
Miss Stella Shiplet and Mrs. Oma Whitaker are on the sick list.
Shafter Mayfield has returned home from Indiana.
Mr. Hessie Shiplet visited Clem Baker Monday.
James Burdine has returned from Lynch, Ky.
Mrs. Rebecca Whiteaker visited Rachel Whiteaker Saturday.
Mrs. Cynthia Burdine is in Lynch, Ky., this week.
The stork has paid two visits in our vicinity lately, this time
to the homes
of Tom Arthur and W. Whiteaker and left a girl at each home.
The body of Mrs. Rosa Tucker was sent to White Lily for burial
Sam Kenney and wife visited at Pinkney Hargis Saturday night.
Chester Tomlinson of Georgetown visited friends here Sunday.
Zula Ping has returned from Dabney.
Idella and Jessie Ping visited at J.W. Ping's Sunday night.
Lee and Estell Smiley and Otis Baker have gone to Cincinnati.
Mr. Leonard Osborne's little son, age four years, died January
24th with
brain fever. His body was laid to rest in the Good Hope
cemetery. Much
sympathy is extended to the bereaved father and mother.
The other two children of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Osborne are very
ill with
brain fever.
Ezra Todd is improving nicely.
John Acton has been very ill but is improving.
Fred Sanders will leave this week for Richmond.
Freeldon Osborne is very ill at this writing.
Beech Grove.
Arvine Phelps and Dorothy Wesley were the Saturday night guests
of Lucy
Carthel Abbott who has been very ill with measles is able to be
out again.
Mrs. Felix Phelps spent last week with her sister Mary Cox near
Bud New and Abe Phelps left Sunday for Cincinnati to work.
Dorothy Wesley was the Sunday guest of Marv Phelps.
Anna Phelps spent Saturday night at the home of her son, Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Layton Irvine visited at Charlie Godby's one night
last week.
Mrs. Harvey Godby spent Friday with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Worth Taylor.
Daniel Bruce left a few days ago for Louisville.
Rev. Wright filled his appointment at Pleasant View Sunday.
J.S. Woodall, Elmer Woodall and Elmer Whitaker went to Norwood
Monday on
Bob Sowder visited Nelson Woodall Sunday.
F. Smith and Earl Brinkley visited J.S. Woodall Sunday.
F.T. Ping will leave soon for Bloomington, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Leander Gilliland and daughter visited Mrs. George
Misses Mary and Mattie Woodall entertained several friends Sunday
Robert Whitis was in Somerset Monday on business.
Mrs. Stella Randall and children have returned to her home in
Montana, after
a long visit with her parents.
Walter Upton of Indiana is here on a two weeks vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Garney Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Higgins
visited at Henry
Smith's Saturday night.
Little Gladys Pike of Waynesburg is visiting her grandparents Mr.
and Mrs.
W.H. Hamm.
Mrs. Hannah Moffeld is improving nicely.
Mrs. Roxie Lovelass visited Mrs. F.D. Lovelass Saturday.
Mr. Sam Morrow of Somerset was the guest of David Correll
Mr. and Mrs. Ovie Pike of Waynesburg are visiting relatives and
friends here
this week.
Mrs. James Keith is very ill at this writing.
Rev. Dykes filled his regular appointment here Sunday.
The Baptist church had a business meeting Friday evening.
They will meet
every Friday evening for class meeting.
Mrs. Coletta Spears of Cincinnati passed through here on her way
to Ansel
Misses Alva and Mattie Clark and Ovie McElroy visited Mrs. Laura
Clark, Jr.,
J.B. Warrener of Waynesburg was the guest of Miss Alva Clark
between trains
J.A. Coleman of Somerset was here on business last week and made
headquarters at Mr. Correll's.
Misses Lillian Smith and Mellie Correll and Mr. Herbert Higgins
left for
Richmond Saturday to enter school.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pike of Waynesburg passed through here on
their way to
Mr. Hubbard's Friday.
Miss Ruth Quinton is going to Waynesburg Friday to be present at
the wedding
of Estill Stanley and Miss Stella Triplett.
A number of young people were entertained at the home of Mr.
Correll Friday
Miss Gertie Ware was the guest of Mrs. C.F. Collins Saturday
Ray Whittle and Miss Etta Hudson were quietly married at the home
of the
bride's parents last Sunday morning. We wish them a long
and happy married
Mrs. Ella Wilson is the guest of her mother Mrs. J.F. Redmand.
Osborne Wilson left for Detroit, Mich., Saturday.
Miss Lizzie Sumpter accompanied her brother to Illinois Saturday
where she
will make her future home.
Several from here attended church at Mt. Zion Sunday night.
John and Charles Meyers were visitors at B.C. Dause' Saturday.
Rebecca and Bertha Wallace visited B.D. Dause Sunday.
Messrs J.A. and H.F. Wallace and W.S. Pierce was called to the
bedside of
their father Sunday.
J.W. Wallace had several visitors Sunday evening.
Obe Phelps has gone to Cincinnati.
Rosalie Dodson gave a singing a few nights ago.
Mrs. Jane Bray is very sick.
Mrs. Flordia Cook and children are visiting Mrs. Bell Hargis.
Measles are still raging in this vicinity.
Mrs. Zena Randall has been visiting Mrs. Dora James.
Mrs. Nannie Adams spent Friday with Mrs. Frances Adams.
Joshua Dick has returned from Cincinnati where he has been
Mrs. Laura Dick was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Bettie Dick,
Mr. G.W. Jasper was in Somerset on business Friday.
Daten Dick has moved on Armstrong Dick's farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Dause who have been quite ill for the past
few weeks, are
Several from here attended church at King Bee Sunday.
Misses Lula and Rhetta Adams visited their cousin Mrs. Goldie
Hines of Mt.
Zion, Sunday.
Misses Louida and Lola Dick spent the weekend with relatives at
King Bee.
Roy Cooper and little brother of Ansel were guests at their
grandfathers C.C.
Cooper Sunday.
Sweeney's Chapel.
There are several cases of measles here now.
Miss Florida Vaught is visiting at Movile, Iowa.
John Cox and wife have gone to Ind., to make their home.
Jennie Vaught visited Jane Davidson Monday.
Miss Zelma Price left for State Normal a few days ago.
Misses Beulah Hubble and Laura Davidson visited Thelma Vaught
Oil Center.
L.W. Flynn has returned from Michigan.
Misses Tincy and Effa Flynn visited Della Lane Sunday.
Misses Esta and Josa Spaw were visitors at P.H. Lane's Tuesday.
Thomas Johnson and wife visited H.E. Johnson Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Waddle were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill White
Miss Mary Gibson visited Mrs. Sam Waddle last weekend.
Misses Grace and Mae Frisbie were guests of Miss Flaura Burton
Miss Emma Cowan is visiting her uncle, Rufe Leece, this week.
"Uncle" Bill White and "Uncle" Jim Tucker are
on the sick list.
Sunday school at Pisgah is progressing nicely.
Mrs. C.D. Stigall has returned from Frazure where she has been
visiting her
D.S. Claunch visited Jim Tucker Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Curtis visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.B.
Vaughn last
Misses Mable Claunch and Grace Frisbie visited Miss Mary Cowan
Mrs. Ward Tate has sold her farm to Mr. Marcum.
Valley Oak.
Flonnie Miller visited Mrs. Helton Saturday and Sunday.
D.B. Wyrick and wife spent Saturday night with H.H. Buchanan.
Wallace Ping visited Tom Price Sunday.
Born to Mrs. T.M. Garner, a boy.
D. Couch and Tom Price were in Somerset Tuesday.
Mrs. Julia Helton visited Sam Wallace Monday.
Martha Farmer visited Milliard Farmer last week.
Mrs. J.H. McKinney visited Tom Buchanan Sunday.
Mt. Hope.
Mrs. Ruth Farris visited Lola Dick Sunday.
A.M. Adams visited Bill Farris Sunday.
Marion McKee is visiting friends at this place.
Perkin Adams was a guest of Otis Wesley Sunday.
Mrs. Emly Eastham has returned from Florida.
Pina Grove.
W.R. Redmon has the measles.
L.H. Burton visited his brother, O.P. Burton Friday night.
Loretta Doss and baby were the guests of Mrs. C. Collins Tuesday.
Miss Gerta Ware was the guest of Loretta Doss Thursday night.
Mrs. Mattie Keller of Indiana is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.M.
Robert and Dovie Allen spent Saturday night and Sunday with their
uncle, Dave
W.H. Griffin, J.B. Gragg and Roy Trivett were in Somerset
Mrs. Kate Cullip has returned home from Nicholasville.
Mrs. M. Estes was visiting in Eubank last week.
Misses Doris and Lillian Gragg visited Verda Green last week.
Mrs. M.N. Griffin visited Mrs. J.E. Todd Monday.
J.E. Gragg and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Belle Trivett.
There is a lot of sickness around here.
Dewey Burdine has returned from Indianapolis, Ind.
James Raney and Tom Price visited Weck Cash Sunday.
Miles Whitaker is in Somerset on business.
Mt. Zion.
Mrs. Eliza Baugh and daughter Alma of Science Hill attended
church here
Mrs. Frances Hines spent the latter part of last week with her
daughter in
Science Hill.
Sister Helen Bruner preached an interesting sermon at Wilson
Sunday night.
Mrs. Sam Hollars entertained her mother, Mrs. Brannon of
Burnside, last week.
John A. Dick and Mrs. Vina Wilson were married January 20th in
Tenn. We wish them a happy life.
The revival at Mt. Zion closed Sunday night January 25th.
After spending Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Adams,
John A. Dick
and wife left Monday for Burnside to make their future home.
J.C. Barber and wife have moved into our community.
J.W. Bray and wife of Ark., are in our vicinity.
The home of Mrs. Grace Phelps burned last Sunday morning.
H.F. Goodwin gave a singing Sunday night.
Mrs. C. Gregory is getting better.
Cave Hill.
Mrs. Brough and Mrs. Mullins are very sick.
Several of our boys have gone to Michigan to work.
They are drilling a second well on Eli Estes farm, first well at
460 feet hit
strong flow of gas.
Rev. Abbott failed to preach at Buncombe Sunday.
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:39 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller