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Excerpts from the Interior Journal

Interior Journal

Pulaski Column

Edited By Will. C. Curd

Somerset, Ky., Dec. 27, 1873

Summary of Town News

Our citizens are now hopeful of a better time coming and quite jubilant over 

the location of the Cincinnati Southern railroad through our county.  

Somerset of course will be one of the main points and depots of this great 

thoroughfare and is destined ere long to be one of the largest and most 

business towns in Southeastern Kentucky.  Our land owners are now looking up 

their titles with a view to the early development of the vast mineral 

resources of our county.

R.S. Barron has improved his residence opposite the M.E. Church South 

recently by removing old buildings adjacent thereto, making additions and 

repairs which has indeed added very much to the appearance of that portion of 

the town, and may he ere long be rewarded for his labors by receiving the 

hand and heart of some worth lady who will add more graces to his cottage 

home and make his future one of contentment and happiness.

The new improvements on Col. T.Z. Morrow's residence makes it one of the 

neatest and most comfortable dwellings in our town.

J.M. Wilson's new building opposite the new Courthouse is completed and is 

now occupied by W.H. Pettus as a law office and the upper story by the owner 

as a shoe shop.

The Ingram House is now undergoing repairs, and the metallic covering has 

been placed upon the roof of our new Courthouse, while the carpenters are 

busy at work on the inside.

John Inman purchased, a few weeks since, the A. Deboard property situated in 

our town.

The M.E. Church South has also been repaired and made more comfortable for 

the winter.

Highway Robbery

On Saturday night the 13th inst., while James L. Colyer was returning to his 

home in the upper part of our county, from Mount Vernon, was attacked by four 

men in disguise coming from the bushes on the side of the public road with 

drawn weapons, who stopped his horse and first demanded his arms, Colyer, 

although a brave man, seeing that he was overpowered gave up his pistol which 

was returned to him after the robbers had drawn the loads; they then demanded 

his money which hthey got, amounting to the sum of $100, and also his watch, 

which they examined and threw against a tree, it being of small value.

Mr. Colyer has been for some time past a deputy Sheriff of our county, is a 

clever gentleman and makes a clever and vigilant officer.


Within the past six months protracted meetings have been held at most of the 

churches in our county, resulting in the conversion of over 600 persons who 

have been added to the different denominations.  our ministers are nobly 

doing their duty while their divine teachings are being happily demonstrated 

in our midst.

The meeting conducted at Fishing Creek Church, in our county, by Revs. Thos. 

Coleman and W.W. Harris, closed on ___ inst., with twenty-five additions to 

said church.

The meeting held in Somerset at the M.E. Church, by Revs. J.B. Bradley and 

Slavens, the latter from Madison county, closed on the 18th inst., with six 


Rev. J.N. Current preached several days at Soul's Chapel during this and last 



We had the pleasure of meeting in our office yesterday, our old friend and 

comrade in arms, J.K. Sewell, at present the popular foreman in the Interior 

Office, and regret that duty calls him back home so soon.


The residence of H. Dugan situated in our town, was discovered to be on fire 

about 11 o'clock A.M. inst. Sabbath, but by the timely interference of our 

citizens the flames were soon checked with but slight damage tot he building. 

 But we are sorry to learn that Miss Mollie Dugan had her hands severely 

burned by throwing some bed clothing from the window which were on fire.

Soul's Chapel, four miles East of Somerset, was also discovered to be on fire 

Monday last.  The flames were just breaking through the roof and getting 

under good headway when a gentleman passing by saved the church by tearing a 

few shingles from the roof.  The fire caught from a defective flue and pipe.

School Examination

Prof. S.T. Woolsey's school closed at Science Hill, two miles South of 

Somerset, on Saturday last, with an examination of his different classes.  

And we learn from one of our college professors that the pupils acquitted 

themselves with great honor, evincing great progress in their studies.

Mr. W. is a scholarly gentleman, and a young man who deserves much credit and 

praise of his noble efforts in trying to sustain and protect the morals of 

our land.  He is a model teacher for our rising generation and may success 

attend him wherever his lot may be cast.


At the residence of the bride's father, two miles east of Somerset, by the 

Rev. J.N. Current, on the 21st inst., Mr. William Chrisman of Wayne County to 

Miss Paulina J. Colyer.

Also at the Ingram House, Somerset, Ky., the residence of the bride's father, 

on the evening of the 23d inst., by the same minister, Mr. F.H. Moss of 

Madison county to Miss Maggie M. Shepperd.

We congratulate Messrs. Chrisman and Moss upon their success in obtaining the 

hands of two of Pulaski's fairest daughters, and may they ever prove to them 

kind and devoted husbands, and worthy of true and loving hearts who have 

said, "We will leave father, mother, and home, to share the viciacitudes of 

life with thee.:

We wish them a happy and prosperous future.

Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:41 CDT

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