Submitted by
to mail list and used here with permission.
December 10, 1920
Part Two of Three |
Personal Mention.
Rev. W.E. Hunter spent several days in Louisville this week. News has been
received here of the arrival of a girl at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Watson Batts, Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. J.A.
Shenneman, mother of Mrs. Batts, left Tuesday to see her
granddaughter. Grade. Mrs.
Millie Hines of Bloomington, Ill., is visiting her father
J.C. Mounce and other relatives here
Irdel Wright
was in the vicinity the first visiting S.G. Ping and
family, last Sunday
Mrs. G. Ping and children went
to Ringgold to visit her father P.F. Baker the latter
part of last week
John Hargis has returned to his
home in Boyle County after a short visit with relatives
Alvin Tomlinson and family of Ruth visited
her father Green R. Dykes Saturday and Sunday
Mrs. Mary J. Mounce visited Mathew Baker and family last
Ernest Baker is at home after a two weeks
stay with her brother Chas. Baker at Colo. |
Licenses. The following marriage licenses have been
issued from the County Clerk's office during the past
week: Jesse G. Kirby, 50, to Lula Warren, 25; Otto
Killis Hall, 23, to Bertha Lee Belvins, 16; Escal Bates,
25, to Ada Simpson, 32; Lawrence Hall, 23, to Macle
Randalls, 18; Ernice P. Robinson, 24, to Evelyne Massey,
23; John T. Hargis, 54, to Nannie Ellen Surber, 40.
There were 42 marriage licenses issued from the Pulaski
County Clerk's office during the month of November.
Mrs. J.W. Elliott and son returned home last week from
Celina, Tenn. Her sister Miss Laura Plumlee returned with
her for a visit
H.Z. Rakestraw of Glen Mary,
Tenn., was in town Thursday on business ... J.N. Dillon
of Stearns was home over Sunday
Mrs. W.R. Hewlett
was in Somerset shopping Saturday .. One of the best
plays in the way of home talent was given here last
Thursday evening called the "Womanless
Wedding." All characters were men, and they
displayed splendid talent. Much fun and laughter
was enjoyed. The splendid amount made will be used
by the Parent Teachers Association for improving the
school building ... Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Flynn have a new
baby girl
J.H. Vanhook and Dr. T.L. Gamblin were
in Lexington Friday to take Mr. Vanhook's daughter Miss
Ollie to the Central States hospital for further
Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Curll are home again
after an extended visit with relatives in Philadelphia
and Brookville, Pa.
B.L. Ramsey of Monticello was
in town Monday
Mr. Maucellit of Bauer was in town
on business Monday
Mrs. T.R. Shadoan and Miss
Laura Triplett were shopping in Somerset Monday
Dee A. Nunn of Akron, O., was the guest of Mrs. Geo. W.
Nunn and family this week. He was en route to
Florida for the winter
Quite a crowd of young
folks attended the basketball game in Monticello Saturday
night between State Univ. and Monticello
Dr. B.B.
Lowdenback was called to his home town at Owentown on
account of the death of his grandfather
Parrigin of Paintsville, Ky., was in town Monday on
The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church are
having a bazaar today and Saturday. Call and do
your Christmas shopping next door to Sloan & Cheeley
... Lucian Hewlett of Huntsville, Ala., was a visitor
with his brother, W.R. Hewlett and family this week
Mrs. G.B. Lindsey of Cincinnati is with her
husband for a visit at the Seven Gables Hotel
J.F. Lanier has returned to Saylerville, Ky., after an
extended visit with her mother Mrs. John Fitzgerald
Sam Richardson of Somerset was in town on business
The Young Peoples Missionary Society will
meet with Mrs. Howard Selvidge Tuesday evening
Parent Teachers Association had a good meeting Monday
evening at the school building. Plans were discussed as
to improving the school rooms
Mr. and Mrs. W.J.
Davidson entertained to a dinner party Oil Center.
Farmers of this place are very busy gathering corn
Mr. Noah has moved to the property of Mr. A.J. Spaw
Mr. Will Ware has moved to the property of S.P.
Some of the girls of this place attended
church at White Oak Sunday
Mr. Luther Flynn made
his regular call at J.Y. Simpson's Sunday
Arnold Lane visited O.M. Cooper's Sunday
Ellis and family of Fishing Creek visited his mother Mrs.
Nannie Ellis, Saturday and Sunday
Mrs. Nannie
Ellis is able to be out again after an illness of 17
weeks of typhoid fever
Elmer and Harlin Lane
visited their sister Miss
Mt. Zion. Farmers are about through gathering corn .. Miss Nora Baugh is some better at present Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Densmore and family visited Robert Vaught's Saturday evening Miss Myrtle Vaught visited Eloma Spears Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Sipples visited Mr. J.M. Densmore Sunday evening Mr. Alfred and Myra Lanham were visiting in this neighborhood last week. McKinney. Several from here attended church at the Nazarene Church at Science Hill Sunday night Carl Vaught and wife, who have been in Montana, were called to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Chaney Mrs. C.A. Bishop is still on the sick list Mrs. Stella Crawford visited home folks Saturday Mance Swearingen and wife and John Watson and family visited at C.A. Bishop's Sunday Ivan Vaught happened to a little accident Thursday by shooting his foot Berlin Thurman and wife and Lizzie Vaught and daughters Ella and Florence visited W.M. Langdon's Sunday Evelyn the little daughter of Carl Vaught has been sick for the past few days Uncle Andy Langdon visited at W.H. Vaught's Monday. Pulaski.
Miss Lillian Smith of Ansel spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Smith .. Mrs. Dennis Cassada gave her
husband a surprise party Saturday night. Quite a number
of people were present
Miss Ruth Rhoten of
Somerset is the attractive guest of Mrs. D. Cassada ..
Mr. O. Pike and family of Waynesburg who purchased a new
Studebaker car spent the weekend here
Quite a
number from here attended church at Science Hill Sunday
night .. Miss Lou Vanover who was returning home from a
party Saturday night, stepped on a No. 8 nail, causing a
very severe wound
Mrs. Fannie Loveless is able to
be out again after a severe attack of cold
Miss Iva Morefield was called to the bedside of her
father Mr. Sef. Morefield, who is very ill
Minnie Quinton who has been very ill, is improving
Miss Minnie Detherage, teacher of primary classes, is
boarding with Mrs. Wm. Surber .. Mr. J.L. Wilder and
family are moving to Somerset. We regret very much to see
them go. |
Possum Trot is next=- skip Catherine
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:42 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller