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The Somerset Journal
The Oldest Democratic Newspaper In The Mountains of Kentucky

Somerset, Ky., Friday, October 3, 1919.

Killing.  At Bent Last Friday Was a Sad Affair.  Father Kills His Daughter.

Obediah Phelps, 70 years old, resident of the Bent neighborhood, killed his
daughter, Mrs. Armetia Hargis, last Friday by striking her on the head with a
shovel.  The affair is one of the saddest that has occurred in the county for
some time and cast a gloom over that entire community.

Mr. Phelps, it is said, has been in a demented condition for the past year
and his family and friends have been thinking for some time of sending him to
a sanitarium for treatment.

He was tried before a jury Tuesday afternoon and adjudged insane.  He was
also examined by two physicians who said he was of unsound mind.

Will Build Homes.  Mr. Thos. B. Prather, the hustling real estate man, has
about closed a deal with the Virginia Building Corporation for the erection
of fifteen modern homes in Somerset.  Mr. Prather realizes the need at this
time for houses in Somerset and we hope his big deal goes through.  Mr.
Prather says that in all his experience as a real estate agent he has never
known such a demand for property in Somerset.  These houses Mr. Prather
contemplates building will be modern in every particular and very desirable.

Can't Get Help.  The Gooch Brothers who are big railroad tie shippers have
been tied up at the local yards this week because they could not get help to
load cars.  These men had a car placed on their yard Monday and tried for two
days to get help to load it but in vain.  At Kings Mountain, Mr. Gooch said
he had the same trouble.

The I.M. Dunn Realty Company continues to sell them.  They sold on yesterday
afternoon the F.M. Hunt farm of 163 1-2 acres lying off the Lexington pike to
Mr. Lewis Campbell of Burnside, Ky., at two hundred dollars the acre. 
Seeding privileges this fall and full possession January 1st, 1920 - Danville

Making Speeches.  Judge R.C. Tartar has been called on the stump by the
Republican Campaign Committee and will spend a good deal of his time between
now and the election urging the voters to elect Ed Morrow governor.

Stores Will Close.  On account of Saturday, Oct., 4th, being Jewish Day of
Atonement, the following stores will be closed all day: The A.J. Joseph Co.,
The Fair, John Slessinger and A. Goldenberg.  This day is very strictly
observed by the Jews thru out the country.

For Rent.  Three rooms on first floor, all modern convenience.  A nice place
for someone with a small family.  Call 356-R.  Mr. B.F. Henry.

Football News.  The Somerset High School football team is having rather a
hard time to fill its schedule this year.  The teams up state cannot forget
that winning team we had two years ago and they seem to be a little shy on
playing us.  Games scheduled so far are: Stanford High, Central High of
Chattanooga, Tenn., Lexington High School, Danville High.  The management has
been trying to get a game with Louisville, Georgetown and other Kentucky
teams.  Coach Dexheimer is putting his boys thru hard practice every day and
they are showing up fine.  The team is much lighter this year than usual.
Moonlight School.  Miss Precilla Duncan, County Illiteracy Agent, will open a
Moonlight school next Monday night at the Fourth Ward building.  She will
start off with 25 to 30 pupils.  Miss Duncan is making a very strenuous
effort to wipe out illiteracy in Pulaski county and she is meeting with
cooperation of the citizens in this great work.  Miss Duncan is a hustling
young lady and she deserves a good deal of credit for the work she is doing.

Tent Meeting Closes.  The tent meeting conducted by Revs. Wesley Colyer and
John A. Woods, just south of Ferguson, near the Railroad Shops, commencing
September 7th, closed Sunday night, September 28th, with about forty
conversions, all grown folks except two boys about twelve years old.  Quite a
number of Railroad men were among the number.  It was a meeting of great
power.  The influence will be felt in the community and will abide to bless
many hearts and homes.  To God be all the honor, praise and glory.

Appointed Captain.  Mr. Cecil Williams, editor of the Journal, has just
received a commission from the War Department as Captain in the Adjutant
General's Department, Officers Reserve Corps.  Mr. Williams served as a First
Lieutenant in this department during the war.

Gets New Car.  Messrs Ed Moore and Edgar Murrell were in Cincinnati last week
to get a new Buick car for Mr. Murrell.  They drove it through.  Mr. Moore is
the local agent for the Buick.

For Sale.  Two new Dodge cars for sale at once.  Apply to O.L. Conyers agent.

For Sale.  Two Jersey cows, one with calf and one without.  Will sell either.
 Mr. Clay Gooch, Somerset, Ky.

Road Contract.  The Connelly Construction Co. of this city, have a contract
to build five miles of pike in Casey county.  They will begin work at once. 
The road will run out of Liberty.

Died in Monticello.  Tom Cox of Somerset died here last Friday night after
two days of sickness.  He is a son of Bill Cox who died in Somerset a few
years ago - Monticello Outlook.

Buys Home.  Mr. F.M. Clothier, a former Somerset boy, purchased a nice home
on the Susquena River in the suburbs of Harrisburg, Pa.  Mr. Clothier is
manager for the Underwood Typewriter Co., in Harrisburg, and is making good.

Personal Mentions.

Herman Lowenthal was in Danville last week with friends.

Mr. Wm. B. Gragg is able to be at the First National Bank after a short

The young people of the city enjoyed a dance at the Elks Club last Friday

Mr. Dan McCollough of Junction City has been a visitor in the city this week.

Mrs. Clay Hughes and son, Charles Clay, are in Lexington this week visiting.

Miss Ruth May has returned to her home at Central City after a visit with
Mrs. W.J. Leonard.

W.R. Massey, Secretary to Superintendent W.T. Caldwell, was in the city
Monday for a short time.

Mr. Norman Dill and family of Dayton, Ohio, motored through to Somerset and
spent several days last week.

The approaching marriage of Mr. King Grinstead to Miss Nell Lindle has been
announced.  The will take place the 15th at St. Mildred's Church.

Miss Thelma Ferrell spent several days in Cincinnati this week.

Mr. M.E. Burke of Louisville will join his family here this week for a visit.

Mr. A.M. Cruse of Louisville, Ky., was in the city last Sunday with

Miss Maggie Adams is visiting her sister Mrs. J.C. Yancy in Newton, Iowa.

Miss Marie McElroy is employed at stenographer at the First National Bank.

Mrs. T.O. Sechrist has returned to Louisville after a visit with friends in

Mrs. Thos. B. Prather entertained the Five Hundred Club last Friday afternoon
at her home on Columbia street.

Max McQueen was down from Central University last weekend.  Max is one of
Central's star football players.

Mr. C.P. Ware will leave this week for Globe, Arizona, where he will visit
his son S.L. Ware who is Chief Engineer for the Globe Mining Co.

Tevie Tate is at home after a years service overseas.

Mrs. T.B. Grissom of Burnside was in the city visiting this week.

Mrs. E.V. Nash of Burnside was in the city last week with friends.

Hon Ben V. Smith and Judge R.C. Tartar were in Monroe county this week on

Herbert Reynolds of Stanford, Ky., was in the city last Thursday on a
business trip.

Miss Mary Ellen Duncan of Nicholasville, Ky., has been the guest of Miss
Francis Kinne.

Mr. and Mrs. J Butt and family J.C. Godley and Mr. and Mrs. Tucker motored to
Middlesburg, Sunday.

Caleb Hill is at home after several months service in the army.  He has been
located in New Mexico.

Mrs. Minnie Stigall has returned from a pleasant visit from Blue Field,
W.Va., and Lebanon, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Dedman were in Stanford the first of the week the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Hocker.

Mesdames Elec Lust and Chas. Higdeon of Ettawa, Tenn., are expected this week
for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Roberts.

Messrs M.J. and P.H. Leonard of Winchester, Ky., were in the city Monday to
attend the Leonard - Newton wedding.

Mr. T. E. Jasper motored to Danville last Saturday to witness the football
game between Hanover - Central University.

Miss Maria Elliott left last Sunday for Louisville where she will be employed
in Republican headquarters until after the election.

Mrs. Norman Taylor of Burnside was in the city yesterday attending the
Missionary meeting at the Methodist Church.

Mr. Arthur Hazeltine of Tuscan, Arizona, has returned home after a visit with
the families of Mr. Lum Allen and Mrs. J.H. Allen.

Judge W.M. Catron was in Louisville last week to attend the Roosevelt
Memorial meeting.  The Judge was down for one of the speeches.

Dr. and Mrs. H.K. Fulkerson and daughter Dorothy have returned from Central
City, Ky., where they were called on account of the death of a relative.

Judge and Mrs. B.J. Bethurum have returned from Louisville where they spent
several days with their son, Captain J.J. Bethurum.

Miss Agnes Allen who will be remembered as the popular Music Teacher in the
City Schools has taken a position in the schools at Brunswick, Mo.

Miss Amelia Saunders of Bronston, Ky. Spent several days with relatives here
before leaving for Louisville, Ky., where she will attend the Baptist
Training School.

Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Burton of Mt. Vernon, Ky., have been visiting the family of
T.V. Ferrell.  Mr. Burton has recently sold his store in Mt. Vernon and is
looking for a location.

Mr. Arthur Tuttle left this week for Chicago, Ill., on a business trip after
a visit with his parents.  Mrs. Tuttle accompanied him as far as Lexington
where she will visit her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Williams Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dexheimer and Messrs R.G.
Richardson and Cecil Williams motored to Danville last Saturday to witness
the Hanover - Central University football game.

Superintendent W.T. Caldwell and Superintendent C.M. Mitchell of the Southern
Railroad were in the city Monday night.  They spent the night here in their
private car and left Tuesday morning for Chattanooga.

Mr. James Brady will move into the Hail property on Maple street.

Mrs. J.W. Gardner of Versailes is visiting relatives here this week.

Mrs. Mary Owens is visiting Mrs. William Cordier and other relatives in
Lincoln county.

Several local baseball fans are attending the world series in Cincinnati this

Miss Fostine Cooper left Wednesday for Winchester, Va., to enter school for
the coming year.

R.L. Johnson made several good sales last week, including the Graham farm
known as the Dr. Cain farm near Ringgold, to a Mr. Eastridge, of Virginia.

Joseph Claunch who has been managing the Kirkwood Stock Farm at Murfeesboro,
Tenn., has returned home to enter school.  Just before leaving he conducted a
sale of fine cattle which brought $24,000.00

R.L. Johnson, the Real Estate man of Science Hill, left Monday for
Portsmouth, Ohio, with a car load of prospective land buyers.  He also sent a
number of prospective buyers to the Alfalfa Belt of Mississippi and Alabama.

News has been received here Major Arthur Allen has been elected Assistant
Instructor of Surgery in the Harvard Medical School.  This is quite an honor
for Major Allen and his friends here are glad to know that he is still
climbing in his profession.

Mrs. George Smith has returned from Akron, Ohio, where she went to visit her
son, Chester, who has an excellent position in Akron and is doing fine.  His
many friends here will be glad to know he is getting along so nicely.


Rev. C.C. Burton is conducting a revival at Naomi.

Mrs. Inez Hislope has been suffering from a very sore hand.

O.R. Fitzgerald is visiting his father here.

Mrs. Stella Hislope is very ill.

Miss Gertrude Floyd is visiting friends at Naomi.

The visitors at O.R. Fitzgerald Sunday were, Clifford Jasper and family of
Somerset, Misses Louisa Sharp and Mary Burton.

W. Swink has been visiting friends at Delmer.

Elkas Floyd and Rosa Clifton were married last week.

Mrs. Delia Weaver is very ill at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Gover and son have been visiting friends and relatives at
Delmer and Trimble.


A.J. Adams attended the singing at Ringgold, Sunday.

W.F. Cox bought a farm from John Godby of Science Hill and will move in the
near future.

Messrs Ira Adams and Chas. Leigh returned to Cincinnati, Sunday.

Velber Jasper is now able to be out again.

Rev. John Hudson and family spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. P.C. Newell at
Oil Center.

Miss Lula Adams was a guest of her sister Mrs. Mabel Jasper of Mt. Hope
Wednesday and Thursday.

John T. Dick and son are on the sick list.

Misses Effie and Tincie Flynn of Oil Center were Saturday night guest of Mrs.
Bessie Meece.

Joshua Dick sold his farm to John Dick.

Finley Adams and Wendell Cannon went to Cincinnati, Sunday.

Sam Roy is some better at this writing.

Misses Lola and Roxie Dick, Lulu and Rhetta Adams and Anna Baugh spent Sunday
afternoon at Bethlehem.

Dock Dick and family visited at Albin Irvine's Sunday.

Geo. Dick bought of Harvey Godby a farm for $2,700.


There will be a soldiers reunion at this place October 11th.  Everybody

Clarence Robbins was in Cincinnati, Sunday.

Messrs Judge Baugh and Wendall Mercer of Science Hill attended church here

Millie Ashley spent the week with her sister Mrs. Dora Thompson of Briery.

Among the visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hall, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crawford, and Mr.
and Mrs. W.R. Robbins.

Isaah Correll and sister Nellie, Wayne County, have been visiting relatives

Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Godby of Cincinnati have been spending a few days with

Montie Ashley was a Friday night guest of Ima Robbins.

Mt. Zion.

Sam Hollars is able to be out again after being very ill with typhoid.

Tom Correll of Wayne County was here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Newell visited his brother, Rev. P.C. Newell of Oil Center,

Mrs. Virgil Baugh spent last week with her mother Mrs. Alex Dick of King Bee.

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hall of Somerset visited his sister Mrs. Warren Baugh
last week.

Mr. and Mrs. John Reid of Lincoln county visited his aunt, Mrs. W.S. Newell
last week.

"Aunt" Jane Howell is among us again from her visit in Ark.

Will Cox will move in the near future to Science Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Adams, Elisa Baugh and aunt Jane Howell attended the
Nazarine church Sunday and took dinner at C.A. Mercer's.

Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:39 CDT

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