Submitted by
to mail list and used here with permission.
The Somerset Journal-The Oldest Democratic Newspaper in the Mountains of Kentucky Feese
& Williams |
Gov. James M. Cox Predicts
Great Victory For Democratic Party. Wires Mr.
T.V. Ferrell. Governor James M. Cox, Democratic nominee for
President, sees
a great victory ahead for the Democratic ticket. In a
telegram to Mr.
Ferrell, Campaign Chairman, he urges every Democrat to work hard
until the
election. Many Eastern states that have been in doubt are
now placed in the
Democratic column. The telegram to Mr. Ferrell said: T.V.
Democratic Campaign Chm., Somerset, Ky., Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct.
26th, Reports
from National Headquarters today add New York, New Jersey,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire as Eastern states
we shall
carry. This means great ground swell has struck East and
wonderful victory
is in sight. I ask and will appreciate your unceasing
efforts from now until
election day and unfailing vigilance at the polls. James M.
Tuttle - Blank. News has just been received here of the
marriage of Mr.
William P. Tuttle , son of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Tuttle, to Miss
Hellen Blank, of
Emporia, Kansas. The wedding took place on the 12th of
October at Oakland,
California. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle sailed from San Francisco
to the Hawaiian
Islands on the 27th. Mr. Tuttle has been manager of a large
plantation near Honolulu for the past year. He has a very
position and is making good. He is a graduate of the
Somerset High School,
the Kentucky State University, and took a course at
Cornell. While in school
Mr. Tuttle was a star athlete and was considered one of the best
players in the South. His bride is a most accomplished
young woman. She is
a graduate of Manhattan University, Emporia, Kansas. It was
while Mr. Tuttle
was coaching the University football team that he met his wife.
Pitman Coal Co. The Pitman Coal Co. has been incorporated
for $12,000 with
S.G. Cain, A.C. Coffey and Alger Weddle as the
incorporators. They own a
mine on Pitman Creek and are furnishing quite a great deal of
coal to
Somerset people.
Stanfield Here. General Manager J.H. Stanfield of the
Southern Railway, was
in the city Tuesday conferring with Supt. Clements and other
officials. He,
with other local officials, were guests of Mr. Joe H. Gibson at
the show at
the opera house Tuesday night.
Off To Tech. The Centre College Football team will pass
through Somerset
tonight en route to Atlanta, Ga., where they will play Georgia
Tech on
Saturday. Quite a number of rooters will accompany the team
and several from
Somerset will join them and make the trip.
New Paper. For the 'steenth time Somerset is to have a
Republican political
newspaper. They come and blossom forth in great glory and
then fade away
never to be heard of again. It seems in Pulaski County
every faction of the
Republican party must have a newspaper - quite an expensive thing
to have -
but - what is expenses when an office is at stake? The
Journal has seen
dozens of them come and go - just like this one will - but thanks
to loyal
friends we are still here doing business. The people
are tired of so much
politics and if we read them rightly they will not support any
started for personal and political gain. What we need in
Pulaski County is
construction and not destruction. These political sheets do
more harm to the
county in one year than can be repaired in ten. Who the
editor will be we do
not know. Who the owners are we can guess. You have
our sympathy gentlemen
on Saturday - pay day.
School Race Is Getting Interesting. Circulars Issued By
Both Tickets. The
race for election to the City School Board has taken on unusual
owning to the fact that a fight is being made on the present
board by certain
people who are against a $1.50 tax rate to operate the
schools. It is
thought that the old board will be re-elected by a good majority,
however, as
their administration has proven most satisfactory. The
present board has
issued a card in which they show why it was necessary to put the
tax rate at
$1.50. They give a complete statement of the moneys needed
to conduct the
schools for the years 1920-21. This statement is published
in another part
of the Journal and every voter should read it and not be misled
by false
statements that are being circulated by certain people more
interested in
their pocket book than in the schools of the city. The
opposition to the
present board is led by Tom Scott, who is taking an unusual
interest in the
race. Mr. Scott filed the papers for the opposition ticket
and is busy
electioneering for them. Probably no board has given as
much of their time
and have done so much for the schools as the present board.
They are all
Somerset's best business men and have a great pride in our school
They have been endorsed for re-election by many of the most
business men of the city as well as other voters. The
members of the present
board are: T.E. Jasper, R.G. Williams, Jr., O.G. Peterson, A.E.
Barnes, Roy
McDaniels and William Ramsey. Those running in opposition
to this board are:
James Denton, W.A. Moore, Mrs. Woodson May, Mrs. Lottie Propst,
Anderson, John LeTollier. The names of these candidates
will appear on a
separate ballot and it will be necessary to stamp an X in the
square opposite
the names.
Fiscal Court In Session This Week. To Build Bridge Over
Pitman Creek near
Elihu. The Pulaski County Fiscal Court was in session
several days this
week. They ordered a steel bridge to be constructed over
Pitman Creek just
east of the Elihu Railroad station on the old Coal Bank
Road. Citizens
living in that neighborhood have agreed to construct the
abutments free of
charge. George G. Waddle, Granville Lorton and other
citizens living near
Oak Hill Church appeared before the Court and agreed to purchase
worth of the county's bonds if the money would be spent for the
reconstruction of the old pike on Stones Ferry Road. The
proposition was
accepted by the county. It was ordered that the county
finish the work on
the Hail road east side of Buck Creek which was started by the
citizens of
that section. J.V. Wesley as appointed to settle with
Sheriff Weddle for
county levy, road and bridge road funds and common school taxes
for 1920.
Killed By Train. Judge Baugh, of Science Hill, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William
Baugh, was instantly killed last Sunday afternoon when he rode
his motorcycle
into passenger train No. 11. Mr. Baugh was traveling at a
lively clip and
did not see the approaching train. He dashed into the train
just between the
engine and first car. His body was mangled almost beyond
recognition. The
accident is a very sad affair and convinces us more than ever
that there
should be some warning at the crossing to announce the approach
of a train.
Stanford Afraid. The manger of the Stanford high school
football team called
Coach Dexheimer of the local eleven Tuesday and informed him that
he would
have to call the game between Stanford and Somerset off as his
boys were not
in a class with Somerset and they would be unable to play.
If that is not
showing the white feather we will give it up.
Election Returns. The public is invited to the Journal
office on next
Tuesday night to receive the election returns. We will get
special bulletins
from all over the country and will keep open until the result is
known. A
bulletin board will be placed in front of the Journal office
where the
results will be posted. Be present early and stay late.
To Build. Mr. Chas. Candler, who just recently purchased
the Isom restaurant
in South Somerset, will add two more stories to the
building. He will make
the rooms for living quarters. Mr. Candler also purchased a
lot adjoining
the restaurant and will build on it soon. He is making
these improvements
for the convenience of the railroad people.
Back To Johnson. Mr. J.E. Waddle, manager of the Pu-John
Oil Co., spent
several days at home this week. He returned to Johnson
County Tuesday to
drill in the third well for the company. Mr. Waddle says
that the gas well
will test over a million and a half feet. The outlook for
the company is
very bright.
Employ Attorney. Atty. E.T. Wesley has been retained by a
number of citizens
to jointly with the city, enjoin the collection of the increased
proposed by the Gainesboro Telephone Company. This action
will be taken up
at once as the increased rates become effective November 1, 1920.
At Burnside. Mrs. Will D. Oldham of Lexington spoke at
Burnside last night
in the interest of the Democratic ticket. She was greeted
with a large crowd
and it is said made many votes among the women for the Democratic
Burnside Democrats are working hard and will give a good account
themselves on election day.
Harvard Wins. Forty-five thousand football fans saw Harvard
College triumph
over Centre College, of Danville, last Saturday at Cambridge,
Mass. The
final score was 31 to 14. It was the greatest football
battle ever staged in
the great Harvard Stadium and it was the first time that Harvard
had been
scored on in four years. In the early stages of the game,
Centre emerged
seven points ahead but was soon tied. In the last quarter
Harvard scored a
drop kick and two touchdowns. Harvard's heavy defense was
too much for their
lighter opponents and speed and strategy could not overcome the
power of the
Crimson varsity. On offensive Centre was Harvard's equal
and Captain "Bo"
McMillin was easily the star of the game. Sharing the
honors were our own
"Red" Roberts and "Red" Weaver. Roberts
made the first touchdown by a line
buck. He played a great game. Jack Converse got into the
game and played one
entire quarter at end. He showed up well. McMillin,
Roberts and Weaver, it
is said, made their places on the All-American. The special
train that
carried the football team and 300 rooters left Danville Thursday
morning at 8
o'clock and arrived in Boston at noon Friday. Returning the
train left
Boston at midnight Saturday and arrived in Danville Monday
morning at 8
o'clock. A stop of five hours was made at Buffalo to allow
the fans to visit
Niagara Falls. H.C. King, District Passenger Agent of the
Southern Railway
was in charge of the train and he saw to it that everyone was
made as
comfortable as possible and that everybody had a good time.
complimented the excellent service given by the railroads and
company. Mr. F.H. Wipper of Cincinnati, Assistant General
Passenger Agent,
of the Cleveland, Chicago and St. Louis Ry., also made the trip
to assist Mr.
King and to see that everything went off well.
Republican Speaking. Fearing that they will not carry
Pulaski County by as
large a majority as usual the Republicans have been importing
speakers of
every caliber into the county. Last week Don C. Edwards and
Caleb Powers
spoke from the same platform and the day before Chas. Finley was
here. On
Monday Mrs. Christine Bradley South and Congressman Robsion spoke
to a fair
crowd at the opera house. On Saturday another lot of
speakers will be here.
With all of this the Republicans have not been able to stir up
enthusiasm among the voters.
Bridge Completed. The approach to the Pitman Creek Bridge
is now completed
and the bridge is in use. It is proving quite a convenience
to the citizens
of Burnside as well as to Somerset people. The great need
of it is shown by
the large amount of travel. The citizens of Burnside and
Somerset are
planning on a road working day to put the road leading to the
bridge in
better condition.
For Sale. One four-year-old horse, in good condition; will
trade for hay,
grain or other stock. Mrs. Cora Chestnut, Somerset, Ky.
Rotten Show. The attraction at the Gem Opera House Tuesday
night called "The
Moon Girl" was about as rotten as it possibly could
be. The house was packed
and everyone went away thoroughly disgusted. It was no
fault of the
management of the Gem as the show came to them highly
Linotype Arrives. The Somerset Journal's Model 14 Linotype
machine arrived
this week and we will have it up and in operation within the next
few days.
This is the latest and finest machine that is put out by the
Linotype Co. and we invite our friends and patrons to come in and
see it in
operation. It will increase the efficiency of our office
and give us the
best equipped newspaper plant in this section of Kentucky.
Circuit Court Opened Monday. Judge Delivers A Strong Charge
To The Grand
Jury. The October term of Circuit Court opened last Monday
with Judge
Bethurum on the bench and Commonwealths Attorney Flippin at his
post. There
was a large crowd in town. On account of Republican
political speaking there
was little business transacted. In the morning Judge
Bethurum spoke and in
the afternoon Congressman Robsion and Mrs. South. Judge
Bethurum's charge to
the grand jury was as usual very strong. He told the grand
jury to make a
thorough investigation of the illegal sale of whiskey and
moonshining and to
summon every person they thought could give them information
before the jury.
He also went after the pistol toters and gambling.
Judge Bethurum is
determined to break up the lawlessness that prevails if he
possibly can. The
grand jury is one of the best that has ever been empanelled and
we look for
some good results. The following is a list of the juries:
Grand Jury - V.B. Stone, foreman, Wm. Grabeel, Shack Whitaker,
Lewis Gover,
Bowen Vaught, Ben Lair, Scott Smith, Jonathan Blevins, S.M.
Campton, W.E.
Kelley, W.D. Chestnut, H.C. Bryant.
Petit Jury, Panel No. 1 - L.M. Bolton, Clarence Bryant, Logan
Pointer, John
Kaylor, Sam Childers, Geo. Whitis, C. Simpson, James Turpen, Jas.
S. Vaught,
H.T. Baugh, Green Whitis, Oscar Girdler.
Petit Jury, Panel No. 2 - George Baker, L.T. Dick, E.W. Ratliff,
Cundiff, J.R. Chaney, J.T. Whitaker, Samuel Wariner, Chas.
Whitis, J.H.
Silvers, James Nelson, M.A. Phelps, Fayette Vaughn.
Reserve List. Miles Wesley, Oscar Hubble, L.R. Colyer, Joe
Weddle, Riley
Jasper, Luther Kyle.
Captain Tuttle Will Vote The Democratic Ticket This Year, So He
Reporter. The Danville Advocate published the following
article that will be
read with interest in Somerset. Captain Tuttle is well
known in Somerset and
the fact that a Republican of his standing and type is to vote
for Cox will
have a great influence among the independent voters.
Capt. John W. Tuttle,
of Monticello, for fifty years leader at the Wayne County bar;
Captain in the
Federal army during the Civil Ware and a life-long Republican,
announced this
morning at the Hotel Gilcher that he will cast his vote for Gov.
James M. Cox
for the presidency on the second day of November. Capt.
Tuttle is
eighty-three years of age and this will be the first time he ever
placed his
vote under the rooster. He is the youngest looking man of
his age who has
been seen in Danville in many a day. He is en route home
from Williamsburg
and Corbin where he has been acting as referee in some bankruptcy
cases. He
was Captain of Company G, Third Kentucky Infantry, under Col.
Thomas E.
Bramlette. He was in the battle of Perryville but did not
take part in that
engagement. He was an intimate friend of the late Major
Daniel Collier, of
Lancaster; Gen. Speed Frye of Danville; Capt. Samuel McKee of
Capt. McKee was later promoted to position of Colonel and was
killed in the
battle of Stone River. Capt. Tuttle says that a Lincoln
Republican and a
Wilson Democrat are one and the same. The great Lincoln was
for union as a
mater of promoting peace and maintain peace and his views along
this line
have proven to have been correct by actual test covering a period
fifty-five years in the United States. If union was good
then as has been
proven it is good now, according to Capt. Tuttle, and he is
therefore for the
League of Nations with reservation. In his opinion to
surrender the League
of Nations means surrender to Germany; which would have been
practically the
same as a Confederate victory in the United States during the
Civil War.
Capt. Tuttle says great questions of the country's sacred honor
like this
must rise above all politics if the peace of the world is to
endure. He
thinks Harding is a weak man and the Republican platform unworthy
of the
support of any patriotic American. Capt. Tuttle states he
will vote for
Senator Beckham over Richard P. Ernst for United States Senator,
and not
because he thinks more of Beckham personally than Ernst, but
Beckham's principles are in accord with his ideas of what
constitute a true
American patriot. Capt. Tuttle is of the opinion that the
League of Nations
without reservations is the greatest stride toward world peace
that has ever
been taken. All the leading preachers and church men are
for it and the
foremost statesmen in all parties recognize its meritorious
although some of them place partisan politics before the honor of
country. Capt. Tuttle knows what war is. For four
years he defended the
union and he did it as a matter of patriotic duty. Now if
that union is
good, why is not a larger and more powerful union now equally as
important in
the matter of suppressing future wars. He is fighting for
future generations
and for lasting peace. He says that in union there is
strength; while
nations divided against each other will eventually fall.
His opinion of
Senator Lodge, Will Hays and other big Republican leaders who
have thrown
down their country for partisan politics rather than stand out
fearlessly for
the future peace of the world is by no means the best.
Capt. Tuttle fought
for the freedom of the colored race and in his opinion if they
wish to dwell
in peace in the future and enjoy the greatest prosperity they had
better vote
for Gov. James M. Cox and the League of Nations, or as he terms
the Union of the Nations.
If President Lincoln were living today, the League of Nations
would have no greater
advocate in the war scarred veteran. He says he does not
call himself a
Democrat but that he is a patriot and he is unable to realize how
any friend
of the great Lincoln could fail to endorse the League of Nations
in honor of
the memory of that great unionist. Capt. Tuttle has been a
war horse in
Republican politics in Wayne County for nearly two
generations. Speaking in
a lighter vein, he said he had encouraged Breck Berry, the
Rankins, and
Laniers to move to Boyle County because they were such strong
Democrats but
that part of his business here now was to induce them to return
to Old Wayne
as he was anxious for that county to roll up a big majority for
the League of
Nations, the salvation of the country.
Marriage Licenses. Since our last report the following
marriage licenses
have been issued from the County Clerk's office: Jacob W.
Meece, 38, to
Kattie Adkins, 34; Clyde E. Burton, 18, to Mary A. Burton, 18;
Berlin Thurman
, 30, to Della Mae Vaught, 20; Parker R. Tanner, 22, to Mamie
Childers, 19;
Andrew G. Hunt, 24, to Viola Harper, 15; Wm. Lester Phelps, 21,
to Vella
Speak, 18; Charles G. Watson, 24, to Susie Boone, 19; Earl Ernest
16, to Gold Helen Bray, 18; Thomas G. Bland, 21, to Vercie C.
Beasley, 19;
Charlie P. Kenney, 40, to Cordelia Mounce, 36; Joseph N. Stigall,
25, to
Lillie Ethel Strunk, 38; Solomon E. Griffin, 35, to Emma Ethel
Renner, 23;
Ruben O. Perkins, 18, to Leetta Young, 19; Wm. E. Smiley, 50, to
Cora E.
Adams, 16.
CUNDIFF. "Uncle" Jimmie Cundiff, a very highly
respected old gentleman, died
at his home at Shafter last Saturday. He was 82 years of
age and well known
all over that section of the country. Funeral and burial at
Oak Hill Monday.
THOMPSON. The little four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Thompson
died at their home on Wait's Hill, South Main St., Monday.
The remains were
laid to rest in the City Cemetery Tuesday. Much sympathy is
extended to the
parents in the loss of their little daughter.
PING. Jennie May, the 17 months old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Ping,
Columbia Crossing, died Sunday after a short illness.
Funeral services were
conducted by Rev. W.L. Clark at the residence Monday morning and
the body
interred in city cemetery.
Hospital News.
Mr. Ray Sellers, who had a hip dislocated, is improving nicely
and will soon
be able to return home.
Mr. Quincy Jones of Welborn who has been here since Saturday for
returned home today.
Tyler Combest of Oak Hill who was operated on for appendicitis
last Saturday
is getting along as well as could be expected.
Edith Bishop, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bishop, of for
returned home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gadberry of Norfleet, whose team became frightened
and ran away
with them, were not seriously hurt. They were brought to
the Somerset
General Hospital and their wounds were dressed and they returned
to their
home the same day (Monday).
Dr. Bud Cain, of Pine Knot, who was threatened with appendicitis,
is much
improved and will soon be able to return to his home.
Miss Flora Burton is improving nicely.
Mrs. Robert Guffey who underwent a slight operation last week,
has recovered
sufficiently to return to her home.
We want to urge every Democrat woman voter in the county to go to
the polls
next Tuesday and vote. It is a duty you owe to your country
now that you
have been given the right of suffrage. If every woman will
do her duty on
election day, Pulaski County will make a most excellent showing.
Somerset joins in with Danville and Kentucky in welcoming home
the great
Centre College football team and we take off our hats to Captain
McMillin and our own "Red" Roberts and Converse and to
Weaver. Somerset
feels a great pride in the accomplishments of this great football
because the Somerset high school gave to Danville her stars -
Weaver, Roberts and Converse.
The first street that should be fixed in Somerset is South Main
leading to
the Depot. This street is a disgrace to any
community. In dry weather it is
so dusty that one can not see three feet ahead. It is the
street all the
railway employees travel and by all means should be put in good
condition. If
we are to have a good town and keep our people satisfied we must
have better
streets. Let work begin on this street at once.
The munificent sum of $25,000 awaits Ed Morrow, Teddy Roosevelt,
Chas. F.
Ogden or any other of the Republican orators who can make good
assertion that the League of Nations deprives the United States
of any of its
sovereignty. This sum has been offered for such proof by
the organization of
pro-league Independents and Republicans, of which Prof. Irving
Fisher is
President. Will Hays and George White, the National
Committeemen, will be
permitted to select the jury of twelve, and if any of our glib
orators can convince them they are telling the truth, they will
be given the
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Noll were in Danville last weekend.
Miss Bertie Owens will spend Sunday in Lexington with friends.
Miss Ruby Weddle of Hustonville has entered the Somerset Business
Miss Thelma Sloan was at home from Trimble last Sunday. She
is teaching
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Marcelliott and daughter Miss Anna, spent
several days in
Somerset this week.
Mesdames O.H. Waddle, A.M. Girdler, A.R. Humble and J.E. Girdler
attended a
Methodist Missionary meeting in Stanford this week.
Mrs. King Grinstead has returned to Louisville after a visit with
her mother
Mrs. H.A. Lindle.
Miss Anna Sloan who is teaching at Georgetown was at home for a
visit last
Mr. and Mrs. Owen D. Goodloe entertained the officers of the
Epworth League
on last Friday evening. Refreshments were served.
Miss Blanch Craig will visit friends in Chattanooga this weekend.
The Men's Bible Class of the First Methodist Church will give a
social at the church Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Swaim will move to the Cumberland Sanitarium
the first of
the month and Mr. and Mrs. Hankis will occupy their apartment.
Miss May Whitson received a letter Monday from her niece, Mrs.
W.A. James, of
Calexico, Calif., announcing the arrival of a baby boy on October
19, 1920,
"Walter Earl." Mrs. James will be remembered here
as Miss Ella Sears of
Mark, Ky., daughter of Mrs. Ina Sears.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDaniels spent several days in Cincinnati.
Miss Bertha Hamilton is visiting her sister Mrs. J.S. Arnold, at
Kenova, W.
Rev. W.G. Montgomery spent several days in Columbia on business.
Mrs. W.J. Davidson of Burnside was in the city Saturday shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Phelps of Silerville, Ky., spent last weekend
Mrs. Mary Carr is in Lexington this week attending the Grand
Chapter meeting
of the Order of Eastern Star.
Mrs. Guy Duvall of Lexington spent several days with her parents
Mr. and Mrs.
Jno. Woods.
James Denton spent several days with his sister Mrs. McChesney at
Mr. and Mrs. James Austin are visiting relatives in Georgia this
G.W. Babcock has returned to his home at Sun Bright, Tenn., after
a visit
with his daughter, Mrs. E.D. Mason.
Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Moore were in Lexington this week for a few
The Somerset High School Board of Education entertained the
faculty at dinner
last Friday evening at the high school building. The meal
was prepared by
the domestic science department and was elegantly served under
supervision of Miss Otter. The tables were very
artistically decorated. The
place cards were furnished by the art department. After the
dinner several
talks were made by members of the faculty and board.
Mr. Alvin Dikeman is enjoying a motor trip thru the east.
Raymond W. Day, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Day, returned from
Mich., this week where he graduated from the Michigan Automobile
School. He
finished with high honors and we predict a bright future for this
young man.
Mrs. J.T. Weddle is visiting her daughter Mrs. Arthur Allen in
Mrs. Hershel Humble is visiting her parents in Paris, Ky., this
Mrs. J.M. Roberts is spending several days in Louisville with her
Mrs. M.E Burke.
Mr. S.C. Phillips who has a good position with the L&N RR at
Ravenna, Ky.,
has been home on a visit.
Mr. John Goodloe attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. John
Owens in Danville on last Wednesday.
Mrs. Delia McGee is spending several days in Danville with her
son James
McGee and family.
Mr. C.H. Moore returned Sunday from Woodburn, Ky., where he was
called on
account of the death of his sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cosby spent the weekend in Danville.
Mr. Clay Miller spent several days in Mt. Sterling with his
Mr. Ernest Hudson spent Saturday and Sunday in Danville with
Mr. and Mrs. William Clark will move the first of the month to
their new home
recently purchased from J.T. Waddle. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kohler will
occupy the
Clark home this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Ware have returned from a delightful trip to
California and
Arizona. They visited their son, Lewis, at Globe, Arizona,
and report that
he has a splendid position and is getting along nicely.
Mr. Perry James of Berea, Ky., was in Somerset last Friday and
called at the
Journal office to renew his subscription.
C.W. Porter of Stearns who has been a locomotive engineer for the
Coal & Lumber Co. for 14 years, was in town last Saturday on
A mighty fine boy - Charles Edwin - was born at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W.
Boyd Morrow on the 21st.
Mrs. Edwin P. Morrow of Frankfort is visiting her mother Mrs.
O.H. Waddle
this week. Mrs. Morrow has just returned from a swing thru
several Southern
states with the "Governor's Special."
Mr. L.V. Armentrout of Frankfort, Ky., staff writer for the
Courier Journal,
was in Somerset this week.
Mr. Eben Porch of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting homefolks.
This is Mr.
Porch's first visit back to the hold home in seven years.
He is connected
with the Kansas City Stock Yards.
Miss Bee DeVine of the Southern Railway force spent Sunday in
Mr. C.O. Bond spent several days in Danville last weekend.
Mr. Guy Coomer of the Southern Railway office force saw the
football game. While away he visited many places of
interest in the east.
Rev. B.J. Boland of Henderson, Ky., spent several days in
Somerset this week.
His many friends were delighted to see him.
Miss Georgia Lewis of Sloans Valley spent several days with Miss
Fathers Martin and O'Conner of Louisville, Father Osmund of
Danville, and
Father Roland of Henderson were in Somerset Sunday for the
devotion service.
Miss Blanch Kennedy was at home from Hamilton College Sunday.
Burnside. Mrs. M.J. Dick is home after an extended visit
with relatives in
Indiana … Mrs. R.O. Lewis was the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. T.B. Grissom,
in Erlanger, this week … Mrs. Geo. Stanley of Stearns was
the guest of Mrs.
J.W. Fitzgerald last week .. Mrs. V.R. Southwood as in Somerset
Tuesday … Mrs. G.C. Nunn entertained at dinner Friday
evening Mrs. W.J.
Davidson and her guest, Mrs. C.A. Shobe, and Mrs. W.S. Hale, of
Tenn. … Dr. and Mrs. Tate of Somerset drove down Sunday and
were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Dugger for the afternoon .. Mesdames A.C.
French, N.I.
Taylor and J.M. Dugger were in Stanford Tuesday and Wednesday as
delegates to
the District Missionary Conference … Quite an exciting
game of ball was
played here Sunday between Somerset and Burnside. This
being for the
championship, Somerset and Burnside each having won a game of a
three game
series. The game was closely contested until the 5th
inning, Burnside having
made one run in the 1st. Three hits and two errors allowed
Somerset to make
four runs in the fifth, then Camden made a Babe Ruth in the 8th,
having one man on base, which made the score 6 to 1 in favor of
Somerset. In
Burnside's half of the ninth a walk for Parrigin and four hits
Burnside five runs which made the score 6 to 6. Somerset
was retired in one,
two, three order in their half of the tenth. Burnside then came
to bat, Heath
made a two bagger, then Parrigin a base hit, and at this point
the umpire
called Heath safe at third, the play being close, although both
agreed that the runner was safe, Somerset players left the
field. Somerset
would no doubt have finished the game but they were out of a
pitcher and
besides it was as certain as anything could be in baseball that
would have made another un and won the game. They had men
on second and
third and no one out. The umpire declared the game won by
Burnside, score 9
to 0. Come again, Somerset, next year and try to be better
sports and not
get cold feet when you see you are up against the real thing
… Mesdames G.F.
Fagaly, C.C. Greeno and Carry Fagaly entertained with a party
afternoon in honor of Mrs. Davidson's attractive guests, Mrs.
C.A. Shobe, and
Mrs. W.S. Hale, of Knoxville, Tenn. … Dr. and Mrs. N.D
Stigall spent
Wednesday in Lexington attending the meeting of the Grand
Chapter, O.E.S. …
Dr. A.T. Fagaly of Lawrenceburg, Ind., was the gust of his
brother G.N.
Fagaly, this week … Mr. and Mrs. Louis Campbell and daughter
were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Hamm of Somerset over Sunday … C.J.
representing the Courier Journal of Louisville, was in town this
week … Mrs.
J.M. Mitchell was shopping in Somerset Tuesday … Miss Alta
Girdler returned
Sunday from a visit with relatives in Cincinnati … A large
crowd of young
people attended the pie supper given at the school house in
Antioch Saturday
night … Miss Stella Thurston and Oscar Simmons of
Monticello, motored to
Somerset for the day Sunday.
McKinney. Bro. Crow filled his appointment at Union Sunday
night … Cyrus
Harrington and wife who have been visiting relatives here for the
past few
weeks left Thursday for their home in Montana … Mr. C.A.
Bishop is improving
some now … Miss Ella Vaught visited Elsie and Ina Harmon
Sunday … W.C.
Wilson and family and Roy Mitchell and wife were guests at J.C.
Sunday … Claud Fugate and family of Ohio who have been
visiting his parents
W.M. Fugate and wife, returned home Sunday … Berlin Thurman
and wife spent
Saturday night at R.L. Crawford's.
Pisgah. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Casada and children and Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Hall
and children, of Pulaski, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker
Saturday … The
Misses Evelyn Vaughn and Thelma Claunch, who are attending
Somerset High
School, spent the weekend with home folks … Mr. and Mrs.
J.M. Lloyd, Mrs. Jim
Johnson and Mrs. Willie Bryant of Burnside were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs.
Lum Harvey … D.S. Claunch and Glen Heaton were in Science
Hill one night last
week … Everet Gholson had a fine horse to die last week
… Dr. Robinson and
brother of Tennessee visited E.S. and C.O. Heaton last
week. Mr. Robinson is
thinking of locating here … Misses Mabel and Nina Tucker
visited Pisgah
school Friday. Miss Desta Powers is the teacher … Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Hudson
have moved to Somerset … Mr. and Mrs. Sam O. Cowan visited
at Nancy Sunday …
Cy and Harley Claunch have purchased a Maxwell car … Mrs.
Ira Gholson of
Spaw, Ky., and Mrs. Lula Frisbie and daughters, Mae and Evelyn,
spent Sunday
with Mrs. Nan Gholson … Mr. and Mrs. George Reese visited
Mr. and Mrs. C.O.
Heaton on Sunday evening.
Bent. J.W. Steele and R.M. Stogsdill were in Somerset on
Monday … Miss
Stella Hargis was the guest of Eva Randall Saturday night …
Donnie and Linzie
Childers visited at G.W. Phelps Sunday … B. Sears was the
guest of Miss Lexie
Steele Sunday … Earl Randall and Miss Golda Bray were united
in marriage last
Thursday … Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Phelps and Miss Lela Hargis
visited at P.G.
Hargis Sunday … G.C. Phelps bought a calf from R.C. Randall.
Hogue. Last Tuesday about noon Mrs. Bettie Dick's dwelling
house and most of
its contents were destroyed by fire … Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Dick and two
children of Bethlehem, were Sunday visitors at R.A. Blevins
… Mr. John F.
Adams, who has been working in Wayne County, has returned home
… Prof. Silas
Meece closed his singing at King Bee on Sunday … Mrs. James
Hendricks who has
been quite ill for some time, is no better at this writing …
Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Dick and children and Miss Stella Dick spent Sunday at
Mr. Andrew
Spaw's of Oil Center … Mrs. Samuel Roy of Science Hill spent
a few days of
last week here … School reopened here at Center Post with
Mr. Burton as
teacher … Mr. Tommy Hall of Clifty visited his sister Mrs.
Marion Godby
Sunday … Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Roy entertained several young
folks with a bean
hulling last Saturday night … Walter Roy and family have
moved to Science
Hill .. Mrs. Enoch Pitman who has been sick for several weeks is
improving … A.J. Adams attended church at Wilson Sunday ..
Mr. Columbus
Blevins made his regular call at Dock Dick's last Sunday …
Mrs. Mary J. Dick
spent Saturday night and Sunday with her daughter Mrs. Andrew
Blevins .. Few
from here attended singing at King Bee Saturday night and Sunday
afternoon …
Mr. Chester Roy of Science Hill spent Sunday here.
Slate Branch. John Keeney and family visited at Delmar
Saturday night and
Sunday … Miss Pearl Vaught spent Saturday night and Sunday
at Science Hill
with home folks … Rev. Scott, of Wilmore, preached here
Saturday night and
Sunday … Fred Ashbrook has returned home from Arizona where
he went for his
health … Mattie Jones visited J.P. Hudson's on Sunday
afternoon … John A.
Jones had a nice mare to die Sunday … Silas Cundiff of Pine
Village, Ind.,
and Sim Cundiff of Fremont, Iowa, were called here on account of
the death of
their father .. The visitors at F.S. Ashbrook's for the past week
were John
Scafes, of Nebraska; Frank Seafes and wife of Monticello, Ill.,
and Earl
Seafes of Illinois .. James M. Cundiff departed this life on
October 24. He
was 82 years of age, and was the son of David Cundiff,
deceased. He was the
father of eight children, six sons and two daughters, Silas
Cundiff of Pine
Village, Ind.; Sim Cundiff of Fremont, Iowa; Rufus Cundiff of
Dora, N.D.;
Samuel Cundiff of Iowa; John Cundiff of Somerset; Dr. Bill
Cundiff, deceased;
Mary Foster of Indianapolis, Ind.; Lola White who resides here
with her
father. Funeral services were held at Oak Hill church by
Rev. Hunter after
which the body was laid to rest in the Oak Hill grave yard.
Soules Chapel. Rev. Wesley filled his regular appointment
at Bradley's
Chapel Sunday … Mrs. C. Harrison and children visited her
mother, Mrs. Bell
Gover Sunday … Mr. and Mrs. C.B. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. C.T.
Cundiff took
dinner with Mrs. Cundiff's brother Rob Colyer, of Somerset,
Sunday … News was
received this week from Neil Cundiff who has been in North Dakota
for some
time, that he had moved to South Dakota .. Mrs. Bill Cundiff
spent the
weekend with her brother-in-law Polk Cundiff, and Edgar Hubble,
who lives on
the old home place … Mr. and Mrs. Talley spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. King …
Mrs. Mary Lize Cundiff has been visiting relatives in
Lincoln … Miss Millie
Keyes, assistant teacher at Ringgold, had a pie supper Wednesday
night …
Lindsay Cundiff shipped four lambs to Cincinnati for 9 cents per
pound … Mr.
Hugh Gover, Misses Joie and May Kidd called on Katherine King
Sunday evening.
Possum Trot. Rev. Reece, who will hold pastorate of the
Baptist Church
preached here Sunday … Miss Louisa Scales is visiting at
Drum .. Celesta and
Florence Hall and Harvey Fletcher visited the Keith girls Sunday
… Pearl
Fitzpatrick came home from a visit with her mother Sunday,
accompanied by her
brother-in-law, Ben Brandon … Gover Neikirk and family spent
Sunday at C.H.
Fisher's … Lewis Casada and Gertrude Vaught of Pulaski
attended church here
Sunday … Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Prather visited her parents here
Saturday and
Sunday … Shelby Johnson visited his uncle Robert Humble
Friday night …
Through carelessness some one set fire to Milt Hall's woods
Sunday evening
but by 12 o'clock they were able to fight it out and little
damage was done …
C. Moore spent Saturday night with the Huey boys … Charlie
Robison spent
Sunday night with his sister Mrs. Otto Fisher.
Singleton. Several from this neighborhood attended the sale
at Mr. John
Pumphrey's Monday … There was good attendance at the Baptist
Church Sunday …
Mr. and Mrs. M.N. Ingram visited at her father's Sunday …
Mr. Solly Griffin
and Miss Emma Renner were united in marriage last Sunday .. Mr.
and Mrs.
Edmund Pumphrey are rejoicing over a new boy this week …
Miss Mainie
Singleton is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Singleton, this
week …
School is progressing nicely at Clear Fork after being closed for
weeks on account of whooping cough … Misses Esther and
Deetia Singleton spent
Sunday afternoon at Mr. Levi Osborn's … Mr. Jasper Prince
sold a milk cow to
Mrs. Frank Mitchell for $37.50 … There will be a public
speaking at Clear
Fork on Friday night. Everybody invited.
Cave Hill. J.B. Estes had a sale Thursday … Elmer
Burton is able to be up
walking on crutches after two months of a severe attack of
rheumatism …. Rev.
Float Taylor, Prof. Childers and wife, singers, are holding a
revival at Briery … Willie Cox and family and Shas. Mercer
and family of
Science Hill attended meeting at Briery Sunday night … J.B.
Estes and family
left Sunday for Illinois to make their future home … W.B.
Mulling is
repairing and building a new addition to this home .. Willie
Adams is
repairing the dam and race to his water mill.
Valley Oak. Rev. H.S. Measel filled his regular appointment
at Flat Lick
Saturday and Sunday … Mrs. L.A. Skidmore and daughter Miss
Laura, visited at
Mr. Noe's Sunday … Misses Grace Roberts and Alma Herrin of
Shopville spent
Sunday at H.H. Buchanan's … J. Helton, Sidney Lewis and
Arthur Blanton left
Sunday for Lockland, Ohio, after visiting home folks …
Stanley Farmer and
wife spent Saturday night at her father's … Zelma, the
little daughter of
John Hansford, has been very sick but is better at this writing
… Tom
Buchanan who is learning the barber trade at Somerset, spent
Saturday night
and Sunday at home … Tom Eldridge and family spent the
weekend with relatives
in Laurel County … Mrs. Wallace Phelps and baby spent Monday
at W.C. Wyrick's
… Mrs. D.B. and Miss Gertrude Wyrick visited at Joe Speak's,
near Plato, on
Thursday … Mrs. Arch Blanton of Woodstock spent Saturday
night and Sunday
with Mrs. Julia Helton … Among the visitors at James
Blanton's Sunday were:
Harvey Colyer and family, Willie Colyer, Cella Osborne and E.
Albright, all
of Woodstock.
Ansel. Sister Bruner filled her regular appointment at
Wilson Sunday and
Sunday night … Miss Hattie Wilson visited the Cooper girls
Sunday … Mr. and
Mrs. Ransom Vaught spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W.R.
Easterly …
Among those who took dinner at J.N. Estes Sunday were Perry and
Harney James,
of near Richmond, Ky., John Owens and family of near Estesburg,
Lafe Smith
and wife of Ansel …. Walter Shadoan and family visited Frank
Smith and wife
Sunday … Carl Quinton and wife will return to their home in
Decatur, Ill.,
Tuesday … Mrs. Zella Adams spent Monday with Lola Smith ..
Mrs. Albert
Campbell and little girl visited her father W.T. Cox of Science
Hill Saturday
night … Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Campbell and Albert Campbell
visited at Caintown
Pnobscott. Mrs. Harriet Measels visited her son S.A.
Measels …. Lucy Hart
visited at Mrs. Ella Griffin's Wednesday night … Delta Smith
spent last week
with her grandparents at Clarence …. Chester and Nella
Eubank attended the
sale of Maleon Warren at Woodstock Saturday … S. Griffin and
Emma Renner
surprised their friends by getting married … We were sorry
to hear of the
death of Mrs. R. Surber and infant, who were laid to rest in Etna
Sunday … Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp are visiting his mother in
Green County …
Miss Mamie Singleton is spending this week with her parents.
Delmer. Mr. Lindsay Brown of Burgin is now visiting his
brother C.M. Brown …
Hazel and Glenn Muse were the guests of Mary and Beatrice
Fitzgerald Friday
afternoon … Miss Lina and Virgie Vanhoosier were the Friday
afternoon guest
of their aunt, Mrs. Mollie E. Muse … Luther Muse made a
business trip to
Somerset on Thursday … Several from here attended the
funeral of Bellena
Wilson at the National Cemetery .. Rev. C.C. Burton will leave
here Monday to
hold a meeting at Shiplet, Ky. .. Mrs. Eliza Hart and Mrs. C.M.
Brown and
Thelma Sloan were shopping in Somerset Friday … Rev. W.W.
Stone preached at
the Nazarene Church Thursday night. A large crowd attended …
Mrs. Jane Taylor
was the guest of Mrs. Caddie Fitzgerald Wednesday evening …
Mrs. Nancy Baugh
and Mrs. Lizzie Price were guests of Mrs. Catherine Porter
Tuesday … S.W.
Burton bought a mule from Rev. F.V. Taylor last week … Rev.
W.W. Stover of
Louisville, Ky., is visiting J.C. Taylor and wife … Mrs.
Delia Weaver was
visiting her sister, Mrs. Pearl Floyd, one evening last week
… Miss Gertrude
Floyd is visiting Miss Ettie Burton.
Ingle. A revival meeting began last week at the Liberty
Church, conducted by
Rev. Frank Breeding and Rev. Billy Wilson .. Mrs. Elizabeth Allen
is no
better at this writing … Mrs. Floy Kissee is no better at
this time …
Farmers around Ingle are very busy preparing and sowing wheat
… Mr. Everett
Cain went to Wayne County on Thursday on business … Valantus
Cain has
returned from Illinois … Willie Delk and wife visited his
father-in-law Mr.
Brown Friday night … Henry Gilpin is recovering slowly from
injuries received
from being run over by a horse some time ago .. They had great
success at the
pie supper at the Liberty school Thursday night, the proceeds to
be used in
the school fair … Henry Dick took a load of apples to
Danville, Ky., on
Monday .. W.M. Rangle purchased a saw mill from Cooper &
Tarter … Mr. Henry
Dick and wife went to Russell Springs Sunday to see his brother,
Mr. John
Will Dick … Edgar Garner's team ran away Wednesday but was
caught before any
damage was done .. There is Sunday School at the Cedar Point
church every
Sunday. Would be glad if everybody would attend.
Mangum. A.C. Wesley and Alfred Wesley have gone to the
Lynch mines to work …
The home of Mrs. Bettie Dick was burned one day last week.
From reports most
of her household effects were destroyed by the flames …
Dayton Dick has moved
from here back to his home on Rock Lick Creek … Marion
Blevins will move to
the place he leaves in the near future … John Waters spent
Saturday night and
Sunday with his son, Louis Waters, of this place … The
singing taught by
Prof. Meece at King Bee closed last Sunday. Rev. George
Thompson will teach
one there in the near future … W.M. Watson and family were
the guests of
Plymp Dick Sunday … Robert Gentian has moved to his home he
recently near Willow Springs … Mrs. Effie Adams, who has
been ill for some
time, is no better at this writing … Mrs. Belle Jasper was
the guest of Hulda
Whiles Thursday … Louana Dick went to Somerset on business
Monday … Richard
Hines attended prayer meeting at Lizard Lope Wednesday evening
… Rev. Elbert
Waters preached at King Bee Sunday and also held services there
on Sunday
Eubank. Rev. Reed attended his regular appointment at the
Baptist church
Sunday … The protracted meeting began Monday evening, Oct.
25, at the
Christian church, conducted by Rev. Jas. S. Greer, of Louisville,
Everyone is cordially invited … Prof. C.H. Taylor was in
Danville, Ky., on
business Saturday .. Several from here attended the ball game at
Ky., Saturday. The boys from here were defeated but we are
sure they are
capable of playing some close games. The score was 5 to 3
in favor of
Middlesburg … Mr. C. Singleton came home from New
Philadelphia, Ohio, to make
ready for his family to move there. We sincerely regret to
give them up as
they are among the best citizens of our little town .. Mrs.
Carter returned
home from Cincinnati Thursday after a short stay with her son, V.
Carter …
Mrs. Garlon Singleton of Stanford, Ky., Mrs. D.H. Singleton, and
Mrs. Louis
Singleton and little daughter of Bowling Green, Ky., visited
their relatives
at this place the last of the week … Mr. and Mrs. I.E. Payne
and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Rice Gooch and little granddaughter motored to
Louisville, Ky.,
and spent a few days with relatives there … Dr. J.B. Acton
was in Somerset on
business last week .. Dr. Lester is having great success here and
if any one
has bad teeth he is the doctor, so call and see him. His office
is over Mr.
J.R. Nelson's store … I have been requested to announce that
the Literary
Society would not hold any more meetings at night until after the
meetings. There everyone is invited to attend. Every
two weeks a program
will be rendered unless other arrangements have been made …
Miss Leona
Henderson returned home Monday after a stay with her grandmother
Lexington, Ky.
Pleasant Hill. Mesdames Mary Hall and Jane Howl and Miss
Otha Lawrence of
Science Hill, spent Friday with Aunt Lucy Girdler, who is very
sick … Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Ashley spent Sunday with relatives at Mt. Zion …
Jesse Neikirk and
family moved to Ferguson last week … Rev. W. Reese was
present Sunday morning
and delivered an interesting sermon … Oliver Godby and wife
and Harvey Godby
and family were visitors at Worth Taylor's Sunday .. Fred Lay and
wife, of
Somerset, visited friends in this community last week and
attended church …
Mrs. Cathryn Ashley is quite sick at this writing .. Mrs. Julia
Cash and
Mable Hopper were guests of Mrs. Maggie Hopper of Somerset last
Saturday …
D.F. Ashley spent Sunday with P.B. Wesley and family … Hiram
Effrig and John
Stone have returned to their work at Cincinnati .. Miss Millie
Humble was a
Tuesday guest of Teletha Ashley.
Trimble. Mr. Will Hooser left Wednesday for Illinois.
The little infant of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burton died Tuesday evening … Mr. O.
Muse was the guest
of his sister Thursday … Pansy Muse was the guest of Misses
Ella and Lina
Vanhooser Thursday evening .. Mr. Keeney's dwelling was destroyed
by fire
last Saturday … Mr. Thomas Bland and Persie Beesly were
united in marriage on
Thursday … Mr. F.F. Hart and Chas. Wright made a business
trip to Nancy last
Friday evening … Miss Eula Barker of Wayne is the guest of
her cousin Miss
Mattie Hislope … Mr. Dewey Vaughn was the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Early Kenney
Sunday … Rev. Stover preached at the Nazarene Church at
Delmer Thursday
Cave Hill. Mr. Elmer Burton is getting along nicely
.. Willard Wesley, wife
and daughter, spent Sunday afternoon at Elmer Burton's …
Lola Wilson spent
Thursday night with Thelma and Vivian Walls … Several from
here attended the
singing Saturday night at Buncombe … Ed Smith and family
have moved to Briery
… Olney Smith of Eubank visited Ray Smith Saturday night
… Susie and Mildred
Burton and Jewel Wesley spent Sunday with Minnie and Hattie
Wilson … Mrs. L.
Crisp visited at E. Burton's Sunday.
Last Update Saturday, 14-Apr-2018 17:06:41 CDT
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller