Harrodsburg Historical Society

Library Reopened!
New decor, new archives room, new name!
Be sure to visit the new


The Harrodsburg Historical Society
220 South Chiles St.
Mailing Address: PO Box 316
Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330

The Society was chartered in 1908. Membership is $20.00 per year which includes a bi-monthly newsletter 8 to 12 pages in length. Currently running a series listing the guardian bonds of early Mercer Co., Ky. Queries free to members.

Harrodsburg, Mercer Co. Research Library Hours
Sun-Mon - closed
Tues 10:00 - 4:00
Wed & Fri 1:00 - 4:00
Thursday & Saturday By Appointment Only
Leave a message @ 859-734-5985 to arrange an appointment.
Closed all holidays.

Use of the library is free to all members, a nominal fee is charged to non-members.

The Genealogical Committee will do research @ $15.00 per hour plus the cost of 20ยข per page for copies. They have a large collection of family records & original documents in addition to a sizable collection of Kentucky books.


View Society Calendar

Books for Sale. All soft bound & postage paid.

Cemetery Records ( also includes cemeteries from surrounding counties)
Vol 1. 156pp (see table of contents for list of cemeteries)
Vol 2. 166pp (see table of contents)
Vol 3. 162pp (see table of contents)
Vol 4. 168pp (see table of contents)
Vol 5. 133pp
Vol 6. 128pp
Vol 7. 154pp
Vol 8. 179pp
Anderson Co., Ky Cemeteries

Bible Records & Family Information
Vol 1. 196pp
Vol 2. 234pp
Mercer Co Marriage Bonds & Consents 1831-1850 144pp

Old Mud Meeting House (A Pictorial History of Keig & Thomas) 42 pp

Stray Book & Tax Records 1786 -1806 273pp

Price List and Order Form (print and mail)


ARW Pension Index | Biographies | Births | Books | Calendars | Cemeteries | 1810 Census | 1830 Census | 1850 Census | 1860 Census |
1870 Census (blacks) | Church and Cemetery Locator | Civil War Rosters | Death Certs | Deaths (browse) | Deeds | Family Trees |
Archived Data (formerly GenConnect) | Guestbook | Historical Society | Lawsuits | Low Dutch Records | Mailing List | Marriages |
Mexican War Roster | Migration | Obits | 1995 Obits | 1883 Pensions | Queries | Resources | Search Engine | Surname Registry | SSDI |
Va. Land Grants | Visitor's Center | Vital Stats | War of 1812 Soldiers | Wills