If you have an upcoming reunion or news about one you have already had, that you would like to have posted, please e-mail Edie
Klaber Family Reunion
Menifee County Park
Last Saturday in July 2008
Our reunion organizer is Barbara Shubert, granddaughter of Jakie and Katie (Kinney) Klaber. Barbara lives in Albany, GA but she keeps in close contact with her uncle, Bill Klaber, who is the only living child of Jakie and Katie Klaber. Bill and his wife live right next to the Menifee County Park. My grandmother, Abbie Klaber was a sister of Jakie Klaber and my dad, Elwood Thomas Cope, was a cousin of Bill Klaber. Abbie and her sister, Myrtle, married Cope brothers, sons of Buck Cope and Mollie Egelston, and they all moved from Menifee Co. to Oklahoma in 1909. Reunion is open to anyone to attend. We have several from the Cope and Egelston families who attend each year.
When I receive the announcement from Barbara about the 2008 Reunion as to specific time and exact location in the park I will let you know. Kay
PITTS Family Reunion
Labor Day Sunday 2008.
It is at the home of Alpha PITTS WELLS/Homer Ingram on Route 36 in downtown Frenchburg. Frenchburg only has four streets and a 4 way stop, no light, just a red blinker - and is at the courthouse. There will be a big wooden sign "PITTS REUNION", with arrow, at the blinker light. Rt 36 is the North direction. Past the court house is a bridge. The reunion is located at the third house on the right, past the bridge. It is a big grey house and has a big wooden sign "PITTS REUNION" at the drive way. It is pot luck. Everyone is invited to bring a dish, pictures, documents, Bibles, etc.
For a map, send a SASE to:
Paula Pitts Kelley
PO Box 275
Frenchburg, KY 40322
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