Livingston County Births 1911-1920

The code in the child's middle name field indicates that no name was provided for the child 1=boy child      2=girl child
If the mother was unmarried then the child was assigned the mothers first and last name. If the mother was married then the child was assigned the fathers first and last name.

NOTE: Please check all spelling variations of surnames.



Child Mother DOB Certificate
Earles, Davis Davis, Sarah 09/06/1916 46972
Earles, Hanson Davis, Emma 02/23/1919 7852
Earls, Pauline Davis, Emma 03/29/1915 13878
Eastland, Margerie Morris, Hannah 11/18/1915 61911
Eastland, Marion Eastland, Hannah 12/25/1918 59329
Eastland, Wilma M. Morris, Hanah 09/01/1911 45252
Eck, Thelbert P. Games, Florence 12/03/1911 61098
Eckerson, Lyne D. Dickerson, Fannie 07/08/1918 38546
Edmond, Edna M. Fires, Fannie 03/17/1915 16149
Edmonds, Abby S. Lytton, Anna 09/27/1911 47710
Edmonds, Anna G. Tackett, Mary 11/28/1912 57801
Edmonds, Claude E. Fires, Carrie 09/22/1914 46083
Edmonds, Gordon E. Fires, Carrie 12/28/1911 61103
Edmonds, James S. Fires, Carrie 08/24/1917 46670
Edmonds, Mary L. Fires, Carrie 10/10/1919 52188
Edmonds, Richard R. Sunning, Elva 04/14/1919 23249
Edmonds, Roselee K. Fires, Fannie 03/18/1918 18081
Edmonds, Tina I Lockett, Mary 07/29/1911 34599
Edmonds, Troy T. Fires, Fannie 01/16/1912 5547
Edmondson, Adney E. Hall, Annie 10/28/1915 55779
Edmondson, Lillie Z. Hall, Annie 03/25/1913 15269
Edmondson, Virgil P. Edmondson, Annie 11/28/1915 54492
Edwards, Nola M. Nelson, L. 08/11/1911 39802
Edwards, Veatry B. Wells, Cellie 12/18/1913 65185
Eison, Courtney R. Vick, Lucy 12/16/1913 65188
Eison, James O. Vick, Lucy 11/12/1915 58848
Elder, Dorothy M. Stoval, Mattie 09/14/1919 41451
Elliott, Lal E. McElmuray, L. 09/30/1916 49208
Elliott, Marguerett McElmuray, Lura 06/01/1919 28029
Elliott, Robert E. McElmuray, L. 08/14/1914 40685
Ellis, Elsie L. Powell, Annie 02/23/1914 9116
Ellis, Mary A. Curry, Isabell 12/31/1918 59335
Ellis, Ural E. Pippin, Mary 10/16/1915 53156
Emerine, I. 1 Gleason, Mabel 06/29/1919 28025
Emerine, James E. Gleason, Mabel 10/05/1911 57018
Emmerine, Charles R. Gleason, Mabel 01/23/1914 3821
English, Litha L. Bradshaw, Leria 04/17/1920 20606
English, Merril L. Coker, Birdie 08/11/1920 41955
Engram, Roxie E. Guess, Mattie 12/10/1913 65190
Epley, Geo. T. Daniels, Lelia 07/29/1915 49683
Ernest, Gertrude L. Vick, Lora 11/23/1912 57806
Evans, Avice E. Burd, Eva 05/17/1915 27004
Evans, Beatrice G. Steele, Ada 06/01/1912 30162
Evans, John P. Heater, Addie 06/08/1912 30163
Evans, Minnie L. Anglin, Minnie 07/14/1916 36508
Evans, Nadine L. Cohen, Mary 07/03/1911 34607
Evans, Ozie E.. Anglin, Minnie 03/24/1919 58276
Evans, Rosie P. Anglin, Minnie 03/24/1919 58275
Evans, Troilus R. Hicks, Evro 03/22/1913 18075
Evans, Vivolene B. Anglin, Minnie 07/11/1914 35193
Evans, Zolene E. Anglin, Minnie 06/11/1912 30167
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