Items Needed for This Web Site
Lawrence County, KY
Formed 1821
Sharon Young Jebavy, County Coordinator Laura Brown McKenzie, Assistant CC
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and searchable data as possible. Your help is needed in this effort. Below is a list of items we are hoping to add in the near future. Won't you submit yours today? Copies of: <>Death certificates, marriage records, wills, obituaries, land grants, deeds, old post cards, old (before1960) <>family photos, landmarks, and those photos in which you hope to identify the subjects. When submitting photos, please limit the size to 100 Kb at the most. This helps those with dialup connections and those with older computers view our pages easily. Photos should be in *. jpg or *. gif format . Records for: Schools and teachers, census, war data, county leaders, old ads, letters, etc. Biographies for your Lawrence County ancestors are most welcome!
African-American Info | |
Bible Records | |
Big Sandy News | |
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Chatroom | |
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Diseases of Long Ago | |
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Kentucky Explorer | |
LA CO Web Sites | |
Landmarks | |
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Mysteries | |
Obits | |
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Tax Lists | |
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