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Smokey Valley School,  Lawrence County,  Kentucky      cir 1922

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This school was located on the Joe Cyrus farm off Route 32 about 4 miles southwest of Louisa.  It burned down (arson) in the early 1950's.

+Sheridan Cyrus  -  Left side of photo, kneeling, white shirt, left hand on chin.

+Roberta Cyrus  -  Very front row, 2nd child from right, sitting, white dress.

Estee Hay & Lestee Hay & Ms. Meade  -  Third row just left of center, twins Estee & Lestee have matching plaid dresses,  Ms. Meade (teacher) just in front of Lestee in dark dress.

+Dorothy Cyrus(?) -  2cd row 6th from right, dress with matching jacket, hands together in lap.

+Irene & Frank Cyrus  -  3rd row right of center, white trim borders the collar waist and sleeves of Irene's dress, Frank is in suit and tie. 

+Lucy Cyrus  -  3rd row 6th from the right, in plaid dress.  There is a girl between Frank and Lucy.

+Raymond Cyrus  -  Back row in front of right window, wearing suit and tie.  

(+)  These Cyrus's are the children of Joseph Morgan and Sarah (Hayes) Cyrus

If you can identify any others in this photo, please email us.