Submitted by Darrell Warner 7/19/2007
BOYD COUNTY, KENTUCKY DEATH CERTIFICATE OF TANZY WARNER Registration district number: 102 Primary registration district number: 2046 File number: 116 75 13316 Registrar's number: 273 1. Deceased name: Tanzy Warner 2. Sex: female 3. Date of death: June 8, 1975 4. Race: Negro 5. Age 86 6. Date of birth: July 10, 1888 7.Place of death County: Boyd City or town: Ashland Inside city limits: yes Street and number: 2753 Carter Ave. 8. State of birth: Kentucky 9. Citizen of what country: USA 10. Married, never married, widowed or divorced: widowed 11. Surviving spouse: nothing listed 12. Social security number: unknown 13. Usual occupation: domestic 14. Place of residence State: Kentucky County: Boyd City or town: Ashland Street and number: 2753 Carter Ave. 15. Father's name: James Smith 16. Mother's maiden name: Celia Alexander 17. Informant: Mrs. Charles Cunningham 2753 Carter Ave., Ashland, Kentucky 41101 18. Cause of death: carcinoma colon 19. Autopsy: no 20. Accident, suicide or homicide: no 21. Certification physician: I attended the deceased from 5-19-1975 to 6-8-1975 and last saw her alive on 5-19-1975. I did not view the body after death. Death occurred 11:45 am at the place, on the date and to the best of my knowledge due to the causes stated 22. Certification medical examiner: nothing listed 23. Certifier name: Malcolm H. King, MD 2301 Lexington Ave., Ashland, Kentucky 41101 6-9-1975 24. Burial: Owingsville Cemetery, Owingsville, Kentucky 6-11-1975 25. Funeral director: John Steen Funeral Home, Ashland Kentucky Marshall Steen, embalmer
26. Registrar: Debra Ann Ekers Deputy