James Hughes
Submitted by Mary
Hatton, 7/7/2006
Hughes-Inventory Book D-Vol II.
I-Pages-307-308-Recorded in the Bourbon County
October Term 1812.
Pursuant to an
Order of the County Court of Bourbon-We Edmund
Mountjoy, John Patton, Jacob Jones, and Daniel
Ayers-Commissioners appointed by said Court to
Appraise the Negroes and Personal property of James
Hughes deceased, did (after first being duly
sworn, as the law directs) appraise in current money
the above mentioned Property and so report as
follows, to wit:
On Negroe man,
named Frank appraise to-$455.00
One Negroe woman,
named Charity-$381.25
One Negroe woman,
named Grace-$300.00
One Negroe boy,
named Joe-$187.50
One Negroe girl,
named Grace-$135.00
One Negroe girl,
named Rose-$221.25
One Negroe boy,
named Gabriel-$187.50
One Negroe girl,
named Harriet-$71.25
Edmund Mountjoy
Daniel Ayers
Jacob Jones
John Patton
Bourbon County
Court October Term 1812. This inventory &
appraisement of the Estate of James Hughes, deceased
was returned into the court Executors, and the same
being examined & approved by the County, was
admitted to recorded.
Tho. P. Smith,