Barbourville Mountain Advocate

Phone: (606) 546-9225

Fax: (606) 546-3175

   April 01, 1904 LOCALS The freezes Sunday and Monday nights made the early gardens look like 30 cents. F. Faulkner is putting an addition to his house. Dozier Bros. are doing the work. Next Sunday will be Easter and all the new spring hats will be out provided the weather is bright. Dr. G. N. Jolly went to London last Saturday morning and preached there Sunday, returning Monday afternoon. Rev. C. K. Dickey came down from Pineville Wednesday to attend Quarterly meetings and returned Thursday afternoon. Frank Letcher, has moved from College Avenue to the Chamberlain house on the river just below the Richland bridge. Shelton Elliott has been making some needed improvements this week on the premises occupied by ye editor and family which are very much appreciated. Matthew Mitchell has resigned his position as postal clerk and has been succeeded by Elijah Miller who will wait upon the patrons at the window in the future. John A. Black has given his bank a new coat of paint, inside and out, which has freshened up the appearance and makes it look like an entirely new building. George W. Tye has taken space this week with us to advertise his business. Those who desire the services of a good livery rig can do no better than to give him a call. Professor W. C. Faulkner closed his subscription school, which was taught in the public school building last Friday. Prof. Faulkner is an up-to-date public school man. Rev. J. W. Simpson, Presiding Elder, preached to an appreciative audience at the Southern Methodist church Wednesday evening. He went to Middlesboro Thursday afternoon. W. M. Lockhart, who was taken last week with a mild attack of smallpox in this city, is rapidly improving, and there is no likelihood of any further spread of the disease. Rev. J. W. Sawyer delivered two lectures last Sunday morning and evening at the Southern Methodist church on the subject of "Temperance". There was a good audience out to hear him at both services and were well pleased with his talk. In the proper place in to-day's issue will be found the announcement of Mr. S. C. Early for the office of Sheriff. Mr. Early is well and favorably known to the voters of Knox county, and what we might say would have but little weight. He places himself in the hands of the party and we believe that should he be given the nomination he would be an excellent official. PERSONALS Mrs. Amos Powers, of Coalport, was in town Monday. G. B. Buckhannon, Joe H. Davis, J. M. Durham and W. H. Davis, of Artemus,have all added their names to the list of subscribers and handed us the cash. Thanks. Squire W. H. Burch, of Coalport, orders the Advocate for one year, for which he handed us the cash. John Mills, Jr. of DeWitt, has added his name to the mailing list and handed us the cash for which we extend thanks. S. C. Early, of Flat Lick, was a pleasant caller at this office Monday and renewed his subscription for a year and gave us his announcement card, for which we are very thankful. Dug Faulkner has been confined to his room with a cold and la grippe. Ben Allen left Sunday morning for Jellico, Tenn. Mrs. A. K. Cook of Pineville, was in town Wednesday visiting the family of her brother, Judge S. H. Dishman. Daniel McVey joined his wife here Saturday evening, who was visiting her mother, Mrs. Frank Letcher. They both returned to their home in Corbin, Sunday morning. John Hemphill, formerly of this city, but now of Corbin, paid homefolks a two days visit this week. James Goodin paid this office a pleasant call yesterday. CORRESPONDENCE CANNON We had quite a storm to visit us last week. It did considerable damage to the farmers by blowing down fencing and timber on their farms. Owning to the wet weather farming seems delayed to some extent. Even oat sowing and potato planting are behind time considerably. James Brooks is having considerable improvements made on his garden and other fencing. Messrs. Nash and Stephens made a flying trip to Middlesboro a few days ago. Mr. Stephens says it is a fascinating place, and thinks he will visit that neck o' the woods again. Scott Jackson, a tenant of Mrs. Kitty Brooks, is doing more farming than any man in this part. He has something near twenty acres of land plowed. Scott knows how to farm. If you want to learn everything that is going on in your neighborhood just subscribe for the Advocate, you will find out where your neighbor spent Sunday, what he did the next week, and still more. If your subscription runs out you will learn in a short time that you are not learning anything. Ben Burnett, who lives near this place, has a smile on his face when you meet him about the size of a barn door, and when asked what makes him so pleasing, he will begin in a sad funeral-like tone and tell you he has two new babies at his house - a boy and a girl. M. B. Turner and Noah Rogers, of near Jarvis' store, were lively quests of Mr. James Brooks Sunday. Going hog hunting and to a baptizing on Sunday don't run well together, especially if the hog belongs to someone else and he is ready to claim it. Sey, we don't believe the hog was yours, we believe James Harris was honest. Mr. Nash says "Blessed be the fountain," but when he tried to walk across the creek on the water and sank over his boots and came out with minnows in them, he talked quite differently. Mrs. Kitty Brooks and family were guests of Mr. James Brooks and family Sunday. Owing to the high waters there was no prayer meeting Saturday night. Next sunday is our regular meeting time at Sinking Valley. If we were a tar-heel and could produce evidence that we were by the State we occupy. Was long as we could raise a disturbance with a yellow dog or find some man's corncrib to break into or brimstone some man's chickens on their roost at night, we would never be guilty of calling any Kentuckian a "Woodenhead" There is not a truer set of people under the sun than those in Kentuck. Because the democrats are in power doesn't signify that we are all democrats Grit HOLDEN, KY John Henson came down from Pineville Monday to see his parents Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Henson. Mr. & Mrs. William Jones' baby has been very sick for several days. Lawson G. Rasnick was in Barbourville Monday. G. Ed Morris was in Pineville this week on business. W. F. Fortney, was over from Cannon Monday on business. John Tye, of this place went to Pineville Tuesday to haul lumber for D. H. Green. W. A. Goodin, who has been visiting Mr. & Mrs. Miller, returned to his home at Straight creek, the last of the week. Matthew Hawn was down from Genoa Sunday and returned Monday. G. Lee Gray and D. H. Ridnor were in Barbourville Monday on business. Miss Clara Henson looks very sad this week on account of her sweetheart being away. Steve Jones from Cannon spent Sunday with his brother, Wm. Jones, at this place. Rev. R. H. Horton, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. H. Walton, for several weeks, returned to his home at Judson, Ind. the last of the week. Mrs. Mary Morris is very sick this week. Carrie King (colored), who has been holding a meeting at the M. E. church, preached her last sermon Sunday night and will leave here in a few days. Lawson Grindstaff had a big, long, smile on his face when he returned from Barbourville Sunday. Wonder what the attraction is down there? Mrs. Thomas Goodin, who has been in Lancaster, Ky., for several days, returned home Friday. Verdant KNOX FORK Rain and mud are all the go. Miss Dora Ponder, of this place, was visiting friends and relatives in Laurel Saturday. Will Campbell passed through here Sunday. Mrs. Martha Jones was the guest of Mrs. Alie Burnett Sunday. Fred Price, of this place, shot a hawk Thursday measuring 4 ft. 4 in. from tip of wings. He thinks he has a good gun. Brad Price is in big business buying chickens and eggs. Harvey Humfleet was in London a few days agon on business. Oscar Jarvis paid Rose May Black a visit Sunday. Somebody had better look out. Mrs. Bessie Humfleet was in our midst Sunday. We are always glad to have Bessie with us. Mrs. Bettie Jarvis, of this place was visiting friends and relatives in Laurel county Friday. Joe Wells is still plowing in oats; he has sowed one bushel and says he will sow that much more if he has good luck. Two of our prettiest girls, Misses Mary Helton and Fannie Price, have gone to Grays to make their home this spring. Miss Margaret Helton, while coming from her aunt's fell from her horse, hurting herself very badly, but is better at this writing. Miss Alie Burnett will leave home to-day for Hopper. We will miss her very much. Lets all subscribe for the Mountain Advocate and find out the news. R.E.D. MESSER Mrs. Margaret Stewart came over to visit her children Friday and returned to her home in Clay county Saturday to remain with her second husband, Bat Stewart. J. Carl Simpson about two weeks got his arm broken twice by a saw log rolling over him. He is now getting better. The County Judge has stopped E. G. Saulsberry's wagons and teams from hauling on the road for thirty days on Stinking creek. Hurrah, for Judge Miller. Daw Wagner, of Stinking creek, got his child badly burned a few day ago. Eugene Messer had gone to Clay county to make his home with his stepfather, Bat Stewart. C. T. Messer and Daniel Lovett have gone to Corbin on business. John W. Sampson, of Barbourville, has lost his best girl on Stinking Creek by courting too slow. C. T. Messer, aged twenty two, went to see his best girl last week, but he got badly disappointed. She is quite young-just sixty years of age. The wild wind happeded March 22, 1904, about 2 o'clock in the evening. On Stinking creek it made all of the wild sinners call upon their Lord for help. Pleas Bailey, of this place, was hauling staves the day the storm came and caught him and his little boy about two miles from home. He said he thought his time had come to die and called upon the Lord to help him. Mrs. Lettie Shoops, wife of James Shoops, put seven children under her dwelling house floor to save them from being destroyed by the great storm of last week. John Taylor's kitchen was torn to pieces by the storm of last Tuesday week, and his wife and five children had to run to a rock house to escape. Mrs. Susan Taylor's stables and cribs were blown into the creek by the storm. John Wells was blown off his mule by the storm. He got up and looked for his saddle and saw it going down the road. The old homestead of Ellen Messer was badly torn up by the storm; it blew up about six large apple trees, and also the chimney. George Brown, of Middle Fork, had his house blown away by the storm. A. E. Watson's saw mill was badly damaged by the storm. He is now repairing it. Botner Messer, of Jackson county, came here a few days ago to work at A. E. Watson's steam mill. I guess E. G. Saulsberry, of Flat Lick, is very sick about Judge Miller stopping his teams thirty days. I hope he will get better at once. Cherry Pie SCALF (Arrived too late last week for publication) Hubbard and Hammons are still working at their stave job. They have about six thousand blocks sawed ready for splitting. David Johnson and Miss Lethia Braughton were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Thos G. Hammons last Thursday evening at James Braughton's . We wish them a happy life as they promised Mr. Hammons to nourish and cherish each other through thick and thin. Perry Hubbard is sparking his best girl each Saturday night. Look out, Mr. Parker, he will want a death warrant soon. He said, "man, you bet I like to spark." Mrs. Larkin Hubbard is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Nancy C. Hammons was the guest of Mrs. Margaret Hubbard last Sunday. We all want our postmaster and merchant, Thomas Hubbard, for our next Sheriff. What say you, fellow-citizens, of this county? Can you give him a word of congratulation as to his entering the coming campaign? John E. Bargo, of Wallend, is visiting relatives here this week. T. G. Hammons has almost gotten his ground broken the first time. He said he was going to see what virtue there is in making corn. Dry Gourd

submitted by Shawn Byrd-Johnson  


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