to right, William {Will} Thornsberry my Grandfather the son of James
{Jim] Thornsberry and Nancy {Caudill] Thornsberry. William P.[Hickory]
Amburgy my Grandfather holding child Lawrence Ambyrgy my father.
William P. {Hickory amburgy was the son of John D. {Hickory] Amburgy
And Arninda [Harris] Amburgy. Arminda [Harris] Amburgy was the
daughter of William Harris and Polly [ Vance] Harris. William P.
{Hickory] Amburgy was married to Martha {Patsy] Thornsberry, the
daughter of Miles Thornsberry and Clarenda[ Hall ] Thornsberry.
William {Wibb} Thornsberry the son of Miles Thornsberry and Clarenda
{Hall] Thornsberry. a brother to my grandmother Martha {Patsy]
Thornsberry...Submitted by:
Marvin Amburgy