Date 24 May 1929
Cert: # 32456
Name: Lisey RITCHIE
Place of Death: Voting Pct. #16, Knott Co., KY
Residence:  Ritchie
Female, White, Married
Husband or Wife of:  Isaac RITCHIE
Birth Date:  18?7
Age: 32 years
Occupation:  Housework
Place of Birth:  Ky.
Name of Father:  Thos RITCHIE
Birthplace Father:  Ky.
Maiden Name of Mother:  Tilda RITCHIE
Birthplace Mother:  Ky.
Informant:  Mary J. HUTSON
Death Date:  24 May 1929
Cause of Death:  Hemorage [sic]
Signed:  Mary J. Hutson, M.D.
Burial Place:  Ritchie Cem.
Date of Burial:  25 May 1929
Undertaker:  (blank)
File Date:  (blank)
Transcribed by Debbie Tamborski, 30 January 2009