Date  18 March 1921
Cert: #  8392 
Name:  Malinda JOHNSON
Place of Death: Voting Pct. #6, Knott Co., KY
Female, White, Married
Birth Date:  24 September 1888 
Age:  31 years
Occupation:  Housewife 
Place of Birth:  Knott Co., Ky.
Name of Father:  Daniel MULLINS
Birthplace Father:  Ky. 
Maiden Name of Mother:  Susie MULLINS
Birthplace Mother:  Ky. 
Informant:  Ben JOHNSON, Smithsboro, Ky.
Death Date:  18 March 1921 
Cause of Death:  Child bed fever 
Signed:  M. F. Kelley, M.D.
Burial Place:  Davis Franklins 
Date of Burial:  19 March 1921 
Undertaker:  Ben Johnson, Smithsboro, Ky. 
File Date:  19 March 1921 
Transcribed by Debbie Tamborski, 14 January 2009