Revolutionary War Pensioners - submitted by - Sandi Gorin
by Sandi Gorin
1 – ASHBROOK, Benjamin, No. 67 Mazella Apts., Covington
2 – BROWN, Emma G., 134 E. 10th St., Covington
3 – CHISHOLM, Martha F., 226 E. Lynn, Covington
4 – CORBIN, Maurice J., Erlanger
5 – COULTER, Miles W., 1031 Scott Ave., Covington
6 – COURTNEY, Sarah M., Eminence
7 – DANIEL, J. W., Morningview
8 – DAVIS, Effie, 1021 Greenup St., Covington
9 – ELLIS, Artemecia, 540 Garrand St., Covington
10 – FRY, Reuben, Latonia Station, Route 3, Covington
11 – FUGATE, Margaret S., 2032 Greenup, Covington
12 – HAMILTON, Sarah M., 845 Craig, Covington
13 – HANKS, Mittie L., Spring Lake
14 – HARRISON, Henry T., 309 Scott, Covington
15 – HARROD, John W., 1343 Holman, Covington
16 – HENSLEY, Mary, 818 Greenup, Covington
17 – HITE, Amanda, 511 Madison, Covington
18 – HUMPHREYS, Willia Ann, 15th & Kendall, Covington
19 – KINCHELOE, Mary, 2105 Eastern Ave., Covington
20 – KYLE, Sarah J., 2105 Eastern Ave., Covington |
21 – LOWE, Robert M., 65 E. 6th St., Covington
22 – MITCHELL, Mary, 67 W. Robin, Covington
23 – MOORE, Mary E., 605 22nd St., Covington
24 – MULLINS, Gabriel S., Lat. Station, Route 1, Covington
25 – NEVELL, James H., 1415 Kendall St., Covington
26 – O’BANION, P. T., 115 W. 5th St., Covington
27 – PARKER, C. E., Route 3, Sadieville
28 – PELL, Emma, Corner of 13th & Banlick Station, Covington
29 – PERRY, Sallie A., 1125 Banklick St., Covington
30 – POPE, Lewis C., 426 Greenup St., Covington
31 – ROBERTS, William H., Latonia Station, Covington
32 – RUDD, Susan A., Latonia Station, Covington
33 – SEEVER, Josephine, 5 Bellvue Ave., Covington
34 – STATUM, Mary E., 41 W. 3rd St., Covington
35 – STEVENSON, Margaret L., Marzella Apts., Covington
36 – STOUGHTON, May B., Covington
37 – WESTOVER, John E., 320 W. 6th St., Covington
38 – WILLIAMS, Mary E., 10 Byrd St., Covington
39 – WILLIAMSON, Parthena J., Route 2, Georgetown
40 – WILLIS, Alice V., 1815 Scott St., Covington |
Transcription from the "WWII Honor List of Dead and Missing"
This list covers the Army & Air Force soldiers only. submitted by -
Carolyn Clendenin
State Summary of War
Casualties from World War II for Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Personnel from
Kentucky Choose "NAIL Digital Copies Search" in the new window that opens. Enter
WWIICASNAVY and Kentucky as search terms to bring up the alphabetical (by name) listing.
WWII Soldiers buried in the
Netherlands American Cemetery in Margraten, Netherlands
Photographed and/or submitted by Jacki Jonas
With Permission of Sandi Gorin
Shown: Name, unit served, rank, dob of birth,
residence if shown, date of death and if remains were recovered.
Baldwin, Louis W., USMC, Pfc, 4 Sept 1932, Covington, 26 July 1953, yes.
Carney, James Charles, USMC, Pfc, 12 July 1930, Covington, 23 Mar 1952, yes.
English, Ted, USA, Pfc, 1929, 31 July 1952, yes.
Farris, Clofus O, USA, Sfc, 1931, 17 July 1953, yes.
Finn, Howard W, USA, Pvt, 1927, 31 July 1950, yes.
Fuhrman, Frederick E, USA, Pfc, 1928, 24 Oct 1951, yes.
Hattom, George C, USA, Pfc, 1923, 2 Nov 1950, no.
Johnson, Charles Lee, USMC, Pfc, 16 June 1928, Morning View, 2 Oct 1950,
Jordan, Thomas M, USA, Pfc, 1932, 6 Oct 1952, yes.
Koop, John Lawrence, USMC, Cpl, 9 Dec 1930, Covington, 11 Dec 1950, yes.
Lee, Henry A, USA, Pfc, 1930, 2 Nov 1950, no.
Maloney, Francis M, USA, Pfc, 1929, 20 Oct 1952, no.
Marsh, George W, USA, Pfc, not shown, 14 Feb 1951, yes.
Maus, Donald V, USA, Pfc, 1932, 18 Apr 1953, yes.
Murphy, Robert Elbridge, USMC, Pfc, 30 July 1929, Covington, 7 Aug 1950,
Page, Henry, USA, Pvt, 1922, 24 Apr 1951, yes.
Pettit, Thomas Junior, USAF, S/Sgt, 17 Aug 1930, Covington, 10 June 1952,
Schildmeyer, Albert F, USMC, Pfc, 16 June 1932, Covington, 15 July 1953,
Scott, Floyd Cleveland, USA, Pfc, 12 Mar 1931, 26 Sept 1950, no.
Scott, Robert F, USA, Pfc, 1931, 23 Aug 1950, yes.
Smith, Donald M, USA, Pvt, 1933, 28 Nov 1950, no.
Stone, Bernard John, USA, Cpl, 1932, 10 Jan 1951, yes.