Kentucky in the Revolutionary War
Johnson County Revolutionary War Monument
Picture by Jean Peppers
Samuel Auxier | Simon Auxier | Thomas C. Brown | John Beck |
Henry Conley | Abuid Fairchild | John Hager | Moses Preston |
Benjamin Salyer | John Van Hoose | Richard Wells |
Revolutionary War
The following is a list of revolutionary Soldiers as taken from the official order books of Mason, Floyd, and Johnson County
Soldier |
Pension Applied For: |
County Order Book |
Page |
Thomas C. Brown |
September 17, 1832 |
6 |
111 |
William Brown |
September 26, 1825 |
4 |
314 |
Edward Burgess |
December 21, 1819 |
3 |
139 |
Richard Cains |
June 16, 1818 |
3 |
27 |
James Camron |
November 27, 1826 |
5 |
183 |
James Cameron |
September 17, 1832 |
6 |
111 |
Thomas Cassady |
July 14, 1834 |
6 |
250 |
Bazil Castle |
1 (Johnson Co.) |
Samuel Clark |
January 20, 1834 |
6 |
209 |
David Conley |
4 |
180 |
Henry Conly |
Zachariah Davis |
Abiud Fairchild |
William Ferguson |
May 20, 1818 |
3 |
21 |
Wiliam Fitzgerald |
James Flannery |
1 (Johnson Co.) |
John Flannery |
1 (Johnson Co) |
Isaac Flatwoods |
4 |
131 |
Thomas Francis |
1 (Johnson Co.) |
John Hall (wife Bareba) |
January 21. 1836 |
7 |
238 |
John Hall (wife Bareba) |
June 2, 1838 (cert. # 30346) |
Thomas Hamilton |
September 26, 1826 |
5 |
182 |
William Haney |
May 23, 1826 |
4 |
362 |
James Harris |
June 17, 1833 |
6 |
168 |
Samuel Harris |
Pawley Jacobs |
William Jacobs |
Thomas Johns |
John Justice |
September 18, 1820 |
Simeon Justice |
June 15, 1818 |
3 |
26 |
Simeon Justice |
February 21, 1820 |
Simeon Justice |
September 18, 1820 |
John Kelly |
May 18, 1818 |
3 |
17 |
Thomas Lovelady |
August 25, 1823 |
4 |
178 |
Rueben Mathews |
Mat 19, 1818 |
3 |
19 |
John Moore |
February 18, 1834 |
6 |
218 |
John Moore |
7 |
78 |
John Moore |
John Mullins |
Thomas Murry |
4 |
147 |
John Porter Sr. |
November 18, 1833 |
6 |
193 |
James Pratt |
Died Oct. 8, 1854 |
Mack Preston |
December 21,1819 |
Nathan Preston |
4 |
169 |
John Smith |
4 |
137 |
Peter Sullivan |
May 23, 1825 |
4 |
287 |
Thomas Wadkins |
February 17, 1834 |
6 |
212 |
George R. Walker |
(wife Lucy) |
- (Johnson Co.) |
Benedict Watkins |
August 20, 1832 |
6 |
107 |
Richard Wells |
7 |
327 |
Alexander Young |
5 |