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Russell Carroll


    Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll of Bridgford, were notified Sunday by the War Department that their son, Pvt. Russell Carroll had died in the Philippines. No information as to the cause of his death or of the date was released.

    On January 21, 1943, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll had been informed that their son was a prisoner of the Japanese. Known to all his classmates and friends in Paintsville as Buck, Pvt. Carroll had been captain of the Paintsville Football Team in 1939. He was employed by the Nehi Bottling Company before enlisting in August, 1941. A short time after enlisting he volunteered for overseas duty and was sent to the Philippines as a mechanic in the air force before the Pearl Harbor attack. After the Philippines fell to the Japanese no word was heard of Pvt. Carroll until the following January when the War Department reported him to be a prisoner.

    The Herald joins with this young man’s friends in extending sympathy to his bereaved family.

Paintsville Herald



Entered service: August 1940 in Army air Corps.

Trained at: Macon Ga.; Army air Field, Chicago, IL.,

Embarkation 1941. Served in Pacific Theatre

Awards: Purple Heart

Rank: Sgt.

Taken Prisoner and died in concentration camp in Bataan in 1943