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James Lawson


    Mr. And Mrs. Ranzie Lawson of Lowmansville have received a letter from Col. Robert P. Bell, Commanding Officer of the outfit to which their son, T-4 James W. Lawson, was attached when he was killed in action on February 7 in Luxembourg. 

 Col. Bell writes that T-4 Lawson was laid to rest in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and that appropriate services were held by a Protestant Chaplain.  A headpiece has been erected over the grave and the plot is well cared for by the U. S. Government, according to the Colonel’s letter. Col. Bell closes his letter with the following words, “In closing, may I repeat my regret at your loss coupled with my admiration for your son’s bravery in giving his life that others might be free.”

Lawson was born in Lawrence County in 1919 near Wilbur, Ky.  He attended Oil Springs High School and the N. Y. A. at Carrollton, Ky., before enlisting in August 8, 1940.  Sailing for Iceland at the time Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese, he was attached to a medical company being transferred from Iceland to France last August.

    Survivors are his parents and nine younger brothers and sisters, grandparents, Enoch Lawson, Pedro, O., and Mrs. Elmida Lawson, Lowmansville. This young man leaves a large number of relatives and friends in Johnson and Lawrence County who regret his untimely death.
