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LODGES 1925 - 27



Paintsville Lodge No. 288

Noble grand - James Mitchell

Vice Grand - E. L. Daniel

Secretary - Mitchell Daniel

Pleasant Valley Rebekah No. 116

Noble Grand Mrs. R. A. Belt

Vice Grand - Mrs. B. H. Conley

Secretary - Miss Lurlie Pugh

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I believe in the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of man.
I believe in Friendship, Love and Truth as basic guides to the ultimate destiny of all mankind.
I believe my home, my church or temple, my lodge, and my community deserve my best work, my modest pride, my earnest faith, and my deepest loyalty, as I perform my duty "to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan" and as I work with others to build a better world, because, in spirit and in truth, I am and must always be, grateful to my Creator, faithful to my country and fraternal to my fellow-man;


Pleasant Valley Rebekah No. 116

Noble Grand Mrs. R. A. Belt

Vice Grand - Mrs. B. H. Conley

Secretary - Miss Lurlie Pugh

Rebekah Children's Services

2002 Current Information:

Paintsville: Pleasant Valley Rebekah Lodge #116 meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
e-mail address is Mailing address: c/o Denise Mollette, P.O.Box 651, Meally KY.
Noble Grand-Ruth Daniels , Vice Grand-Pam Castle, Secretary-Denise Mollette, Treasure-Wilma Storey


Encampment No. 31

Chief Patriach B F Roberts

High Priest Paul C. Hage

Senior Warden J F Pelphrey

                Junior Warden Gus Preston              

Secretary R A Belt

Treasurer Don C Van Hoose



F. & A. M.

Master                 G. C. Wells

Senior Warden     James Hammond

Junior Warden     Rudolph Oppenheimer

Secretary             Fred Atkinson

Treasure              D. H. Dorton


Royal Arch Chapter No 131

High Priest J K Butcher

King - William R. Preston  

Scribe - Frank Chandler

Secretary - Ray Turner

 Royal Arch Mason International
Chapter Charities

Eastern Star

Worthy Matron - Mrs. Fannie Archer

Associate Matron - Miss Geraldine Pugh

Conductress Miss Lurlie Pugh

Associate Conductress- Miss Elva Perry



Paintsville Camp No. 457

Consul Commander - J C Williams

Advisor Lt. - Milton Lemaster

Clerk - George E. Clark


O. R. M.

Eskabaga Tribe no. 462

Sachem - G W Carter

Chief of Records- C. J. Williams

Prophet - Monroe Slone

Senior Sagamore - S. J. VanHoose

Jr. Sagamore - Cecil Gollihue