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Honor Roll Paintsville Public School 1926

                As an incentive to more intensive study, and in order that scholastic brilliancy may receive due merit and consideration, the faculty of the Paintsville High School will each month publish in the Paintsville Herald an Honor Roll. The students will be ranked according to classes; Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen.

                Only those students who have received an average grade of "A" in all subjects will be listed. Since the grade "A" represents superior achievement, numerical value, 95-100, too much emphasis can not be placed upon the honor due a boy or girl capable of averaging "A" in from three to five subjects.

                Due to the great amount of work necessarily involved in the beginning school the honor roll for Sept was delayed. The following list has students who received "a" for the first two months of school.


Seniors- Mr. Wheeler teacher

Alice Jayne Howes

Juniors - Miss Cracraft teacher

Iva Branham

Lencia Chandler

Josephine Daniel

Ollie Adams

Freshman - Miss Williams and Mr. Geiger, teachers

Jim Bayes

Polly Preston

Herschel Robinson



Seniors - Mr. Wheeler teacher

Alice Janye Howes

Juniors -Miss Cracraft teacher

Iva Branham

Lencia Chandler

Josephine Daniels

Freshman Miss Williams and Mr. Geiger Teachers

Jim Bayes

Russell Boyd

Polly Preston

Herschel Robinson

Mabel Rice

Olga Stapleton

Estalena Borders

Goldie Stone

Eulas Williams


The Paintsville Herald

Nov 4, 1926


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