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Daughters of the American Revolution


The Paintsville Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was organized October 1925, by Mrs. Eugene Ray, of Louisville. Ky, then state regent, thenVice President General.

The society aims to keep alive the principles of those who fought for American Independence.

Charter members are:

Mrs. Mabel Auxier Rice - regent Miss May Stafford - Vice regent Miss Stella Atkinson Mrs. Geneva Wells Splane
Mrs. Virginia Hager Geiger Mrs. Maxie Auxier LaVeirs Mrs. Pauline Wells Robinson Miss Gertrude Partick
Mrs. Beulah Patrick Wheeler Mrs. Fannie Auxier Archer Mrs. Grace VanHoose Clay Mrs. Edna Stafford Smith
Mrs. Virgina Wells Taylor      

Other members:

Mrs. Sue Dixon Bailey Mrs. Carrie Vaughan Clay Mrs. Lula Hager Stafford Mrs. Leona Auxier Newman
Miss Victoria Trimble Mrs. Martha Auxier Vaughan Miss May Wiliams Miss Lula Leslie
Mrs. Willa May Preston Wheeler      

Honorary Members

Mrs. Holmes Kirk

Mrs. W. J. Dempster

 Paintsville - Harman Station EMAIL

Kentucky Chapters of D.A.R.

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